Common "Coma" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq


A medical emergency where a person is in a prolonged unconscious state is called a coma. Stroke, brain tumor, traumatic head injury, drug overdose, alcohol intoxication, brain infection, lack of oxygen to the brain, and various other causes can result in a coma. Some of the signs and symptoms of a coma are unresponsive pupils, irregular breathing, and closed eyes.

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Had surgery for FTP contusion and SDH following a RTA. When will he get conscious?

Query: Hi doctor, My dad is 60 years old. Before 15 days, he met with an accident and was injured on the right side of the head. There was bleeding on both the ears and some cholesterol like thing was there in one ear. We have noticed that, but not sure what it was. We have admitted him in the hospital and...  Read Full »

Dr. J. Mariano Anto Bruno Mascarenhas

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I have gone through your query with diligence and would like you to know that I am here to help you. He is in coma. The time to recovery will be longer and we cannot predict that now. As he is in coma, he can only feel the pain and not touch. Also, he will not be able to...  Read Full »

My neighbor has depression and I find him lying at one place. Why?

Query: Hello doctor, I got a bit puzzled with my neighbor's behavior who is about 50 years old and I was hoping you could shine a light on it. Lately, he has been dealing with depression, and I noticed something unusual. There are times when they just lie down in one place, almost like in a coma. It has go...  Read Full »

Dr. Vishal Anilkumar Gandhi

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I can understand your concern. If a person is depressed then he may get himself isolated from others. It is not common behavior to lie down without reason. If you feel any doubt just call emergency healthcare for it. You are not trained enough to check the pupillary...  Read Full »

A 55-year-old female is in coma with good vital status but eyes are still shut. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor,A 55-year-old female is in coma. Her vital status are fine, but her eyes still shut, and head surgery completed 11 days back. Please help.  Read Full »

Dr. Prakashkumar P Bhatt

Answer: Hello, Welcome to She has significant brain insult in the form of left-sided brain infarct and left-sided brain blood clot or bleeding. She may need surgery to remove one part of the skull and preserve in the abdomen for future reimplantation. Consult a neurosurgeon for a decision abou...  Read Full »

My mom is in a coma post-hemorrhagic stroke. Please advise.

Query: Hello doctor, My mother suffered a hemorrhagic stroke a couple of months back. They had to put a tube in her head to drain the fluid, and also put her in a coma. I was told that she would have a slim chance of coming out of this coma. My mom eventually had a shunt put in her head, because the fluid ...  Read Full »

Dr. Hitesh Kumar

Answer: Hello, Welcome to The neurological deficit in a patient who suffered from hemorrhagic stroke depends on the areas of the brain affected and the pressure from the edema. The tube in the brain (external ventricular drain or ventriculoperitoneal shunt) are management for that edema pressu...  Read Full »

Can a tracheostomy be removed while still in a coma?

Query: Hello doctor, My father is in coma. Tracheostomy has been done. He is off the ventilator, but has coughing problems. His GCS is 7. Is it safe to remove tracheostomy at this stage?    Read Full »

Dr. Divakara. P

Answer: Hi, Welcome to If his breathing pattern is normal and he is maintaining oxygen saturation in normal limits, he can be considered for tracheostomy closure. But if there is no significant improvement in GCS (Glasgow Coma Scale) or if not expected to improve, then better remove the trac...  Read Full »

My grandmother is suspected of a brain stroke. Please help.

Query: Hi doctor, My 82 year old grandmother is in a coma from the past 15 days. The doctors are suspecting a brain stroke. I am attaching all her reports. When will she come out of the coma?  Read Full »

Dr. Hitesh Kumar

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have seen all the attached reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity). Your grandmother has posterior circulation stroke, which has involved very compact structures of the brain (pons, midbrain, and thalamus). These structures of the brain have very co...  Read Full »

My fiance had an accident that caused a brain injury, and is unconscious. Is there a chance that he will come back to normal life?

Query: Hi doctor, My fiancé met with an accident, which caused a deep forebrain injury. It is been 22 days now, and he is still unconscious. Doctors said that brain swelling is reducing now. Also, he shows small movements like moving his lips, hands, and legs and sometimes stretching his arms too. But the...  Read Full »

Dr. J. Mariano Anto Bruno Mascarenhas

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I have read your query, and understand your concern. I regret to say that the chances of him getting up, walking, and talking are very less. In other words, if a hundred patients are in this state, less than five will be able to walk and talk. Others will be confined to...  Read Full »

My father is comatose and gets therapy. Will he survive?

Query: Hi doctor,My dad is 73 years old. He has hypertension and types 2 diabetes, but he is always under control (he is a very healthy person and does not suffer from obesity), always doing a very detailed check, and it was fine. He started vomiting blood and was admitted to the hospital immediately. They...  Read Full »

Dr. Sadaf Mustafa

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I am not sure if you explained what is going on with your dad. From the reports you shared, it seems like he had bleeding in his brain. It is severe enough to put him in a coma. The question I have is why? It could be diabetes or hypertension, but the fact that he was v...  Read Full »

My two month old baby is in coma, but could not find the cause for it. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor, I know this may be too extreme for this site, but I am seeking all the advice I can get. My 2 months old baby was normal, healthy, happy, smiling. One fine day morning, I walked over to get him and noticed abnormal breathing inhaling but not exhaling. His body was solid gray and unresp...  Read Full »

Dr. Nagasirisha Naredla

Answer: Hello, Welcome to With the information you have given, I would try to analyze his condition. First, turning gray or blue means the oxygen levels in his body are low. Reasons could be many. From what you mentioned. He seems to be bleeding in the brain, that is why his red blood cells a...  Read Full »

Can you go through the reports of my relative's daughter and suggest a treatment plan?

Query: Hello doctor, My relative's daughter, who is 16 years old, met with a car accident. She is admitted to the hospital. Please give your suggestions on her case. She is currently undergoing surgery. The below extract was of her case study. The doctors say that the body below her neck is not moving. Can...  Read Full »

Dr. Hardik Nareshbhai Rajyaguru

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I understand the case scenario. The reason behind her low blood pressure and inability to move all four limbs is actually the cervical spinal cord injury. Surgery is risky because of low blood pressure, but it is possible to operate if the anesthetic team is able to manag...  Read Full »

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