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HomeAnswersNeurologyconcussionDo I need to worry about the headache I still have three weeks after sustaining a concussion?

Three weeks after a concussion, I still get headaches. Why?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

Answered by

Dr. Eris Ranxha

Medically reviewed by

iCliniq medical review team

Published At September 19, 2017
Reviewed AtMay 24, 2024

Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

I am a 27 year old female. I am currently taking Protonix for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) caused by a low-functioning gallbladder that needs surgery for removal. However, three weeks ago, I had sustained a concussion. This is my second concussion. My first one came two years ago when I had a small brain hemorrhage from a car accident. I was able to avoid surgery because the bleed was found late and had mostly dissolved itself by the time it was discovered, and is completely gone now. I have two questions for you. What am I to expect with this second concussion? I am very nervous it is going to end up being a hemorrhage again or something worse because it is three weeks later, and I am still getting headaches. There is some pressure in my ears, and just waves of pain throughout part of my head ever so often. Also, my second question is regarding me needing a clearance from my neurologist to have the gallbladder surgery under general anesthesia. He claims he cannot clear me for four weeks. Is this true? When will I be able to get this surgery done safely? I mean, this is causing me a lot of pain and problems such as eating issues. I barely can eat and I know none of this is helping my physical condition or my anxiety. The anxiety has me through the roof. I get knots in my stomach that I do not know are from my gallbladder or my nerves. They cause me to almost feel faint. Please do help.

Answered by Dr. Eris Ranxha


Welcome to icliniq.com. I am sorry for the accident and the health problem you are suffering from. In my opinion, your health situation is due to the earlier accident, and it is called post-traumatic disorder, which is fully treatable. Just because earlier you suffered a brain hemorrhage after an accident, it does not have to happen the same way again. A brain hemorrhage can happen after a head trauma, but if the head computed tomography (CT) is normal after the accident, you have no reason to be worried. Your doctor is right. You should wait for at least four weeks before deciding on a gallbladder surgery. You mustrule out a urinary infection as well. Anyway, you should consult a neurologist and discuss with him about the possibility of starting an adequate treatment for the post-traumatic brain disorder. Repeat the head CT if the headache persists. I suggest you also consult a psychologist or psychiatrist for an evaluation. Hope I have answered all your questions. Please feel free to ask for further information. Wish you all the best.

Patient's Query

Thank you doctor,

I am just concerned it can be something more. But, I do not know what it could be. For example, I have bad pain behind my head by my neck which I feel makes my neck hurt and my ear pressure seems weird. There are times I get real hot and feel like I am going to faint. I sometimes feel like my vision is worsening. How to make these headaches go away?

Answered by Dr. Eris Ranxha


Welcome back to icliniq.com. I understand your concern. First of all, you to have to console yourself that everything is alright asyour last examination was fine. It just means that you are suffering from what you have gone through. That is the reason I think starting treatment will help you to pass this situation. I am still of the idea that your symptoms are all due to post-traumatic disorder. Discuss with your neurologist the possibility of starting you on Amitriptyline. Xanax (Alprazolam) can help, but it is just to relieve the symptoms. Once it is stopped, the symptoms will come back. Anyway, I think you have nothing to be worried about. You will be fine afterstarting treatment. Hope I have been of help. Please let me know if you need further help.

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Eris Ranxha
Dr. Eris Ranxha


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