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HomeAnswersInternal MedicineconstipationI have had constipation for 14 weeks. Can it be due to irritable bowel syndrome?

Can constipation occur due to irritable bowel syndrome?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

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iCliniq medical review team

Published At December 30, 2022
Reviewed AtMay 9, 2024

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

I think I have irritable bowel syndrome. I had constipation which lasted for about 14 weeks. I had to take Laxido. I had two bowel movements per day. One was mainly solid, and the other was watery. I also have bloating, acid reflux, and a bad taste in my mouth. There is also stomach pain that worsens before a bowel movement. Do I have IBS? Can constipation due to IBS last this long?

Also, my throat is very sore, especially when I wake up in the morning, and is sometimes accompanied by ear pain, and I am concerned that this could be throat cancer.

Kindly advise.


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Thank you for your question on icliniq.

I can understand your concern.

Yes, this can be IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). Constipation can be prolonged in IBS.

Regarding throat cancer, is there any hoarseness of voice? Any neck lymph node? Did you undergo any tests? Your throat may be sore due to acid reflux.

Please reply to the above questions so that I can guide you better.

I wish you good health.

Thank you.

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

There are no changes in voice. My doctor has checked the back of y throat and has not found anything unusual. They have also tested for Helicobacter and small bacterial overgrowth. Also, I do not have any weight loss.


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So, you have both IBS and GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease).

Both have common causes:

  • Stress and anxiety.
  • Smoking and alcohol.

Do you have a stressful life or bad habits like smoking or alcohol? Usually, IBS is a diagnosis of exclusion. Normal ultrasound abdomen, CBC (complete blood count), CT (computed tomography) thorax, stressful life, smoking, etc., are features of GERD and IBS.

I hope this helps.

Thank you.

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

My complete blood count, iron levels, thyroid, and CT of the pelvis and abdomen are normal. Also, I had a colonoscopy six weeks back, which was normal. I am going for a throat scan in two weeks. I do not smoke or drink alcohol. I have even read that there can be IBS along with acid reflux. I have also read that if there is throat cancer, the breath smells sweet, but my doctor said that my breath smells foul.


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As your all reports are normal this could be IBS only. And yes, GERD and IBS are mostly seen together. Your throat issue is mostly due to GERD. We need to treat GERD optimally to cure your throat symptoms. Foul smell breath is also a symptom of GERD.

You mentioned that you had H. Pylori positive. Did you take it's 21 days course? Do you have any stressor in your life? Stressful lifestyle or anxiety? Did you take anything for IBS? Like Librax or Sporolac DS?

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

The results of H pyroli are not available yet. I have suffered a lot of stress lately. Also, my diet has been poor. I have not taken anything for IBS as I have not been given a formal diagnosis yet.


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I suggest you start GERD and IBS treatment:

  • Pantoprazole with Levosulpiride combination twice a day before food.
  • Antacid syrup 10 ml thrice daily after food.
  • Tablet Librax (Chlordiazepoxide and Clidinium) twice a day.

Consult a specialist doctor, talk to him or her and start the medicines with their consent.

Do you have any specific stressors? Is it family related? Job-related? Marriage-related or financially related?

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

Sorry, I forgot to mention that I have been on tablet Lanzoprazole for ten days. Although it has reduced burping still, there is no difference in sore throat and bad taste in the mouth. However, I was told that this might take four weeks. Do you feel it is only GERD and not throat cancer?

I have family stressors like looking after my elderly parents, and my father can be very demanding, and sometimes I feel unable to cope.

Can the medications that you suggested be bought over the counter?


Welcome back to icliniq.com.

Yes, it seems like GERD and not throat cancer. Why are you suspecting throat cancer?

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

I am just anxious about throat cancer. Can I take tablet Lanzoprazole and wait for it to work or do I need a higher dose?


Welcome back to icliniq.com.

Regarding tablet Lansoprazole, it is better to take Lansoprazole plus Levosulpiride combination for good effect. And you will have to control stress as both GERD and IBS are directly associated with stress. Will you work on your stress? Do you have disturbed sleep because of stress?

I hope this helps.

Take care.

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Kaushal Bhavsar
Dr. Kaushal Bhavsar

Pulmonology (Asthma Doctors)

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