Common "Contact Dermatitis" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Contact Dermatitis

Contact dermatitis is the inflammation of the skin either due to an irritant or an allergen. Common skin irritants include sawdust, sanitizers, shampoo, soaps, detergents, chemicals present in daily use products like nail paint removers, floor cleaners, etc. Irritant contact dermatitis presents with ulceration and blistering, dry and crusty skin, etc. Allergic dermatitis is due to an altered immune response towards successive trigger exposure. The triggers can be latex, leather, citrus fruit peel, cosmetic products, nickel jewelry, etc. It is characterized by an itchy rash, burning sensation, redness, swelling of eyes or face, etc.

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I have got redness, itchiness and swelling due to cosmetic cream. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor, I got risings, itch, and redness from a cosmetic cream. Risings went off. Redness and itch are still here. It is the fourth day. And a little swelling like seems like I had botox. Is it normal to still have those? I only apply a cream for the itch. Should I take an antihistamine for t...  Read Full »

Dr. Suvash Sahu

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I have seen your query. With your descriptions, it seems you have developed irritant contact dermatitis to cosmetic cream which you have used. First of all, never use this cream and similar products in future otherwise on subsequent exposure may lead to fulminant reacti...  Read Full »

I have white patches on the skin under my foreskin. What could it be?

Query: Hello doctor,I have white patches on the skin under my foreskin.  Read Full »

Dr. Ashok Kumar

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Thanks for contacting us. I read your query and understand your concerns. As per the available details in the form of a query and attached picture (attachments removed to protect the patient's identity), it seems that you are suffering from balanoposthitis. This i...  Read Full »

I got a rash on the base of my ring finger after wearing a ring and it is getting worse. What to do?

Query: Hi doctor, I have a rash or bumpy area on the base of my ring finger on the side where it touches my middle finger. That occur several days ago while I was wearing a silver ring on that finger. I have taken off the ring but the area is getting painful with irritation and it seems to be getting wors...  Read Full »

Dr. Chaitra. P

Answer: Hi, Welcome to From the picture provided (attachment removed to protect patient identity), it is most likely to be a viral infection like herpes or a contact dermatitis. These lesions are usually tiny grouped blisters and cause pain. They last for about 7-10 days and resolve spontane...  Read Full »

I have frequent break outs in the collar bone area. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor,I have had this issue on my collarbone where my skin constantly reacts and breaks out since high school. I would wear crew neck shirts to cover it. More recently I have controlled breakouts with a salicylic acid skin wash but it is more than breakout-prone skin. I also cannot wear neckl...  Read Full »

Dr. Shanza Ikram

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I have gone through your case. Well, there is nothing to be ashamed of and your problem has nothing to do with cleanliness. I do not know why your doctor has said so. Anyways be patient. You are having two problems. Contact dermatitis which is a type of allergy caused b...  Read Full »

I have itchy dry white patches on the hand and neck. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor,Some white rashes or patches have grown up on the upper portion of the palm, behind, and the left side of the neck and arms. They itch when they become dry. I applied Candid B for a few weeks but could not get rid of it. It has been quite a long time with this.  Read Full »

Dr. Basti Bharatesh Devendra

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Thank you for the query. The photos are not clear. (attachment removed to protect patient identity). It shows a lichenified lesion on the dorsum of the foot and hypopigmented lesions on dorsum of hand, neck and in other site lesions are not shown. Duration, presenc...  Read Full »

I have eyelid indentation caused due to toothpaste. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor, I am 18 years old and I once in my lifetime applied toothpaste on my bottom eyelid trying to help with the dark circles I had but then I had an irritation there and the next morning I had a scab which later fell off and left an indentation on my end eye that looks like an ugly wrinkle...  Read Full »

Dr. Chaitra. P

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I understand your concern. The indentation below the eyelids as I can see the picture (attachment removed to protect patient identity) could have been due to two things. Toothpaste that you had applied might have caused contact dermatitis and in turn skin thinning in th...  Read Full »

I have contact dermatitis, and my hands are blood red despite using Clobetasol cream.

Query: Hi doctor, I have dermatitis, specifically irritating contact dermatitis. For the past year, I have excessively washed my hands and have caused my hands to be blood red. I have been trying to find a dermatologist and prescribed topical steroid ointments like Clobetasol. I have used these treatments ...  Read Full »

Dr. Sandhya Narayanan Kutty

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I understand your concern. As per the history and images provided (the attachments are removed to protect the patient's identity), it is Tinea manuum. Tinea manuum is a fungal infection specific to hands that may also be associated with onychomycosis, meaning a fungal ...  Read Full »

Could a hair mask be the reason for vulvar dermatitis?

Query: Hello doctor, I think I have dermatitis in the vulva, and my gynecologist advised me to get a dermatologist's opinion. I used a hair mask one month ago. While rinsing the hair mask, it came in contact with my genitals, causing redness, itchiness, burning sensation, and a watery discharge. I took a t...  Read Full »

Dr. Pathave Hari Shivaram

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Thank you for providing the information. From your statement, it looks like contact dermatitis with superimposed infection. It is normal to have candida in genital areas, but if it causes curdy white discharge and itching, it is a matter of concern. For the time being, ...  Read Full »

I am having a lot of itching in the vaginal area. How to prevent it?

Query: Hi doctor, I am having a lot of itching and irritation in the vaginal area. I observed a slight itching sensation in the vagina starting from the last week. Day by day, it irritates me a lot. Please help me to prevent this. I am not under any medication.  Read Full »

Dr. Poonguzhali Liston

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Itching and irritation around the vaginal area could be due to vaginal yeast infection, bacterial infection or urinary infection or poor hygiene, or contact dermatitis (to clothes or panties). You could try the following methods to reduce these symptoms: 1) Do not ...  Read Full »

My cousin has itching on the back of her hands and on the face. Why?

Query: Hello doctor, This is regarding my cousin, who is 28 years old and has itching on the back of the hands and also on the face. She often has small water-filled pimples for one year, which burst out and are painless (flaccid and tense). There is no involvement of lips, inside the mouth, or any other ...  Read Full »

Dr. Dhepe Snehal Madhav

Answer: Hi, Welcome to It is pemphigus foliaceus. In the attached picture (attachments removed to protect the patient's identity), crusted papules and plaques with occasional flaccid bullae are seen. Any mucosal involvement? Any systemic disorder? Any dermatological disorder in the past or pr...  Read Full »

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