Common "Cow's Milk Protein Allergy" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Cow's Milk Protein Allergy

Cow's milk protein allergy is a common allergy that occurs in babies below one year of age. It is an allergy produced by a baby's immune system against proteins present in cow's milk. The symptoms are rash, diarrhea, vomiting, coughing, and runny nose in the affected babies. It is treated by removing cow's milk protein from the diet of babies.

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How to make raw and unpasteurized A2 milk safe before giving it to a one-year-old baby?

Query: Hello doctor, Our baby girl is about 1 year and one month old. We just started giving cow milk two days back. A packet of A2 unpasteurized milk was bought, boiled and cooled down. We gave about 300 ml per day once. Her motion looks affected a little. It is not solid. At night, she suddenly started c...  Read Full »

Dr. Preeti Puranik

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Unpasteurized milk is not advisable to be given, as pasteurization is required to kill all the bacteria or germs in the milk. I think the baby does have some issues with cow milk and is crying due to colic (abdominal pain). Formula milk (any stage 3) is alwa...  Read Full »

My infant got bloating and diaper rash in addition to having hypoallergenic reactions to cow's milk. Is this condition is serious?

Query: Hello doctor, Please provide advice and explanation for me regarding our newborn. The most recent readings, which were obtained in the hospital, are attached. My question relates to the infant's nutrition. In the beginning, we were giving her Novalac AC to help with fussiness, colic, and gas buildup...  Read Full »

Dr. Veerabhadrudu Kuncham

Answer: Hello, Welcome I read your query and can understand your concern. Babies frequently have some adjusting challenges when transitioning to a new formula, particularly one that is hypoallergenic like Nan LR. During this transitional stage, fussiness and passing gas are possible. The fla...  Read Full »

How to know if my infant is allergic to cows' milk?

Query: Hello doctor, My 6-month-old baby has been vaccinated today morning by 10. He was sleepy for most of the afternoon and seems hungrier than usual and by 8:30 pm tonight, he started vomiting and continued for the next few hours. He has a mild fever of 37.7 C. I fed him sweet potatoes this evening at 6...  Read Full »

Dr. Faisal Abdul Karim Malim

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Please note the following important points: 1) None of the vaccines cause vomiting. 2) 37.7 C is a normal temperature post-vaccination, so you need not worry about that. 3) Regarding the history of vomiting, it is not strong enough to suggest an allergy to cow...  Read Full »

My infant gets blood in his stools when I consume cow milk. Why?

Query: Hello doctor,I have an infant who is below six months old, weighs 16.09 Ibs, and height 2'17". He is exclusively breastfeeding. Two weeks before he had his second dose of the DTaP+polio vaccine and second dose of the rotavirus vaccine. Four days after the vaccination he had blood in his stools. On t...  Read Full »

Dr. Rakesh Radheshyam Gupta

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Thank you for your query.I hope the baby is active and playful. As you have said, this could be cow's milk protein intolerance (CMPI). I suggest you exclude cow milk and other milk products from your diet. Continue exclusive breastfeeding till six months of age and i...  Read Full »

Does cow's milk allergy cause blood in stools and high eosinophils?

Query: Hi doctor,My 5-month-old baby girl is having blood in her stools for the past 75 days. We have consulted three different gastropediatricians and they told me that she is having a cow milk allergy. My baby is getting breastfeeding exclusively. She does not have any other symptoms. She is very calm, h...  Read Full »

Dr. Faisal Abdul Karim Malim

Answer: Hi, Welcome to A high number of eosinophils can occur due to cow's milk protein allergy. You need to start giving soy-based formula to your child. The child needs to take only soy formula. This has to be followed for atleast two weeks and observe the baby for having any changes in...  Read Full »

Why do I get recurrent stomach upset with no problem in endoscopy and colonoscopy?

Query: Hello doctor, My stomach gets upset when I drink milk, orange juice, or even yogurt which is normally good for an upset stomach. I cannot digest banana, corn flakes, and many other foods, and it has been going on for a long time. I have been to many doctors and they had endoscopy and colonoscopy te...  Read Full »

Dr. Ajeet Kumar

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I can understand you must be very upset about your condition. So you see the diets you are kind of allergic to are containing milk protein. Yes, there are some diets that contain no milk, but the diet that predispose you to have stomch upset will disturb your stomach...  Read Full »

How to manage iron deficiency anemia?

Query: Hi doctor, My child, who is 6 years old, felt sick on his birthday this year (one week ago), accusing fatigue. He looks pale and vomiting. We took him for blood tests. His red blood cells were way below normal 3.8; the doctor sent us to an oncology hospital suspecting leukemia. Later, they said it ...  Read Full »

Dr. Mubashir Razzaq Khan

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Anemia is common in malabsorption diseases (cow milk intolerance in your case). Iron deficiency takes six months to develop in case of reduced intake or absorption or loss via blood. They are probably doing endoscopy or colonoscopy because of milk intolerance to rule ou...  Read Full »

Why do I have diarrhea, vomiting, tachycardia and throat swelling after I eat?

Query: Hello doctor, I need someone with a lot of experience in allergies. Please tell me what you would do in my situation. Most IgE testing is negative (aside from cow's milk allergy and mold allergy). Yet every single food I have had in the last two years has gone from no reaction (1st day) to a severe...  Read Full »

Dr. Rajesh Gulati

Answer: Hi,Welcome to should take your food in small quantities, take probiotics, avoid milk, and do not bring any longer gaps for any particular food. Otherwise, you will again lose tolerance for that particular food.  Read Full »

What do black stools in children indicate?

Query: Hi doctor, My son is in a lot of pain. He had jaundice when he was born and was not feeding due to a disorganized feeding pattern and ended up with a nasogastric tube for eight weeks. He is eight months old, has severe reflux, has an allergy to cow's milk, and I have been waiting to see a gastroent...  Read Full »

Dr. M. L. Kothari

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Your son is 8 months old. According to me, stop milk from 8 AM to 8 PM and give a semi-solid diet and from 8 PM to 8 AM give mother milk or formula milk. Cow milk is not given before one year. Blood in stool means cow milk protein allergy (if given in any form) so sto...  Read Full »

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