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HomeAnswersInternal Medicinect abdomenMy stomach lining is thick, and I have loose motions, diarrhea, and nausea. Should I be worried?

Should I go to the ER or wait for my gastroenterologist?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

Medically reviewed by

iCliniq medical review team

Published At September 15, 2017
Reviewed AtMay 24, 2024

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

A recent abdominal CT scan at the ER for a possible kidney stone was normal in every respect, except radiology report stated a very slight 'thickening in the stomach lining'. I had a normal endoscopy three years ago, which diagnosed a small hiatal hernia, but no other clinical findings. Colonoscopy was completely normal. I was told to come back in 10 years and that they thought I had IBS. I have been so stressed out about the 'stomach lining' issue. I cannot see a gastro for two weeks, but he called and said he thought it was nothing, and that he sees this a great deal on CT scans. Shortly thereafter, after shaking and hyperventilating from worry, I had an intense bout of diarrhea, 10 to 15 times a day for six days. The only other symptoms were hypermotility and mild nausea. I lost 5 lbs., but the weight is returning now diarrhea has stopped. Solid bowel movements are slowly returning, but in small amounts and somewhat thin, with some cramping after. Should I try to get to the gastro earlier or go to the ER again? I am so frightened and confused. Thanks for your input.


Welcome to icliniq.com.

I read your query.

  • I just want to enlighten you that your CT scan report was quite normal and there is nothing to get tensed about.
  • I just want to clarify about your issue regarding the 'thickening in the stomach lining'. As your endoscopy report shows that you had a small hiatal hernia, it leads to gastric acid secretion in the stomach causing a thickening. It does not cause any serious issue. Consider taking antacids if you had any signs of GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease).
  • Regarding kidney stones, it is significant if the stone size was more than 10 mm with symptoms of pain or vomiting. If not, it will go out with urine. Drink plenty of water, three to four liters a day.
  • The symptoms of shaking and hyperventilating from worry were due to anxiety disorder.
  • Regarding your CT scan reports, it is better for you to wait for your gastroenterologist to see it as it is not significant enough to go to the ER.

For more information consult an internal medicine physician online --> https://icliniq.com./ask-a-doctor-online/internal-medicine-physician

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Settipalli Saravan Pramod
Dr. Settipalli Saravan Pramod

Internal Medicine

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