Common "Deep Scaling" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Deep Scaling

Deep scaling or root planing is a procedure done to treat diseases affecting the gums and periodontal tissues. Here plaque and tartar buildup on the tooth surface and the spaces between the teeth are removed using an ultrasonic instrument or manual scaling.

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Can fixed retainers be worn during scaling and root planing treatment?

Query: Hi doctor, I have just been told that I have gum disease and 3 mm to 6 mm pockets. And, my wisdom teeth have 8 mm pocket. I have braces on now and I am due to have them off next month. I need to get scaling and root planing treatment to treat my gum problems. Can I still wear a fixed retainer? I re...  Read Full »

Dr. Naveen Thomas

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Yes, you can wear your fixed retainer without any problem. Also, you have to make sure that you use your removable retainer also for the next two to three years without any break. When you have periodontal problems, there is a high chance of spaces opening up between tee...  Read Full »

Please suggest solution to fix raised gums in my lower front teeth.

Query: Hello doctor, On the my bottom my two front teeth the gums have came up over them but not covered. But the gum is higher up than it is in any other teeth in my mouth. What caused this? Can I fix this in home itself?  Read Full »

Dr. Nida Shahab

Answer: Hi, Welcome to That condition of your gum is called localized gingivitis. It occurs because of the deposition of calculus and plaque on your teeth and inside the gums margins, which causes inflammation of gums that enlarged in size. The first treatment is ideally you should visit a d...  Read Full »

Kindly suggest a solution for long term halitosis.

Query: Hello doctor, I am a 26-year-old female. I am suffering from halitosis for the past 15 years. Consulted many doctors and they could not find out the reason. Please help me.  Read Full »

Dr. Ummah Mohammad

Answer: Hello, Welcome to If it is such a long history, it will surely need good investigation, medication and regular check-ups. And as you are saying it is not possible in your area I can only give you oral home remedies which may or may not work without timely scaling. This condition can eit...  Read Full »

I have gum pockets. Will oil pulling help?

Query: Hi doctor, I was reading about oil pulling and wondered if I try it to cure my 6 mm gum pockets. If it could possibly clean the top of the gum pockets, then will the bacteria and tartar in the bottom worse the problem in the future? I have gum pockets of around 4 mm to 6 mm and an odd one with 9 mm....  Read Full »

Dr. Prerna Jain

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Oil pulling is an ayurveda method that removes toxins from the oral cavity and reduces the chances of plaque formation. Although, there are no confirmed reports. However, oil pulling cannot remove existing plaque and tartar especially that is deeper into gums that ultim...  Read Full »

I had deep teeth cleaning and fillings done, but now one of the filled teeth has become sensitive and feels loose. Why?

Query: Hello doctor, I am a 35-year-old female. A few days ago, I underwent a deep teeth cleaning procedure and had fillings placed in some of my teeth. Today, one of the teeth with a filling has started to hurt, and it feels as though it may become loose or fall out. Kindly help.  Read Full »

Dr. Naveen Thomas

Answer: Hello.Welcome to I read your query and understood your concern. If the tooth that has been filled is causing pain, it is possible that the tooth has a deep cavity that has led to an infection in the pulp. In this case, it may be necessary to undergo root canal treatment in order to save...  Read Full »

Is my dental problem curable?

Query: Hello doctor,My father is 70 years old. He has some dental problems and there is filled with pus and blood around the teeth. The local dentist checked it, but the treatment does not provide a complete solution. It occurs again and again. Please check the picture and tell me what it is. Is it cancero...  Read Full »

Dr. Johnn Kazimm

Answer: Hi, Welcome to As the pictures (attachment removed to protect patient identity) go, first inadequate frenum mandibular reveals the inadequacy of attached gingiva. Then, two swellings can be seen in the lower region and possibly with pus. Firstly, a thorough scaling followed by deep sca...  Read Full »

Should I repeat my deep dental cleaning as I have bleeding gums?

Query: Hi Doctor, As recommended by my dentist,I got a panoramic X ray done to see if I require root canal treatment for my tooth and if I need deep cleaning as I have bleeding gums every day in the morning. The last time I did regular cleaning was last year, and for two days, I did another session; now my...  Read Full »

Dr. Muzaffer Hussain Parray

Answer: Hi,Welcome to understand your concern.I have reviewed your question and OPG (orthopantomogram) from the attached reports (attachments removed to protect the patient's identity). The tooth does not have an exposed pulp cavity. So there is no need for root canal treatment, but the filled...  Read Full »

Does dental scaling cause bleeding and gaps between teeth?

Query: Hi doctor, I have severe gingivitis and have done three sessions of deep tooth cleaning (each one week apart). When I rinse at the dentist, my mouth is full of blood every time, and I see pieces of tissue floating in the blood, and it takes three to five of the little rinsing cups for the whole red...  Read Full »

Dr. Soheel Hussain Zargar

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I checked your history and photographs (attachments removed to protect the patient's identity). As per my diagnosis, there is no need to worry. Space has been created due to scaling, which is normal in patients who do oral prophylaxis with doctors. This gap closes after...  Read Full »

How to control bleeding gums?

Query: Hello doctor, For months now, I am suffering from a gum problem. It bleeds while brushing but no pain. Two connected teeth (as shown in the attached picture) are slightly moving. A white soft gum-like tissue has grown. If I try to brush it away, it bleeds. Keeping in mind that I cannot attend any ...  Read Full »

Dr. Beryl F

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have gone through your query and attachment and understood your concern (attachment removed to protect patient identity). From your tooth picture and your symptoms, the condition is called periodontitis. It is a condition wherein the bone and the gums surrounding ...  Read Full »

What could be the reason for wobbling teeth and receding gums?

Query: Hello doctor, I have worn braces for four years and finished my orthodontic treatment before five years. I am 20 years old. Since then my teeth have been healthy but I have been suffering from an eating disorder for three years and I am still in recovery. Two months ago one of my top central inciso...  Read Full »

Dr. Rajalakshmi. R

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Nothing to panic as such. Your gums need complete scaling (cleaning) but due to COVID-19, you cannot have now. If the gums are swollen, you will definitely have a wobble feel. Do enforce brushing twice daily with normal paste and medium toothbrush. Use Betadine gargle...  Read Full »

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