Common "Delayed Conception" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Delayed Conception

Delayed conception is when a woman is not able to conceive even after nine months of unprotected sex. This delay in pregnancy can be due to uterine fibroids, endometriosis, ovulation problems, and pelvic inflammatory disease. Any blockage in the fallopian tube can also cause delayed conception.

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Are my recent ovary and endometrial measurements normal?

Query: Hello doctor, I am 26 years old and have been married for four years. In 2016, I experienced a miscarriage at three months gestation, followed by a D and C procedure. Despite trying to conceive, I have not been successful. I am also using Folvite as prescribed by the doctor. My menstrual cycles are ...  Read Full »

Dr. Balakrishnan R

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I read your query and can understand your concern. If you have experienced pregnancy before, regardless of the outcome, there is a good chance you can conceive again. Your target weight should be between 117 to 128 pounds. Being above this range can disrupt your hormonal ...  Read Full »

I have been having difficulties conceiving despite normal fallopian tube testing, sperm activity tests, and hormone levels. Why?

Query: Hello doctor, I am a 27-year-old woman who got married a year and a half ago. I have been experiencing difficulties in conceiving. We have never used any barrier methods during intercourse. We have undergone tests such as fallopian tube testing and sperm activity tests, and the results are normal. ...  Read Full »

Dr. Uzma Arqam

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Your first query consult is on us! I noticed that your serum FSH (Follicle stimulating hormone), LH (Luteinizing hormone), and prolactin levels are within the normal range. It is important to take some healthy precautions and maintain a positive mindset. While you h...  Read Full »

Can I get pregnant if I have PCOS?

Query: Hello doctor, I am a PCOS patient. I got married one year back. My weight is 187 lbs. Is there any chance of getting pregnant?  Read Full »

Dr. Sameer Kumar

Answer: Hello, Welcome to PCOD (polycystic ovarian disease) causes an increase in testosterone levels in women with androgenic features and multiple small cysts in the ovaries. It is one of the most common reasons for irregular menses, especially oligomenorrhoea. You have to be placed on low-...  Read Full »

Please review my sperm analysis.

Query: Hi doctor,I have done my sperm analysis. The gynecologist suggested low motility grade A, and I have been taking Fertisure M for the past month but, was a bit irregular in medicine but now following the strict timeline. She suggested consulting a urologist for agglutination or pus cells, etc. Kindly...  Read Full »

Dr. Khant Shahil Ramesh Bhai

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I want to know what problem you have. Are you suffering from infertility? If yes, since when? Did you try any other treatment before? I have seen your report (attachment removed to protect patient identity). It appears fine regarding quantity and motility. Regarding clu...  Read Full »

I have PCOS and I am trying to conceive. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor, I am 33 years old. I have been trying to conceive for eight months from now. I have monthly periods and positive OPKs and BBT shifts, but periods are also very light, basically spotting. I had an Ultrasound which showed a few cysts, had mildly elevated testosterone, normal LH and FSH,...  Read Full »

Dr. Sameer Kumar

Answer: Hello, Welcome to The fact that you are getting positive OPKs each cycle indicates that you have an anovulatory cycle or in simple terms that you are ovulating regularly. PCOD (polycystic ovarian syndrome) cannot be diagnosed alone with just small cysts in ovaries, rather one should h...  Read Full »

I am 40 years old, have diabetes and thyroid disease. Can I conceive?

Query: Hi doctor, I am a 40-year-old female. I am married for eight years, but I cannot conceive till now. My AMH report is 0.3 ng/ml. EmbrometicThickness is 7 to 8 mm with a complex ovarian cyst of 41x21 mm with septation in the right ovary. I am diabetic and have thyroid disorders also. Can you please t...  Read Full »

Dr. Poonguzhali Liston

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Getting straight to the point, you have various comorbidities which are preventing you from conceiving like: 1) Age. 2) AMH (Anti-mullerian hormone) of 0.3 ng/ml - This hormone indicates the ability of your ovaries to produce an ovum or egg. For the age of 40, it s...  Read Full »

Can prenatal vitamins cause a delay in periods?

Query: Hi doctor, I am trying to conceive from the age of 31, and I just turned 37. When I started keeping track of my menstrual cycle, it was a 37 days cycle, but now from few months, it is a 30 days cycle. Around that time, I began taking prenatal vitamins, Myo-inositol, and CoQ10, to help my old eggs....  Read Full »

Dr. Sweta Singh

Answer: Hi, Welcome to First of all be calm. After the age of 35, it is harder to conceive, but it is quite possible, and you may or may not need a little help. You do not need any other supplement apart from 5 mg of Folic acid daily. And you need to do few hormonal tests on the second day of...  Read Full »

Will I be able to conceive naturally with PCOS?

Query: Hi doctor, I am 27 years old. I got married before 1.5 years. I have had PCOS since I was young. I remember that I had various types of medication as I did not get my periods regularly in the initial stages. My mother had taken me to many doctors, including Ayurveda, homeopathy, and allopathy. Befor...  Read Full »

Dr. Sameer Kumar

Answer: Hello, Welcome to is good that you continued Ginette 35 (Cyproterone acetate and Ethinyl estradiol) to date. Your menses would have been regular after being placed on Ginette 35 to date as I presume. If you wish to conceive, then you must stop the pills after completing this pack and ...  Read Full »

Should I go for tubal laparoscopy if I do not get pregnant this month?

Query: Hello doctor, I am trying to conceive for the last six months, so my doctor advised to take Caberlin, Siphene, and Duphaston, in the first three months. In the third and fourth month, Gestin. And this month, Letrozole and Duphaston. My doctor said if I do not get pregnant this month, then I should g...  Read Full »

Dr. Neha Rathod

Answer: Hi, Welcome to The treatment is definitely the correct one. Please get a laparoscopy done to know the exact cause. Difficultly in conception could be because of hormonal changes, problems related to tubes and ovaries, or some seminal problems in your partner. Do get back to me with rep...  Read Full »

When is the right time to conceive, fertile days or ovulation days?

Query: Hello doctor, I am trying to have a baby but nothing is working out. When is the right time to conceive, either during fertile days or ovulation? I tried during fertile days, but nothing happened. Please explain. My cycle is 31 to 34 days.  Read Full »

Dr. Mavani Jimesh Himatbhai

Answer: Hi, Welcome to If your cycle is 31 to 34 days long, then 13th to 24th day of your cycle is fertile period. You should have sex in the above period for at least on alternate days and this will increase the chance of having a pregnancy. Even if everything is normal then also, you do not...  Read Full »

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