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HomeAnswersObstetrics and Gynecologydelayed periodWhat could be the reason for my 13-day delayed period?

What can be the cause of delayed periods?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

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Published At May 19, 2024
Reviewed AtMay 19, 2024

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

I am 24 years old and my periods are delayed by 13 days or maybe beyond. My last period started two months ago. I have a history of irregularity before also, mostly late and never on time. and I usually miss my periods for one month every year. Recently, I have started having sexual intercourse with my boyfriend, but we have done so only once since my last period, and that too with protection without any incidence of breakage. Please guide me on what could be the reason for delayed periods and How long can I wait for my periods to come.

Thank you.

Answered by Dr. Balakrishnan R


Welcome to icliniq.com.

I read your query and can understand your concern.

You are suffering from anovulation. The most common causes have to be ruled out

1. Polycystic ovary disease- You may not have obesity, but still may have PCOD (Polycystic ovarian disease). Usually associated with obesity, irregular cycles, no periods for a few months, and later heavy periods with clots and fleshy masses, spotting on and off, thyroid abnormality, and prolactin problem indirectly.

You develop that extra pad of fat around the mid-segment of the body, especially the waist, thighs, and breasts, with no fat beyond the elbow and knees. Excessive body hair growth, hair fall, a dark shade over the lower half of the face, acne, oily face skin, black skin over the back of the neck, inner thighs, and under the surface of the breast. May have a family history of diabetes, especially father or his family.

This will not allow ovulation to occur at a time and so you cannot get pregnant, till treated. It also increases your chances of early pregnancy abortions. But this has a solution.

Your weight has to be

Weight(in Kgs)= Height (in cms)-100

Your expected weight is 127.86 to 138.891 pounds.

Once you reduce weight to the normal range, you will not need any medicine to get periods or to get pregnant and pregnancy will be healthy.

To reduce weight -

a) No fasting, no junk food, fast foods, red meat and reduce snacks in between meals

b) Have low calories food, high proteins

c) Regular exercise, aerobics, yoga, brisk walking

d) Try to reduce 4.40925 to 8.81849 pounds per month. Do not hurry on weight reduction, it will be difficult to maintain.

As soon as you reduce at least 11.0231 pounds, you will see changes.

2. Thyroid abnormality - Have thyroid profile and serum prolactin - both empty stomach at around 6 to 9 am.

Now if you still have not got periods, have a urine test for pregnancy. Once confirmed as negative have any of the Combined Oral contraceptive pills( packet of 21 pills - Novelone or Ovral-G or Duoloton -L or Intimacy plus 3) twice a day for 10 days ( throw away the 21st pill)

You will get periods within seven to 10 days of the last pill.

From the first day of periods have the same 21-pill tab daily night for 21 days and no pills for seven days then start the next packet from the eighth day. Whether you get periods or not. You can keep having this cycle. This will regularise periods and also act as a good contraceptive. Once you are ready for pregnancy just stop the pills. You can try for pregnancy from next month onwards

I hope I have answered your question.

Let me know if I can assist you further.


Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Balakrishnan R
Dr. Balakrishnan R

Obstetrics and Gynecology

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