Common "Delayed Speech" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Delayed Speech

Delayed speech is a condition where a child is unable to speak at an expected rate. It is a common developmental issue that affects 10 percent of preschoolers. A child with delayed speech can use words and phrases to express their ideas but, they feel hard to understand. It is managed by giving speech therapy.

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What are the laboratory results for neurological issues indicating?

Query: Hello doctor, I am going to post some laboratory results for my 3.5 years old son who has been experiencing neurological issues which lead us to have this testing done. Not sure where to go from here, if someone can please shed some light for us.  Read Full »

Dr. Goswami Parth Rajendragiri

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have read your attached reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity). The stool report is showing positive result for fungal infection which can be treated by antifungal medication. Your child's CBC report and other reports seem to be normal and you may...  Read Full »

Will usage of electronic devices cause delay in speech in small children?

Query: Hi doctor, My son is three and a half years old. He just speaks mom and dad. He suffered from RDS at birth and he was on an incubator for four days. Now, he is healthy, active, and naughty. But he is not in a mood to speak other words. We used to give him a tab to watch cartoons when he was two yea...  Read Full »

Dr. Oliver Roces Chiapco

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I understand your concern. A three and a half-year-old child should be able to speak three-word phrases and should know at least a fifty-word vocabulary. He should be able to speak clearly and intelligibly. If he is not doing the above-mentioned activities, then he shou...  Read Full »

My 26-month-old child had two words till 18 months and none after that. Is this autism?

Query: Hello doctor,I am a mother of a 26-month-old boy. He usually developed until around 18 months then began falling behind. He had maybe two words by 18 months, and now he has none at all. We strongly suspect he has autism (many red flags present, MCHAT score of 13) and are working towards getting him ...  Read Full »

Dr. Anuja Rajendra Sonawane

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Many times in autism, the language is not lost the sensory issues, and the attention deficits are so higher that the child fails to pay attention to speech. Language is based mainly on attention and imitation. In many autism cases, the need to express is hampered, an...  Read Full »

When should I get my child tested for speech delay or growth issues?

Query: Hi doctor, My 3.8-year-old son has started getting hair on his hands and leg. Can you please tell me if I should be concerned?  Read Full »

Dr. Bhaisara Baraturam Bhagrati

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I can understand your concern. It usually is because of hormonal upregulation and is of no concern if he is physically active, no other major health complaints. It usually subsides on its own. Feel free to connect if there is any concern. Regards.  Read Full »

1-year-old baby has not started saying any word. Is this a sign of autism?

Query: Hello doctor, My 1-year-old son has not started saying any word like mama or dada yet and I am worried. It could be sign of autism, though he turns when his name is mentioned, plays with his siblings, etc.  Read Full »

Dr. Faisal Abdul Karim Malim

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Even though the child turns when his name is mentioned I would advise you to first get a hearing screening done to rule out hearing issues. Next, about the autism. Generally autism cannot be diagnosed in children below the age of 3 years. So it would be very harsh to la...  Read Full »

Why is my 3 year old speaking only very few words?

Query: Hello doctor, My son is 3 years old. He is not speaking like other children of the same age. He is speaking very few words. What do I do?  Read Full »

Dr. Kanwar Deep Narang

Answer: Hi, Welcome to He has probably not interacted verbally enough with family members and other children of his age. Presuming his hearing capacity is normal, the above mentioned might be the reason. Please interact with him more often in the form of talking to him and storytelling wh...  Read Full »

Can occupational therapy help a child affected by meningitis at birth achieve normal activities?

Query: Hi doctor, My 1.5-year-old son got meningitis at the time of birth. After 21 days of taking antibiotics, he got recovered. Now, he is not able to stand and speak. We did an MRI. It shows an impression of cystic encephalomalacia changes and gliosis in bilateral frontal white matter on right. There is...  Read Full »

Dr. Sudhakar Palanisamy

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Your son got meningitis at birth. His MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) findings show brain damage caused due to infection. There is a rare chance for your son to be a normal child. With physiotherapy, he can try to achieve normal activities. Your son will have a develop...  Read Full »

My daughter does not respond when called. Could she be autistic?

Query: Hello doctor, My daughter is 25 months old and does not react to her name and does not play with toys appropriately. She only lines them up and does not want anyone to play with the toys. If you show her how to play with them, she takes them off someone’s hand and lines them up again. She does not...  Read Full »

Dr. Seikhoo Bishnui

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I read your query and can understand your concern. Yes, delayed language development, the likeness of sameness, lining toys, and not reacting to names could be early symptoms of autism. I need information about the following to assist further. Does she make eye contact...  Read Full »

My toddler does not talk but uses action. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor, My 27-month-old toddler is not saying much. When he wants something he will use his hand to get it or use my fingers instead of his to point to a picture or words in a book. He skeals and shouts a lot when he is excited.  Read Full »

Dr. Anuja Rajendra Sonawane

Answer: Hello, Welcome to As reported by you, we need to evaluate the hearing of your child by an audiologist. If he does not have any kind of hearing loss. Further, you have to consult a speech therapist nearby or online for detailed evaluation and treatment. There are a lot of factors...  Read Full »

Is it normal for a 3-year-old not to communicate through complete sentences?

Query: Hi doctor, I have a 3-year-old daughter. She is 25.35 lbs in weight and 2.92 feet in height. She can play, run and tell entire rhymes, but she cannot form her language to communicate. She often repeats the whole statement or questions. She can follow instructions like "bring that ball" or "give me t...  Read Full »

Dr. Sudhakar Palanisamy

Answer: Hi, Welcome to This is a prevalent query, and the answer is not simple. I have seen several children with this complaint, and most of them acquire normal speech as they grow. These children primarily interact with parents by hand signs. A more straightforward thing I say to parents is...  Read Full »

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