Common "Dental Braces" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Dental Braces

Dental braces are fixed orthodontic appliances used to align or straighten crooked teeth. There are many types of braces, such as conventional metal wired braces, lingual braces, titanium braces, ceramic braces, and aligners.

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I have tried Invisalign for three years but am not happy with the results. How can I align my teeth fast?

Query: Hello doctor, I am 19 years old, and my teeth are not aligned properly. I have tried Invisalign for three years, and they are not working. I wanted to know if there is any procedure or surgery that I can do to get my teeth straightened as soon as possible without braces or aligners. I do not really ...  Read Full »

Dr. Naveen Thomas

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Please attach a clear picture of your front and side profile and also the teeth to help in assessing your case. If you are not willing to go for braces, then for quick treatment, you may consider putting ceramic veneers for the front teeth, which may be possible in s...  Read Full »

Can I get permanent retainer after taking off braces for open bite?

Query: Hello doctor, Should I get a permanent retainer months after braces and use of a removable retainer? Part of my overbite has returned since I got my braces off due to tongue thrusting. Partly because I never wore my retainers as much as I should have. Can I get a permanent retainer at this point? ...  Read Full »

Dr. Kandi Disha Yermal

Answer: Hello, Welcome to First of all, you should wear your retainer regularly. Ideal position of teeth or occlusion which is obtained with the help of orthodontic treatment is maintained by regular use of orthodontic retainer. Use of orthodontic retainer is equally important and is part of ...  Read Full »

I am concerned about my orthodontic treatment. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor, I am on orthodontic treatment for both upper and lower teeth. My left upper wisdom tooth was extracted seven months ago. As I had my left first premolar impacted, my milk molar was removed. I consulted a dentist and an oral surgeon as I had an extra tooth present adjacent to the right ...  Read Full »

Dr. Prerna Jain

Answer: Hello, Welcome to The tooth on the lower right side is a permanent first premolar, not a milk tooth. The shape and color of the tooth in the picture and X-ray confirm it (attachment removed to protect patients identity). There is some improvement and I can see some alignment has to t...  Read Full »

My lower tooth started moving after wisdom teeth removal. Why?

Query: Hi doctor, Around six months ago, I removed four wisdom teeth (one tooth per month). I remember the first two were not very painful, but the third and the fourth ones, especially the fourth, gave me really bad headaches and it even made my whole cheek swell for a few days. Anyways, I also noticed ...  Read Full »

Dr. Naveen Thomas

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Braces are not good for the time being. Allow the molar tooth to become firm. Get an X-ray done to confirm whether there is any periodontal recession. The bone support may be very less at the area behind where the wisdom tooth was removed, hence more mobility to fro...  Read Full »

I have done teeth whitening five years ago. Can I get braces done?

Query: Hello doctor, I want to ask you that, can I have braces because five years back I had teeth whitening due to which I have many cracks in my teeth. So can I put braces or will it worsen it?  Read Full »

Dr. Tooba Qazi

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I want to answer your question in two parts. Firstly, I would like to give an honest opinion about your question that is will the braces further create more cracks in your original teeth? So answer is yes if you will go for conventional orthodontic treatment (in which m...  Read Full »

Will other teeth shift if I get a tooth removed for braces?

Query: Hello doctor, I have a misalignment and mild crowding of teeth in upper jaw and have bite issues. I have consulted a maxillofacial surgeon and advised tooth removal prior to braces and removed upper left tooth, probably molar tooth, and advised to consult orthodontist for braces. I want to know whe...  Read Full »

Dr. Muzaffer Hussain Parray

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. Yes, there will be shifting of teeth to fill the gaps and release the crowding by removing teeth. So you do not need to worry anything about the issue if your orthodontist consulted. The shifting will not...  Read Full »

Can fixed retainers be worn during scaling and root planing treatment?

Query: Hi doctor, I have just been told that I have gum disease and 3 mm to 6 mm pockets. And, my wisdom teeth have 8 mm pocket. I have braces on now and I am due to have them off next month. I need to get scaling and root planing treatment to treat my gum problems. Can I still wear a fixed retainer? I re...  Read Full »

Dr. Naveen Thomas

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Yes, you can wear your fixed retainer without any problem. Also, you have to make sure that you use your removable retainer also for the next two to three years without any break. When you have periodontal problems, there is a high chance of spaces opening up between tee...  Read Full »

I took my braces a month ago, do I need to wear a retainer?

Query: Hi doctor, I am just wondering if retainers can be used to realign teeth? I have had braces off for a month and have worn mine religiously but it feels like my teeth are relapsing a little bit despite this. Is this possible? Namely, my teeth before braces were not aligned properly, had spaces, and ...  Read Full »

Dr. Sandeep Menon

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Once the braces are removed, you have to wear the retainers for at least eight months. You have to wear them literally all the time. Else there are high chances for relapse. And yes your front teeth can be filled using tooth colored composite restoration. You just ha...  Read Full »

Why do I feel that both sides of my teeth do not contact properly after wearing retainers?

Query: Hi doctor,Recently, I removed my braces and got my retainer. After a week, I started to realize that my bite became weird before getting my retainer. When I bit on both sides of my teeth, they did not come in contact at the same time. After getting my retainer too, I still faced the same problem. Wh...  Read Full »

Dr. Kandi Disha Yermal

Answer: Hi, Welcome to As per the description, you seem to have improper occlusal contacts. I want to know about the fit of your retainer. Please mention whether it fits properly. In most cases, it is just the feeling of patients that they feel to have some different contacts during bitin...  Read Full »

My lower first and second molar is missing. How can I get braces?

Query: Hi doctor, My first and second molar is missing from the lower side. How can I get braces? Please help me.  Read Full »

Dr. Mayank Khandelwal

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I read your query and understand your concern. Several factors must be considered before proceeding with the discussion of your query. Molars are important teeth not only for orthodontics but also for mastication (chewing), the face's width, and the jaw bone's balanc...  Read Full »

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