Common "Dental Caries" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Dental Caries

Tooth decay or dental caries is the disease of the tooth where a combination of factors like carbohydrate or sugar-rich foods, bacteria, time, and poor oral hygiene, erode or damage the most rigid layer of the tooth called enamel. This results in cavity formation. If untreated, it can proceed to the deeper layers. Tooth pain and swelling are its characteristic features.

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How can I not be scared of getting my dental cavities filled?

Query: Hello doctor, I am a 19-year-old male with an addiction to sweets and sugary stuff. I have been too afraid of brushing my teeth as I am scared they will fall off because of my big cavities. I have a cavity where I can almost put my finger inside and two cavities that can fill a corn kernel. I have n...  Read Full »

Dr. Soheel Hussain Zargar

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Do not worry. As a dentist, I tell you we will try our best to carry the treatment comfortably with no patient issue. Your problem can be addressed by filling teeth, but if you wait, then it will be difficult, and there would be no option other than root canal tr...  Read Full »

My 2 years old baby has a painless greenish color tooth. Kindly help.

Query: Hi doctor, A 2 years old baby has a tooth problem. No pain but it looks odd, like a greenish color and kind of decay. I have attached the picture for your reference. Kindly help us.  Read Full »

Dr. Beryl F

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have gone through the query and the attached picture (attachments removed to protect the patient's identity). This tooth has a decay (cavity), and this can be cleaned and filled when you visit a dentist. But in this current pandemic, I would advise you to wait till...  Read Full »

A previously filled tooth cavity is paining continuously. What to do?

Query: Hi doctor, I am having pain continuously in one cavity in which I had a filling earlier. I am taking a tablet with Diclofenac and Paracetamol combination for pain. Please suggest.  Read Full »

Dr. Mousam Chattopadhyay

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I went through your query. Kindly upload an image of the painful carious tooth. I would walk you through the management needed to resolve the issue once and for all. Unless you receive proper treatment, the pain will get worse. I would suggest: 1) Tablet Clavam (...  Read Full »

I have cavities despite good oral hygiene measures. Why?

Query: Hello doctor, I have done proper dental care as followed by norms since childhood but was diagnosed with two root canals when I was 15, only one root canal had reached the surface. Now I am 18, and my recent visit to a dentist revealed that I have six cavities building up (one of my root canals has...  Read Full »

Dr. Srinivas Saketh. G

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Teeth having multiple cavities suggests improper maintenance. It could either be due to improper brushing or too much of sticky food or a hereditary feature. You need to just visit your dentist and get to know the correct way of brushing and also have a meticulously...  Read Full »

Please go through my dental x-ray and let me know if there is any cavity.

Query: Hi doctor, I have got a dental x-ray done today. I got a root canal on the upper second tooth from the canine. Please go through my dental x-ray and inform about cavities if any.  Read Full »

Dr. Prerna Jain

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I would like to tell you that OPG - orthopantomogram x-ray is not the most reliable investigation for diagnosing cavities. The reason is that it is a larger x-ray of the whole oral cavity, which is great for studying the relation between teeth and bones. Unless the cavi...  Read Full »

I have bad taste in my mouth due to a tooth infection. Why?

Query: Hello doctor, My dentist told me I have a tooth infection, but did not seem too worried and said I could wait until next month to extract it as that is when I will have insurance. This was a week ago. Since then I have been having moderate sinus headaches. Is this something that I should be worried...  Read Full »

Dr. Muzaffer Hussain Parray

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I had gone through your question, I can understand your concern. The taste may be because of the pus discharge from the draining sinus into the mouth. In case there are such symptoms, you need to take a course of antibiotics and you can wait till next month and if the sym...  Read Full »

My son is consuming more chocolates. What should I do?

Query: Hi doctor, I am worried for my 12-year-old daughter's oral health, particularly due to her interest in chocolates. She keeps consuming chocolates. I need guidance on the importance of oral hygiene and tooth brushing. What are the potential consequences of excessive candy consumption, and how can we ...  Read Full »

Dr. Shruti Srivastava

Answer: Hi, Thank you for trusting us with your healthcare. I have reviewed your medical history and understand your concerns. In children, it is a challenging task to maintain their oral hygiene properly because of their habits of indulging towards sweet things, be it chocolates, toffees or any other fo...  Read Full »

My daughter has an infected tooth with pain. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor,My four year old daughter got a cavity filled a month back. But now, she is complaining that the same tooth is paining, and there is a big swelling around the infected tooth. So, we went to the dentist, who gave her antibiotics for seven days. He wants to extract the infected tooth, and...  Read Full »

Dr. Naveen Thomas

Answer: Hello, Welcome to At four years, we never advise getting the tooth extracted. If the tooth is infected, we perform a procedure called as pulpectomy. Here we remove the infected portion of the pulp, and replace it with a filling or place a small crown to save the tooth until the patien...  Read Full »

Is GA necessary for dental procedures on a 2.6-year-old?

Query: Hi doctor, My son is 2.6 years old. His four front teeth look black now. The enamel did not form in the front teeth when it erupted. Also, the molars have very deep cavity as can be seen in the image and there are other small cavities too. His teeth were crooked and got decayed so fast. The pedodont...  Read Full »

Dr. Naveen Thomas

Answer: Hi, Welcome to There is no need for such procedure at this age. The front four teeth will usually never cause any pain to the child, but it has to remain there to maintain the space till the permanent teeth come in its space. So, leave the front four teeth as it is. The molar tee...  Read Full »

I am terrified of dentists and needles, but I have to get some fillings done. What to do?

Query: Hi doctor, I am terrified of dentists and needles. My front tooth is decaying. Please check the photo. There is a hole in the back and black marks on the front. Also, I need fillings to other teeth. Kindly advise me.  Read Full »

Dr. Geethanjali. S. S

Answer: Hi, Welcome to First of all, I would like to tell you that there is nothing to be fearful about dentists. You will be given 100% care during your every visit. You have just to understand the fact that it is your oral problem, which is being corrected and co-operate for that. You will ...  Read Full »

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