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HomeAnswersPsychiatrydepressionMy past ugly experiences are pulling me back. Is there a remedy?

How to get out from the negative past experiences?

How to get out from the negative past experiences?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

Answered by

Dr. Rahul Kansal

Medically reviewed by

iCliniq medical review team

Published At August 1, 2018
Reviewed AtMay 17, 2024

Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

I used to be an obedient girl since my childhood as I am the youngest in my family with two elder brothers, which I am till now and I think I should not be so obedient to elders as from childhood I have faced every kind of abuse. I have been into three relationships out of which two relationships ended because of my family and one I ended it myself because he abused me and I could not take. My family tries to support me, scolds me in my failure, and happy when I progress but no one asks me what I have been through so many years. I am currently single, 22. After facing this cruel world for so many years, I have lost faith in people. I have been through many bad things. I had a social life, kind of have it now. But I never feel that connection with someone unless he is my boyfriend. But after having three bad relationships, I do not want to hurt myself more. When I am with my friends, I am the one who is most cheerful. But I want my alone time after some time to get back my energy. I am a private person, I am ambivert in my terms. Also, I never make or want to make new friends. If they approach, I do not have any problems. I guess I have some psychological problem. Also, I have anxiety issues and I have periodical depression. Also, I am always confused about everything, be it my career or anything. I guess I should not be confused because I have always been appreciated for my work everywhere. Recently, I was promoted in my probation period, but still, I feel I do not have confidence. I think that my past ugly experiences pull me back. I wanted to know what is the remedy.

Answered by Dr. Rahul Kansal


Welcome to icliniq.com.

You seem to have mild depressionand mood swings. You need relationship counseling andcareer counseling to get out of your confusions. Past failures are only a lesson. Learn the lesson and move on. Past failures do not predict your future. Be it your past career opportunities or past relationships. Look for friends, socialize, find a good conjugal relationship. It is everybody's little dream to be someone and to have someone to enjoy it with. That is our little world. So keep exploring and look positively into the future. Thank you.

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Rahul Kansal
Dr. Rahul Kansal


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