Common "Dermal Fillers" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers, also called soft tissue fillers, are natural or synthetic substances that are injected under the skin surface to add fullness. The common substances used are Calcium hydroxylapatite, Hyaluronic acid, and Polylactic acid. Dermal fillers are used for a fuller lip and to remove wrinkles and fine lines.

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Can I opt for fillers to treat my acne scars?

Query: Hello doctor, I have acne scars that I am trying everything to get rid of it. Please judge by the pictures attached, whether it is an ice pick or boxcar scars. I have tried multiple different treatments over the years, and I do not think anything has helped. Can fillers be used to treat the appearan...  Read Full »

Dr. Dhepe Snehal Madhav

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Yes, derma fillers help in improving acne scars. Subcision is a good option. Also, punch incision, excision, and elevation or punch grafting may be helpful depending on the nature and depth of the scar. Regards. Do you have any dark spots or atrophic scars, or deep scar...  Read Full »

How can I effectively address persistent glabella lines?

Query: Hello doctor,I am dealing with persistent glabella lines that appeared around the age of 28. Despite undergoing Botox treatments (initially 0.6 units, increased to 0.7 units) from two different professionals for nearly two years, I have maintained muscle control. I consistently keep the area hydrate...  Read Full »

Dr. Vandana Andrews

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I read your query and understand your concern. A plastic surgeon can offer detailed insights into surgical options, such as a brow lift, after a thorough in-person examination. They can tailor their recommendations based on your specific case analysis, consideri...  Read Full »

I have sunken eyes post-delivery. Is it reversible?

Query: Hello doctor, I delivered my baby three years back. After a year, I started suffering from sunken eyes due to lack of sleep, high stress and improper nutrition. For the last six months, I am taking good care of myself and my eyes have slightly improved. I want to know if sunken eyes are reversible. ...  Read Full »

Dr. Bharat Patodiya

Answer: Hi, Welcome to You have provided a clear description of your concern. Sunken eyes can indeed be reversible, especially since you have been taking good care of yourself. To objectively assess the improvement, consider asking someone who hasn't seen you for a while to compare your old pi...  Read Full »

When will the swelling go down after PMMA filler treatment?

Query: Hi doctor, I got a PMMA filler, and my face is extremely swollen. My face looks absolutely huge, and I am desperate and scared that it will not go back to normal. I got it on my jaw, 4.5 mL on each side, but it is so swollen. I cannot sleep thinking that I might have ruined my face forever. My docto...  Read Full »

Dr. Pavan N Murdeshwar

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I thoroughly read your query and understand your concern. I saw the picture (attachments are hidden to protect the patient's identity) you sent. Definitely, you are having a lot of swelling, and I can understand your concerns. The PMMA (polymethylmethacrylate) fille...  Read Full »

I want to rid myself of pronounced laugh lines. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor, I have pronounced laugh lines since I was 15, and now I am trying to get rid of them. I tried coconut oil but it is not working. I also have lines around my eyes and I do not know what to do. Please help me.  Read Full »

Dr. Gaurang Gupta

Answer: Hello, Welcome to is the natural structure of your face. You need not worry about it and accept it as such. But, if you are keen on getting it removed, creams or medicines will not help you much. Botox and fillers are the only options.  Read Full »

Kindly suggest some cosmetic procedures to make my face symmetrical.

Query: Hello doctor, I am seeking to make my face more symmetrical. I am already considering a nose job. What other procedures could help? I have attached two photos of mine. One is the real photo of the left side, and the other one is the mirror image of the right side of my face.  Read Full »

Dr. Vikram Kumar Raja

Answer: Hi,Welcome to far as I could see the face looks great. However, if you are looking for the nose job or other surgical procedures, then my suggestion is to go for a non-surgical procedure first. You can get a non-surgical procedure such as a dermal filler for both face and nose to twea...  Read Full »

Why am I having dark circles and how can it be treated?

Query: Hello doctor, I have had very bad dark circles under my eyes since I was around 7 or 8 years old and went to a dermatologist about it once which said they had something to do with a vein, but was not sure how to help. I was wondering if you could shed some light on this. I am 28 years old now and s...  Read Full »

Dr. Barve Vaibhav Saidas

Answer: Hi, Welcome to This is tear through deformity (attachment removed to protect patient identity). You can try dermal fillers. For this, visit your nearest dermatologist. It will give better result. Do not worry it will go. Do you have any addiction? Reduce your stress. Take proper 8 hou...  Read Full »

How to improve collagen under the eyes in case of sunken eyes?

Query: Hello doctor, I am a 20 year old girl. I have hollow eyes. How can I increase collagen under my eyes?  Read Full »

Dr. Meha Malhotra

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Hollow eyes can be treated by a skin specialist. Dermal fillers are a good method to increase the fat content around the eyes. Though it is expensive, their effect remains for about eight to 12 months. You can consult a dermatologist online to know in detail about derm...  Read Full »

How to cure sunken eyes?

Query: Helo doctor, The area under my eyes has sunken over a period of time. It has caused a  dark circle to appear below my eyes. I read about 'enophthalmos', a possible cause of this. Is there any treatment available for it? Where should I start?  Read Full »

Dr. Satpute Ganeshkumar Suresh

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have seen the photographs (attachment removed to protect patient identity). Your eyes do not seem to be sunken. Do you use spectacles? Persons using spectacles may sometimes feel that their eyes are sunken. If you are still in doubt, you can consult an ophthalmolo...  Read Full »

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