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HomeAnswersOphthalmology (Eye Care)dry eyesI have redness, pain, and dryness in the eyes. Please help.

What is the treatment for dry eyes with pain?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

Medically reviewed by

iCliniq medical review team

Published At May 19, 2024
Reviewed AtMay 27, 2024

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

I have redness, pain, and dryness in the eyes and have been going through dry eye treatment for the last four months. Only recently has the dry eye been diagnosed with an inflammatory condition. I have been given Restasis three times a day, Trehalube three times a day, and Genteal gel one time a day. Today, I visited the doctor with eye redness and pain, and he said that I have corneal epithelial stippling. He told me to put in Genteal gel three times a day and see him after a week.

I would like to know whether I am on the correct path of treatment, as new symptoms are showing every few days, and I am being diagnosed with new conditions every month. Trehalube Drop and Genteal have been on for the last four months. I was also given Acuvail for 30 days and took Osmega 500 for three months.

Currently, my non-invasive first break-up time in tear film is three seconds on the left eye and five seconds on the right eye. The fluid level is 15 in the left eye and 30 in the right eye.

Kindly help.


Welcome to icliniq.com.

I have gone through what you have mentioned. I have also reviewed your attached reports (attachments removed to protect the patient's identity). From your description, you might be suffering from dry eyes with corneal involvement and are being treated for the same.

The cause for this, I feel, has to be your routine of computer work (computer vision syndrome (eye problems due to prolonged computer use)). I also feel that the painful boils you get on your lid could also play a role in this (blepharitis (eyelid inflammation)).

I suggest you do so by adhering to the recommendations below.

  1. Continue all your current medication. Restasis is the main medication you have been put on and it takes a few months to start acting. So we expect you to be patient.

  2. Use the 20-20-20 rule. Take a break from looking at the computer screen every 20 minutes, for at least 20 seconds, and look at things that are 20 feet away (far away from you).

  3. Start the following home remedies.

    • Use a cotton bud dipped in baby shampoo to clean your eyelashes and eyelid margins.

    • Give hot water compresses over closed eyelids thrice a day for 10 minutes.

    • Use selenium sulfide shampoo to treat any dandruff you may be suffering from.

      The above measures are used for the treatment of a variety of dry eyes caused due to blepharitis. This is a very common but less diagnosed and neglected cause of dry eye which improves very well with treatment. The painful boils you get are also a sign of this disease.

      Make sure you do not sit in the path of the wind blowing from the air conditioner. Make sure you follow proper sitting posture while working.

      Please follow the above measures for two weeks and revert to me.

      I hope I have answered your question.

      Let me know if I can assist you further.


Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Manjunath Natarajan
Dr. Manjunath Natarajan

Ophthalmology (Eye Care)

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