Common "Dry Socket" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Dry Socket

Dry socket, otherwise called alveolar osteitis, is an extremely painful complication of extraction. The socket from where the tooth is extracted usually contains the blood clot, which helps in healing. But in this condition, the blood clot dislodges and exposes the underlying bone and nerves.

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Having pain in the region where my tooth was removed. Can you suggest some temporary relief?

Query: Hello doctor,I took off my first molar teeth due to careless RCT before a week. And for the past two days, I am having severe pain in the whole region from where the tooth has been removed. Especially it pains after evening time. Can you please tell me any treatment that I can perform now for tempor...  Read Full »

Dr. Soheel Hussain Zargar

Answer: Hello, Welcome to This is possibly due to dry socket or presence of root fragment left behind in the socket. You can take fresh radiograph fresh and send it with a photograph of the socket to confirm whether it is due to dry socket or root tip. Kindly consult your doctor to discuss a...  Read Full »

I have a painful blister around the extraction site. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor, I had a tooth extraction done nine days ago top left #14 and my gums are still swollen. It looks like a white blister around the extraction site. My dentist will not listen to me and the pain I am in. Is it something I should worry about? It is causing pain too.  Read Full »

Dr. Vijeta Singh

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Your swollen gum and white blister on extraction site can be a canker sore (small and shallow ulcer) which can be treated with medicine and oral hygiene. This could have happened due to improper oral hygiene and using some pointed object (toothpick, etc.) to the extr...  Read Full »

Why do I have swelling after tooth removal?

Query: Hello doctor,I had my wisdom teeth removed before four days. Even after two days, my swelling has not gone down. I also have mild to moderate pain coming from the site of extraction, that also seems to affect my jaw. My jaw is stiff, and it hurts when I talk too much or move (look down, left, and ri...  Read Full »

Dr. Soheel Hussain Zargar

Answer: Hello, Welcome to It is due to traumatic extraction and lack of proper precautions taken during tooth removal. It happens either due to wrong injection technique, lack of appropriate stabilization from the jaws, particularly lower jaw. Moreover, the probability of dry socket cannot be...  Read Full »

How to get rid of metallic taste in mouth post wisdom tooth extraction?

Query: Hi doctor, I just got all four of my wisdom teeth removed two days before and I have a bad taste in my mouth that tastes like sour dough but more like metallic. There is not really any pain there, my jaw is just sore from being held open for about an hour but the taste has been happening for about...  Read Full »

Dr. Akmal Albert Asham Abdelmalek

Answer: Hello, Welcome to It is very strange that you have all your wisdom teeth removed at the age of 14. These teeth normally start to erupt or come through at the age of 18 years or later when they start to cause trouble and we think of getting them out. Anyway, if you had all the four rem...  Read Full »

I have pain in the tooth socket even after six days of extraction. Why?

Query: Hello doctor, I had simple extraction of my second bottom tooth. It is day six today since I have removed. I was feeling major pain a few days ago but it is fading away day by day. I actually feel no pain in the morning but in the afternoon I feel discomfort. When can all this go away? I was expect...  Read Full »

Dr. Naseer Ahmad Bhat

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Yes, you should have been fine till now as advised by your dentist but that was when everything post-extraction would have been fine. Unfortunately, in your case, you have got dislodgement of the blood clot after the exaction was done and this condition is called as dry...  Read Full »

I am having pain after undergoing an oroantral fistula surgery a few weeks ago. What to do?

Query: Hello doctor, I have undergone oroantral fistula surgery a few weeks ago. The healing was good, but I still feel some pain. Also, the tooth next to it is very tender to bite. How long is it normal to feel pain after this surgery? Please help.  Read Full »

Dr. Achanta Krishna Swaroop

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I went through your query and understood your concern. If the vitality test is good and the tooth is not dead, it means you need to get that tooth treated endodontically. Root canal treatment is required. An oroantral fistula takes several months to correctly heal post...  Read Full »

My wisdom tooth blood clot came out. What to do?

Query: Hi doctor, Before eight hours, I got my wisdom tooth out. My mouth was filled with blood. Just 30 minutes ago, a small piece like a blood clot came out of my bottom right socket. When I look at my holes in the mirror, they are all filled with dark blood. Can I get a dry socket? Should I need to go b...  Read Full »

Dr. Divya Banu M

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Since your socket is filled with blood, there is nothing to worry much. Regarding this socket, I cannot assure you without seeing the image. Maintain your oral hygiene and follow the instructions given by your dentist. Do warm salt water gargling after a day and for the...  Read Full »

I have a foul-smelling discharge after tooth removal. Why?

Query: Hello doctor, I had all four wisdom teeth pulled nine days ago. Only the one on the bottom right tooth is very painful and when I push near it all this foul smelling yellow stuff comes out. What is wrong? Also, having headaches.  Read Full »

Dr. Naveen Thomas

Answer: Hello, Welcome to You may have dry socket condition on that side. It occurs due to loss of blood clot in the early days since extraction. Use warm salt water gargle twice a day for a week or two to get some relief. You may need antibiotics and painkillers for a week or two. So, go b...  Read Full »

I underwent a tooth extraction five weeks ago and I am still experiencing severe pain on the affected side. Kindly help.

Query: Hello doctor, I underwent a tooth extraction five weeks ago, and it quickly became infected. I received treatment to clean and pack the area, and I took two courses of Amoxicillin and one course of Metronidazole. However, I am still experiencing severe pain in the entire affected side of my face, in...  Read Full »

Dr. Purva Jingar

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I read your query and understood your concern. I have reviewed the photos you attached (attachments removed to protect the patient’s identity) and I can only observe blood clots. It seems that the socket is not adequately compressed. This pain may be attributed to ...  Read Full »

What is the recovery time after the removal of horizontally impacted wisdom tooth?

Query: Hello doctor, I am 29 years old and had my lower wisdom tooth removed eight days ago. They were horizontally impacted. My question is why am I still in pain? I do not have pain in my extraction site. The pain is in the hinges of my jaw and down in my jaw bone. My extraction site looks fine, pink hea...  Read Full »

Dr. Naveen Thomas

Answer: Hello, Welcome to This type of extraction (lower wisdom tooth) is difficult and usually takes at least two weeks of healing time. It can be painful till then due to removal of some bone from the sides of the impacted wisdom teeth. Think as if you had a fracture in that area; fractures...  Read Full »

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