Common "Erosive Gastritis" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Erosive Gastritis

The wearing off of the stomach lining due to stomach acids is called erosive gastritis. It is usually a severe condition, which results in gastric bleeding, blood in vomit, and bloody stools. The common causes include the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, excess alcohol consumption, too much stress, radiation, viral infection, and Crohn's disease.

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I am suffering from recurrent erosive gastritis. Kindly help.

Query: Hello doctor, I had an issue for several years where I felt suffocated after eating, and drinking water relieved the pain. However, at some point, it also worsened; when I drank water, I felt a burning sensation in my throat. Finally, this year after an endoscopy, I was diagnosed with erosive gastri...  Read Full »

Dr. Ghulam Fareed

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Thank you for your query. I reviewed your query. Erosive gastritis is not a condition that lasts lifelong. Your symptoms are more of esophagitis rather than gastritis. I want to review both endoscopies report if possible. Helicobacter pylori is one of the causes; if...  Read Full »

I developed diarrhea after taking medications. Please help.

Query: Hi doctor. I had Pantocid HP after doctor advice and had loose motion 4-5 times. For stopping loose motion what shall I do? For past six days I am taking Pantocid HP kit. No problem except loose motion of about 5-6 times and some weakness. I am taking Bifilac HP one tablet daily and a vitamin capsul...  Read Full »

Dr. Srivastava, Sumit

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I have seen your reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity). Pantocid HP kit contains Pantoprazole, Amoxicillin and Clarithromycin and is used in the treatment of gastritis by Helicobacter pylori bacteria. Pantoprazole reduces acid secretion while the other...  Read Full »

I underwent an endoscopic biopsy. Kindly review my reports.

Query: Hi doctor, I am working as a software professional. Recently, I had discomfort in digestion, severe bloating, gas formation and a frequent sensation of motions. I went to a gastroenterologist and he made an endoscopy and an endoscopic biopsy. The biopsy report is as below. Nature of specimen: Receiv...  Read Full »

Dr. Ajit Naniksingh Kukreja

Answer: Hi, Welcome to The reports of biopsy are suggestive of erosive gastritis. Razo-D, Rabeprazole is a good medicine, but you need to take it twice a day before breakfast and dinner. I also suggest Sucrase-O 2 teaspoons four times a day and a good probiotic twice a day for 10 days. Con...  Read Full »

Can a combination of Aleve and Goody's induce stomach upset?

Query: Hi doctor, I recently had a migraine, so I took two tablets of Aleve. It did not work, so I took Goody's powder, but the pain was still there, so I took another one. The migraine pain has gone, but my stomach seems to be upset.  Read Full »

Dr. Jeremy David O' Kennedy

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Sorry to hear about your headache. Aleve (Naproxen) and Goody's powder (combination of Aspirin, Acetaminophen, and Caffeine) both contain NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) like Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Piroxicam, Diclofenac, etc. Although NSAIDs ...  Read Full »

My wife has an esophageal polyp. Can it be cancer?

Query: Hi doctor, My wife had an endoscopy, and they found polyps in her esophagus. I am so worried that it could be cancer. Can it be cancer?  Read Full »

Dr. Anshul Varshney

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Polyps in the upper gastrointestinal tract are most commonly due to erosive gastritis, acid reflux disease, chronic H.pylori infection, peptic ulcers, etc. Yes, they could be cancerous growth too. To help you better, I need following details. What were her symptoms, for ...  Read Full »

What is the reason for the feeling of something stuck in the throat with recurrent vomiting?

Query: Hi doctor, I need some advice on behalf of my mother, who is 68 years old. For 16 days, my mother feels like something stuck in the throat area, projectile vomiting when eating or drinking anything, weakness, body aches, nausea. She vomits about twice a day and cannot keep food or even soup down. ...  Read Full »

Dr. Ajeet Kumar

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I completely understand that you must be very concerned and upset about your mother's health. I am sorry to hear that she has been admitted to the hospital because of dehydration. First of all, thankfully, her endoscopy (attachment removed to protect patient identity...  Read Full »

Why am I spitting phlegm with some red blood?

Query: Hi doctor, I am 24 years old. Recently, I got an endoscopy. The report shows that I have erosive gastropathy. I have been using medicines for one month. Now, for a few days, while spitting phlegm a small amount of light red blood comes out from my mouth. I also have some throat and chest pain. But, ...  Read Full »

Dr. Kagathara Happy Kumar Devkaranbhai

Answer: Hi, Welcome to If there is bleeding in the stomach due to erosive gastritis, then it would be in the form of vomiting and brown or chocolate in color. Any bleeding in the stomach cannot be bright red in color with small quantity. As mentioned in your report (attachment removed to...  Read Full »

I have been prescribed Doxycycline for erosive gastroduodenitis. Is an antibiotic necessary for it?

Query: Hi doctor, I have been prescribed Doxycycline for 30 days for erosive gastro-duodenitis after the H.pylori test result was negative. My concern is do I need an antibiotic necessarily? As I have already taken Doxycycline for 28 days last year for syphilis treatment. Another concern is regarding an a...  Read Full »

Dr. Ghulam Fareed

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have reviewed your attached files (attachment was removed to protect the patient's identity). 1) I have seen your endoscopy images and report (attachment removed to protect the patient's identity), there is gastritis with few erosions, but H.pylori (Helicobacter ...  Read Full »

Why am I experiencing weight loss, stomach burn, and throat pain?

Query: Hi doctor, I feel nausea and painful throat. It is paining inside the throat and some coffee color blood came out from the throat while spitting. I am experiencing unexpected weight loss for the last four months. I also have nausea, chest pain and stomach burning. I had an endoscope and a blood test...  Read Full »

Dr. Ashok Kumar Srivastava

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I have gone through your query and attached files. It appears that you are suffering from erosive gastritis. This in turn leads to gastroesophageal reflux disease. I suggest you antacid with PPI (proton-pump inhibitors). Consult your doctor, discuss with him or her and ...  Read Full »

Which foods are suitable for a person with antral gastric erosion?

Query: Hello doctor, I was diagnosed with a antral gastric erosion eight months ago. I did not have H.pylori infection and I am still taking medication but it is not helping. Eventhough my health developed quite a bit but it is not normal. I still cannot eat dairy foods, spicy or fastfoods. Even a bit spi...  Read Full »

Dr. Kanani Darshan Jayantilal

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I can understand your concern. Antral gastric erosion is a condition where there is a loss of the surface layer of the stomach lining in the antrum (the lower part of the stomach), which can cause symptoms like belching, burping, and burning sensation in the chest. ...  Read Full »

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