Common "Exercise" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq


Exercise is any form of physical activity that helps maintain fitness and improves overall health. It can be done for several reasons. It helps to grow, gain muscles, enhance strength, improve the cardiovascular system, train for athletics, etc. Aerobic, anaerobic, and flexibility exercises are different classifications of exercises.

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All the answers published in this website are written by verified medical doctors, therapists and health experts. The Content has been moderated by iCliniq medical review team before publication. Post your medical clarifications on iCliniq by choosing the right specialty and get them answered. Your medical queries will be answered 24/7 by top doctors from iCliniq.

Why does my son have fluctuating blood pressure readings?

Query: Hello doctor,I have a 23-year-old son, and I checked his blood pressure. His readings were 131/94 mm of Hg one night, 124/92 mm of Hg the next morning, and 126/93 mm of Hg in the evening two days later. Please advise if these blood pressure readings are normal. My son refuses to go for any blood tes...  Read Full »

Dr. Karthic Kumar

Answer: Hello,Welcome to understand your concern.Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is simply when the pressure with which blood flows through a blood vessel is elevated. In your son's case, it is not extremely high. The normal blood pressure at any time of the day should be less than 120/8...  Read Full »

I feel lonely and uncomfortable in crowds. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor,I am 30 years old, weigh 99 pounds, and am 4.5 feet tall. I live alone; my husband comes home from work at 11 o'clock. Throughout the day, I spend time alone, talking to myself and feeling as though someone is around me. I experience fear and hesitation in crowds and sometimes end up hu...  Read Full »

Dr. Vishal Anilkumar Gandhi

Answer: Hello,Welcome to you for seeking help from a psychiatrist. I understand your situation.You may have major depressive disorder due to living alone. There are non-pharmacological management strategies for your depression. You should try to follow the guidelines below to deal with it;...  Read Full »

I am unable to focus on studies due to the fear of not being the topper. Please help.

Query: Hi doctor,I was a topper in my three semesters. Now, I have a fear that I will lose my topper position in my fourth semester. Due to this fear, I am unable to focus on my studies.   Read Full »

Dr. Vishal Anilkumar Gandhi

Answer: Hi, Welcome to If you concentrate on your rank, you will not get it. You need to concentrate on your studies and enjoy your journey to build your career. Ranking is not an important factor but skill and knowledge are important. If you are good in skill and knowledge, you will get a go...  Read Full »

I am 6-weeks pregnant. What exercises can I do?

Query: Hello doctor,I am currently six and a half weeks pregnant and I am unsure about what exercises are safe for me. Can I do Pilates? Is it okay to lift heavy weights in the gym? Can I engage in HIIT workouts? Kindly clarify.Thank you.  Read Full »

Dr. Khushbu

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I read your query and understand your concern. You should avoid heavy weightlifting until 14 weeks of pregnancy, as per guidelines. Here are some exercises commonly considered safe and effective during this period: Low-impact cardio: Walking provides a gentle yet ...  Read Full »

Whenever I skip my exercise, I feel down. Why?

Query: Hello doctor,Lately, I have noticed something a bit peculiar about myself, and I am hoping you can offer some insight. Whenever I skip my regular exercise routine, I find myself feeling quite down. It is as if a wave of guilt washes over me, and my mental well-being suffers. I have always been someo...  Read Full »

Dr. Vishal Anilkumar Gandhi

Answer: Hello,Welcome to you for taking help from a psychiatrist. I can understand your problem and situation. It is normal, not depression. When you exercise, it triggers the release of dopamine and adrenaline in your body and brain, which produces a sense of well-being. However, when you...  Read Full »

Can exercises fix disc problems, or is surgery necessary?

Query: Hello doctor, Is the operation of the disc necessary, or can it be done by exercise?  Read Full »

Dr. Althuri Mohan Krishna

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Surgery on disc problems is not a must unless they are compressing the nerve and causing weakness in both legs, and you lose control over urine and passing stools. If it is a mild compression, you can manage it with exercise and meditation. In some cases, you can try th...  Read Full »

My mother has been diagnosed with kidney stones. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor,My mother has been diagnosed with a 17 mm kidney stone, which has shown an increase from 15 mm last month. Concerned about the progression, the doctor advised undergoing further tests, which have now been completed. However, the doctor we were consulting is currently out of town, leavin...  Read Full »

Dr. Yash Kathuria

Answer: Hello,Welcome to understand your concern regarding renal stones.Recurrence of renal stones may occur due to various reasons, and it is reassuring to see that your doctor has conducted a thorough workup to identify the underlying cause. Renal stones can result from elevated levels of ox...  Read Full »

I need to lose 7 kg to attain normal weight. Can you please guide me?

Query: I need to lose 7 kgs. My main concern is to lose upper body fat especially belly fat. I want to know some at home exercise and very normal diet plan. I have gained weight and I want to get my previous weight soon. I have not taken medications for this problem. All the lab tests was found to be norma...  Read Full »

Dr. Atul Prakash

Answer: You cannot lose fat only from one part of the body but help one part lose more than the rest You need a regular exercise plan which should be done 45-60 minn a day 5-6 days a week This should include both aerobic and weight training. Aim to burn more calories than you consume. Keep you calorie in...  Read Full »

I have shoulder pain while exercising. Please help.

Query: Hi doctor, I am getting shoulder pain while exercising and lifting weights. Can you suggest medicines for this problem? Thank you.  Read Full »

Dr. Akshay Kumar Saxena

Answer: Hi, We will pay close attention to your worries and address all of your questions with utmost care. You have mentioned pain in the shoulder region while doing exercises and overhead activities. It could be a kind of tendinitis (inflammation of the tendons), a capsular or inflammatory issue with t...  Read Full »

Please explain how regular exercise can positively impact libido.

Query: Hi doctor, I am interested in ways to enhance intimacy in my relationship. Can you provide insights into how regular exercise might positively impact libido and overall sexual health? Additionally, are there specific types of exercises or lifestyle changes that could be incorporated to promote a hea...  Read Full »

Dr. Raveendran S R

Answer: Hi, Welcome to, I can understand your concern. Regular exercise can have a significant impact on both libido and overall sexual health. Exercise improves blood circulation throughout the body, including the genital area. This increased blood flow can enhance arousal and sexual respons...  Read Full »

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