Common "Fixed Partial Denture" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Fixed Partial Denture

A fixed partial denture is known as a bridge. It replaces the missing tooth with a fixed prosthesis. During this procedure, teeth on both sides of the area with missing teeth are prepared to receive a crown. Two crowns have a pontic (crown that replaces the missing tooth/teeth) in between attached to them to replace the missing tooth. Bridges prevent shifting of teeth that cause biting, TMJ (temporomandibular joint), and periodontal problems. It prevents chewing problems.

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I want to replace a few extracted upper and lower teeth. Please help.

Query: Hi doctor, What dental service do I need when I have four extracted upper teeth and three extracted lower teeth? And I want to fill them permanently. Currently, I a using a marvel for long time and they do not fit anymore. Please help. Thanks.  Read Full »

Dr. Rakshana Devi M

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I hope you are doing good. The extracted teeth have to be replaced. No need to replace wisdom teeth. But the replacement has to be done after complete healing of the wound. The replacement can be a removable partial denture or a fixed partial denture. It can be a flexi...  Read Full »

What is the reason for gingival pain and swelling in the missed tooth region?

Query: Hello doctor, My gum besides the front tooth is swollen because that part of it has no tooth and hard food have been creating pressure against it. Currently, I am taking Augmentin. Should I visit a dentist? I do not think it is a tooth issue. Please help.  Read Full »

Dr. Bharat Joshi

Answer: Hello, Welcome to First of all, thank you very much for The picture (attachment removed to protect patient identity). You are right. This area is swollen because there is no adjacent tooth there. Secondly, you are having a course of Augmentin (Amoxicillin and Clavulanic acid). I rec...  Read Full »

Do I need a temporary bridge before a permanent bridge on teeth?

Query: Hi doctor, I am in the process of getting ready for a dental bridge, a total of seven teeth order of porcelain fused and then a crown, etc. Now, tomorrow I am supposed to get a temporary bridge. I got a call today that they are going to prepare my teeth tomorrow and go ahead and do permanent bridge...  Read Full »

Dr. Ummah Mohammad

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Your temporary bridge was just for the time being that your dentist might have thought permanent will take time for fabrication, so temporary was only for your comfort and esthetic issues. Temporary is generally given if there is a delay in permanent and to check if th...  Read Full »

What is the best replacement for a partial denture?

Query: Hi doctor, No matter how often I brush or floss, my teeth still have cavities, and I brush twice daily. I even cut out excessive acidic foods. I have a partial denture in the front. Unfortunately, I can not afford an implant. What is the best alternative to an implant for the two missing teeth in th...  Read Full »

Dr. Muzaffer Hussain Parray

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I understand your concern. You have not mentioned that if your denture is removable or fixed, partial denture; you should have uploaded a picture so that I could have provided you with a better treatment plan. Therefore, the implant has an alternative to a fixed partia...  Read Full »

What is the procedure for dental implants in place of fixed prosthesis?

Query: Hello doctor,I lost my upper incisor after a childhood injury which later on was replaced by a dental bridge by a dentist who damaged my three healthy teeth to fix the bridge. It has been 15 years now and I want to go for implants. So, I have questions about what would be the whole approach? My brid...  Read Full »

Dr. Asma Parveen

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Basically, getting implants is a surgical procedure where the dentist would be putting an implant in your bone through a small surgery under local anesthesia. After that you will have to wait for a few months for the implant to osseointegrate inside the bone means it w...  Read Full »

Would braces close wide gap between front teeth?

Query: Hi doctor, I have a wide gap between front teeth due to short upper and lower frenulums, which were removed nine years back. I was also treated for periodontal disease as a result of these gaps. Now I have recessions (pockets), the exposed root of that front tooth that is deviated. Do I need surger...  Read Full »

Dr. Naveen Thomas

Answer: Hi, Welcome to You need to get root canal treatment for the upper and lower central teeth and then place a fixed partial denture (FPD ceramic crowns) on them to close the space. This will give a permanent solution to your problem. It will provide you with a much better esthetic soluti...  Read Full »

Can I get dental implants if I do not have enough supporting bone strength?

Query: Hi doctor, I am 36 years old and still have two baby teeth without permanent teeth (13 and 28). They are not in good health, and I never had the bone around, making the adjacent teeth want to close the gap. It seems that I do not have enough bone for a dental implant. Now, this upper tooth is gettin...  Read Full »

Dr. Soheel Hussain Zargar

Answer: Hi, Welcome to You can solve this problem with a simple FPD (fixed partial denture) or bridge system, or an RPD (removable partial denture). But that would be possible only once these teeth are removed. The implant as a solution depends on the CBCT (cone-beam computed tomography) repo...  Read Full »

My mother had multiple missing teeth in the upper and lower jaw. How to replace the lost teeth?

Query: Hi doctor, My mother was aged around 47 years old and she had 12 teeth on the top and three teeth on the bottom. We would like to get new teeth. Please provide the treatment name and associated price.  Read Full »

Dr. Muzaffer Hussain Parray

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I recommend a complete removable denture for the lower jaw. It will cost you a maximum of 10 to 15 thousand rupees in private clinics and free in government dental colleges or even private dental college associate hospitals. For the upper jaw, you can select a fixed par...  Read Full »

I have one missing tooth. Should I get implant or bridge?

Query: Hi doctor, I would like to get a second opinion on my dentist's plan to fix my missing teeth. I am missing my upper lateral incisors since birth and have had a temporary resign bonded bridge since I was 17. I am now ready to take the step to a more permanent solution. My two options are a bridge or...  Read Full »

Dr. Naveen Thomas

Answer: Hi, Welcome to In my view, even though I do not have any pictures or X-ray, I believe it is better for you to get bridges. You can get costly Zirconium bridges which are highly aesthetic and looks exactly like natural teeth. Get those side teeth root canal treated to prevent future se...  Read Full »

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