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HomeAnswersCritical care physicianfoamy urineMy uric acid levels are high. Is it due to anxiety?

What do high uric acid levels indicate?

What do high uric acid levels indicate?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

Medically reviewed by

iCliniq medical review team

Published At June 23, 2018
Reviewed AtMay 30, 2024

Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

I am a 29-year-old male. When I urinate standing up, I notice foamy bubbles. If I do it sitting, there are no bubbles. I read in the internet sources, that it might be due to a high protein content in the urine, which may be due to a kidney problem. I got really worried and opted for a check-up. All the reports came back good, but uric acid levels were high at 8.69. Since I was in doubt, I tested at two different laboratories. But, the readings were almost the same. For the last few days, I observed frequent urination, due to which I stopped drinking water. Now, it is causing a slight burning sensation after urination. Please tell me if something is wrong with me or is it due to my anxiety. Should I undergo any tests?


Welcome to icliniq.com.

  1. Your uric acid level is high, but your symptoms are not due to it.
  2. I would recommend you go for a urine routine examination as well as urine culture.
  3. If your report comes out to be normal, this could be simply anxiety.
  4. I would recommend tablet Febuxostat 40 mg once daily for the uric acid.
  5. Drink plenty of water and avoid high protein diet.

I hope it helps you. If you have any further query please ask me.

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Anshul Varshney
Dr. Anshul Varshney

Internal Medicine

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