Common "Food For Baby" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Food For Baby

Food for the baby is given after the completion of breastfeeding. Initially, it is necessary to start with single-ingredient food. You can give finely mashed foods with vegetables can be given after 6 months of age. Solid foods can be given based on the baby's nutritional needs and hunger.

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My baby is not eating baby cereal after I gave her to another fruit-flavored puree baby food. Kindly help.

Query: Hello doctor, My baby is now seven months old, and initially, I was feeding her baby cereal from a specific brand. Recently, I have introduced a different type of baby food that comes in a jar and is in puree form. However, she has lost interest in the baby cereal and now prefers to eat only this ne...  Read Full »

Dr. Prakash Chandra Girdhar Lal Nagar

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I read your query and understood your concern. Firstly, I would like to inform you that, it is completely normal for a child of this age to have changing food preferences. Give her the foods she enjoys. Homemade meals are generally better than commercial options. I sug...  Read Full »

My baby is not taking proper feed for his growth. How to take care of him?

Query: Hi doctor, I am a mother of a three-month-old baby. My baby is not eating enough and it resulted in causing other issues such as constipation, gas, and decreased urine output. I have tried changing many bottles and formulas. But nothing helped him. He just takes around 400 ml of milk in a maximum o...  Read Full »

Dr. Faisal Abdul Karim Malim

Answer: Hi, Welcome to It is normal to have a weight of 5.9 kilograms in a three month old child. This is the weight that is usually present in a six months old child. So this definitely means that feeds are more than sufficient for the child. It is normal in children below the age of six mon...  Read Full »

My kid does not take anything except breastfeed. Kindly help.

Query: Hello doctor, My 15 months old baby girl does not eat anything at all and does not take a bottle or sippy cup, only breastfeed. I have tried everything but all in vain. I am very much worried now because she is very weak.  Read Full »

Dr. Faisal Abdul Karim Malim

Answer: Hello, Welcome to 1. It is a slow and painful process for weaning off milk. The best way is to keep trying. 2. In some instances,you may withdraw the milk completely so that the child is made to feel that she will not get any milk now and only food. Try to find out which particular fo...  Read Full »

22-months-old baby attempts to eat food but gives up before it reaches her mouth. Kindly help.

Query: Hello doctor,My 22-month-old niece is strictly eating baby food. She attempts to eat food but gives up before it reaches her mouth. She also is still on a bottle and occasionally drinks water out of a solo cup or sippy cup. She is also slightly behind in her speech, but interacts and usually plays. ...  Read Full »

Dr. M. L. Kothari

Answer: Hello, Welcome to According to me stop milk from 8 am to 8 pm and give semisolid diet like dal, dalia, khichdi aloo kela rice, apple, upma, halwa, patolia, raab, kadi idli poha satu custard etc., And from 8 pm to 8 am give mother milk is preferable if not give top milk without water a...  Read Full »

My 18-weeks-old baby remains irritated with crying. Can this occur due to teething?

Query: Hello doctor, My 18 weeks old baby appears to have less interest in her bottles. She is only drinking approximately 20 to 24 ounces of milk instead of the recommended 30 to 35. She has become more irritable, crying, biting her hands and tethers. When I give her a bottle, she drinks a few ounces then...  Read Full »

Dr. Laurent Hiffler

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I understand your feelings and preoccupations. I might have to ask you a few more questions but here are some attempts to give you a beginning of an answer. Well, I would be dishonest if I would send you the miracle answer. But let us try together. What was your li...  Read Full »

Why does my baby fail to thrive though he is completely breastfed?

Query: Hi doctor, My baby was born at 37 weeks due to growth restriction. His weight was 5 lbs 3 oz. He was in NICU for seven days due to low blood sugar. He is 7 months old and weight 11 lbs 6 oz. He had reflux issues and lip and tongue tie. It was fixed at two months. The reflux was fine after 5 months o...  Read Full »

Dr. Faisal Abdul Karim Malim

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Please note that the weight gain of your baby is fine. Normally birth weight doubles by the age of 6 months, which I think it has. As for 7-1/2 months of age, the weight is only a very little bit lesser probably because of reflux issues. Also, babies pass stools either ...  Read Full »

Why is my baby constipating after starting solid food?

Query: Hi doctor, We have a baby of 7 months old. I would like to mention the previous history here. My wife does not have breast milk so she cannot feed it. We are offering NanPro-I to the baby. She is very active and smiling all day. Doctor told to start solid to her with cow's milk. Doctor offered a sch...  Read Full »

Dr. Vijaykumar Mundeshi

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Your baby is now 7-month-old, now you can give her food other than milk also. But it should be offered in a way your baby will accept. I mean to say you have to give semi-solid food because your baby cannot chew enough to digest solid foods and some time is needed t...  Read Full »

My 6-month-old daughter produces stool after having puree with milk. Please help.

Query: Hi doctor,My 6-month-old daughter had just had some puree (veggies and potatoes) with milk and after that she produced watery stool. Is this something we should be concerned about or normal, considering she is taking the NAN HA2 (hypoallergenic formula) and puree? She appears healthy, smiling, and i...  Read Full »

Dr. Faisal Abdul Karim Malim

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I understand your concern. What your child is experiencing is known as infant diarrhea. It is a common phenomenon when new foods are introduced during the weaning-off period and may last on and off until the child reaches three years. Such motions last for two to three da...  Read Full »

Why does my 5-month-old baby refuse to eat and sleep?

Query: Hello doctor, My daughter is 5 months old. She vomits up everything she eats. She did not eat anything from mid-morning. We tried giving her some baby oatmeal and she would not even eat at all. We gave her that in the evening after trying her usual 6 oz bottle that she did not take even an ounce of ...  Read Full »

Dr. Prashant Kumar Singh

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I understand your concern about your little one. As the other doctors have said everything is all right, you need not worry or panic. As the babies grow the pattern of eating and urine changes. Now you can just feed on demand, no need to feed seeing the time. Do n...  Read Full »

My baby has a fever and does not eat well. Please advise.

Query: Hello doctor, My 22 months old baby girl had a fever and was on Babygesic and Sinarest-AF drops for cold and fever. Until now she did not have fever but now she has raised temperature. She has not eaten solids. I am very worried. Please help. She is such a poor eater and is currently on Dee drops, A...  Read Full »

Dr. Diggireddy Shilpa Reddy

Answer: Hello, Welcome to First of all your baby is quite underweight. She has to be above 28.66 lbs by 22 months (attachment removed to protect patient identity). Coming to the fever part, she requires an antibiotic for the fever to subside. Please give her syrup Azee (Azithromycin) 6.67 - 0...  Read Full »

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