Common "Fordyce Spots Of Penis" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Fordyce Spots Of Penis

Fordyce spots, which are prominent sebaceous gland, appear as small bumps on the penis. They are neither infection nor sexually transmitted infection.

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There is a recent bout of Fordyce on lips, scrotum and penile shaft. What should I do?

Query: Hello doctor,I had HPV warts 25 years ago. A recent bout with Fordyce on lips and a large amount on the scrotum and penile shaft. What should I do?  Read Full »

Dr. Shanza Ikram

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have gone through your case. In my opinion, Fordyce spots are non-infectious lesions and are not sexually transmitted diseases. These are painless spots which occur in the area of sebaceous glands. It has no corelation with your previous HPV infection. Usually, it ...  Read Full »

I have Fordyce spots in penis and corners of mouth. Please suggest treatment.

Query: Hello doctor, I am a 21-year-old male. I have Fordyce spots on my private areas and on the corners of my upper lip. Can you give me a cure? My problem has remained consistent since the last seven to eight years. It does not pain or itches or none of such problems. I just feel upset whenever I loo...  Read Full »

Dr. Ashwini. V. Swamy

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Fordyce spots are sebaceous glands. It is a normal variant, harmless. I totally understand your frustration. Unfortunately, this condition has limited treatment options and cure is difficult to assure. Co2 (carbon dioxide) laser is one option, it removes the spot but t...  Read Full »

I have white bump on penis with no pain or symptoms. What could it be?

Query: Hello doctor, I had a white bump on my penis for the past three months. It did not cause any pain when I touched it, and when I tried to remove it in the shower, it did not budge. It is single and there was nothing else resembling it that showed up on my penis. It showed up maybe a day or two after ...  Read Full »

Dr. Priya B. T

Answer: Hi, Welcome to The lesion is not looking like an STD (sexually transmitted disease). From your history, it is asymptomatic and pain free. Whitish concretions can form due to the collection of subpreputial discharge or it can be Fordyce's spot. Wart can be asymptotic and go for spontan...  Read Full »

Can the bumps on my penile shaft and its sides be warts?

Query: Hello doctor, I want to get an opinion if I have warts on my penis. I have some raised bumps on the shaft and sides. Please help. Thanks.  Read Full »

Dr. Nidhin Varghese

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I understand your concern. Can you share a picture with a better focus? The image you have sent is hazy (attachment removed to protect the patient's identity). It looks like tiny round bumps (like small comedones). It is more likely to be Fordyce spots rather than warts...  Read Full »

Can Adapalene and Benzoyl peroxide cure fordyce spots present in penis?

Query: Hi doctor, I have what I believe to be Fordyce's spots on my penis. Should I be using Adapalene and Benzoyl peroxide down there? I am a 30 year old male. Please help.  Read Full »

Dr. Abdel Hakam Soliman

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Please add a photo of the affected area to make sure of the diagnosis. Thanks and regards.  Read Full »

I noticed a white spot on glans penis ten days ago which is asymptomatic and there is no change in its appearance. Is it serious?

Query: Hello doctor,I noticed a white spot on my glans penis about 10 days ago. No pain or itching and so far I have not noticed it changing in size or texture. Kindly suggest.  Read Full »

Dr. Sandhya Narayanan Kutty

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have gone through the details and image (attachment removed to protect the patient's identity) provided by your end and I do understand your concern. The white spot on your glans penis as it appears in the image to be slightly raised and thick could be due to Tinea i...  Read Full »

Could my penile bump be a wart if I had unprotected sex with two sexual partners?

Query: Hello doctor, I noticed a bump on my penis today. I am trying to determine if it is related to STD. I did not have any past episodes of such penile bumps. I masturbate four times a week, and I had unprotected sex with two sexual partners last year. Could it be a wart? Kindly help.  Read Full »

Dr. N. Ashok Viswanath

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I acknowledge your query and the images attached with this query (attachments removed to protect the patient’s identity). The images do not look like a human papillomavirus wart or any other sexually transmitted infection. It seems like a benign self-limiting conditi...  Read Full »

I have noticed a row of bumps beneath the head of my penis but they are not painful. What could be the possible cause of this?

Query: Hello doctor, I recently noticed a straight line of bumps at the line below the head of my penis. There is no pain or itching around the area, but there has been body itching, but it comes and goes.Kindly help.  Read Full »

Dr. Vandana Andrews

Answer: Hello, Welcome I read your query and understand your concern. Here are a few general possibilities that could cause bumps in the genital area: 1. Fordyce spots: These are small, raised, pale, or white bumps that are normal and benign. They are usually painless and do not require t...  Read Full »

I got a white circle on my penis head. Could it be an STD?

Query: Hello doctor, About three months ago, I got this white circle on my penis head. It has grown a bit, but it does not look very significant. For about two weeks, I have been applying anti-fungal cream to try to treat it with no results. I do not believe I have an STD, but I submitted my blood to get t...  Read Full »

Dr. Shah Sushma Kant

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I read your query and understand your concern. I opened the file and saw white circles (attachment removed to protect the patient’s identity). They are not very clean, but as you stated without any problems or symptoms. In the first instance, I also thought about it...  Read Full »

I want to know if those white dots are Fordyce spots or genital warts. Please help me.

Query: Hello doctor, I want to know if those white dots are Fordyce spots or genital warts. I have no pain or other symptoms; I just want to confirm. I believe I have had them for a long time. Kindly help.  Read Full »

Dr. Dilip Kumar Meena

Answer: Hello, I am glad you chose icliniq for your medical-related queries. I understand your concern. From the image attached (attachment removed to protect the patient’s identity). These are Fordyce spots only, not genital warts. These are ectopic sebaceous glands and are completely harmless. No trea...  Read Full »

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