Common "Fractured Tooth" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Fractured Tooth

A fractured tooth occurs due to a sudden fall, road traffic accident, injury during sports, and increased pressure produced during teeth grinding. A broken tooth causes severe pain and discomfort if the tooth's innermost layer (pulp) is damaged. In such cases, it is better to do a root canal treatment. The cracked tooth is treated, and a crown is placed to protect the tooth.

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Why did my tooth color change post-trauma?

Query: Hello doctor, When I was 11 years old, I was knocked off my bike and cracked my front tooth in half horizontally, shortly after the dentist fixed it. Since then I have had no problems with it and had multiple x-rays to check on it. When it happened, the color of the tooth changed very slightly, to ...  Read Full »

Dr. Himayoon Majeed Mir

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have been through your query and can understand your concern. Any trauma to the tooth generally has long-term consequences like tooth discoloration, etc. As you said that your tooth was fractured, it might have led to a slight injury to the pulp or even if not so, th...  Read Full »

Can I protect a broken tooth without filling it?

Query: Hi doctor, Three weeks ago a very small part, about 1/8th part of my tooth fell and I went to the dentist. He suggested filling but I was reluctant because it involved grinding. Can I prevent any further damage to my tooth by taking proper care that is brushing twice, using mouthwash and gargling e...  Read Full »

Dr. Deepti Jakhmola

Answer: Hello, Welcome to As explained by you, this seems to be the case of crown fracture in which no deep part of the tooth is involved. Even simple fracture of the crown (enamel) may cause sensitivity and roughnesses caused by fracture may cause traumatic ulcers. So it is advisable to go f...  Read Full »

What are the signs of an infection in a root canal-treated tooth?

Query: Hello doctor, I had a fractured front tooth 20 years ago, which was treated by a dentist with a root canal procedure, adding a post, and placing a crown on the tooth. Today, I underwent a cone beam dental scan, which indicates a possible infection in the root canal-treated tooth. Is there indeed a...  Read Full »

Dr. Achanta Krishna Swaroop

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I can understand your concern. I am the oral surgeon providing expert opinion on your case. As previously explained, there is indeed a moderate severity of infection present. Given that the tooth is not loose or mobile, a repeat root canal procedure would like...  Read Full »

I have broken incisors. How can it be managed further?

Query: Hi doctor, I broke my front incisor in a car accident six years ago. The nerve was exposed. I never had insurance, so I did not get any treatment. What procedures can be done, and what is the cheapest? Thank you.  Read Full »

Dr. Geethanjali. S. S

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Your front tooth would have been almost dead by now because of the sudden impact on the tooth itself six years ago. There are also high chances for the tooth to be discolored. I advise you to take an X-ray for that particular tooth. If any infection is present, you shou...  Read Full »

My first premolar crown with the post has fallen out. When should I replace it?

Query: Hi doctor, How long can I leave a broken tooth (under the gum line) before seeing a dentist? I have a first pre-molar crown fallen out with post and part of my root.  Read Full »

Dr. Achanta Krishna Swaroop

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I have seen the image enclosed (attachment removed to protect the patient's identity) and I am a Maxillofacial surgeon. I can understand your concern, but the prognosis for this tooth is very poor. You should visit your dentist immediately for extraction of the remainin...  Read Full »

Why did the top part of my tooth chip?

Query: Hi doctor,The top part of my tooth just recently chipped off, and the inner part of my tooth is visible, which looks brown in color. This has not happened before as far as I can remember. I think it might be a cavity, and the enamel has eroded, revealing it, but I am not sure. It does not hurt at al...  Read Full »

Dr. Mousam Chattopadhyay

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I went through your query and the attached image (attachment removed to protect the patient's identity). I suspect the Hypocalcified Enamel layer which is not much clear as the image is already bright due to the use of flash. No Caries activity, but it is more likely...  Read Full »

What causes black cracks in teeth?

Query: Hello doctor, While looking at my teeth the other day, I noticed what looked like cracks in my molar teeth  (2nd from the back) on either side. Recently, I went to the dentist for a cleaning and also was complaining about sensitive teeth to both hot and cold. On both these teeth, I have a bit of ...  Read Full »

Dr. Tooba Qazi

Answer: Hi, Welcome to First of all thank God that you met a good endodontist who diagnosed the right problem. Secondly, through all your case history it is evident that you are having a chronic habit of clenching your jaws that is called 'bruxism' in medical terms. What happens in it is, due t...  Read Full »

My root canal filling came out. Pease help.

Query: Hello doctor, I had a root canal done for a tooth, a couple of months ago. My crown came out 8 days back. I did not go back to the dentist, but now a screw came out my tooth. What does this mean? When should I visit a dentist?  Read Full »

Dr. Naveen Thomas

Answer: Hi, Welcome to First of all, I would like to explain the treatment that has been done to your tooth according to the details provided by you: Your tooth has been root canal treated. Root canal treatment is mostly done to a tooth when the decay has reached the innermost layer of the toot...  Read Full »

Will root canal be done in a broken tooth?

Query: Hello doctor, I am meant to be having a root canal filling in one of my teeth. I have had it temporarily filled twice and now it has fallen out but it feels like there is only one side of my tooth almost like it has broken in half. Will they still do the root canal filling?  Read Full »

Dr. Muzaffer Hussain Parray

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. Yes, if the root stem is strong and not resorbed, root canal treatment can be performed, after that, if the crown tissue is grossly damaged they will do another procedure called post and core treatment. S...  Read Full »

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