Common "Frozen Embryo Transfer" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Frozen Embryo Transfer

A frozen embryo transfer (FET) is when a frozen embryo from a previous cycle of in vitro fertilization (IVF) is placed in a woman's uterus. Embryos are frozen as during a cycle of IVF, multiple eggs are fertilized, but only one is transferred to the uterus and rest are frozen as the chances of a multiple pregnancy is high.

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My beta hCG level is high after embryo transfer. Is it normal?

Query: Hello doctor,My first beta hCG level is 16490 after the 14th day of embryo transfer. Is this high level harmful?  Read Full »

Dr. Uzma Arqam

Answer: Hi, Welcome to It is really a very short description of your query. It would be better that you send me your gynecology, obstetrics, medical and drug history. This level could be for around six weeks of pregnancy, multiple pregnancies, gestational trophoblastic disease, any tumor, etc...  Read Full »

Please suggest a procedure for a frozen embryo transfer.

Query: Hello doctor, When doing a frozen embryo transfer cycle, is it absolutely necessary to use progesterone in oil shots or will the suppositories work the same?  Read Full »

Dr. Balakrishnan R

Answer: Hello, Welcome to How are you doing? I am sure it is the painful pricks that is making you ask this query. It is the belief of the treating doctor, that a particular type of Progesterone is more effective. So, based on the doctor's experience, the different routes of Progesterone are p...  Read Full »

Can cortisone help if taken before transferring an embryo?

Query: Hello doctor, I would like to know, can Cortisone help if taken before transferring an embryo? And if it can help so, in which way?  Read Full »

Dr. Neha Rathod

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Yes, Cortisone can increase the chance of getting pregnant. It decreases ACTH production (adrenocorticotropic hormone) and increases pituitary gonadotropin release, thereby increasing the chance of pregnancy. If you have a doubt then get back to me.  Read Full »

Does Triptorelin cause false positive pregnancy tests?

Query: Hi doctor,I have doubt regarding positive pregnancy after embryo transfer. My wife had an embryo transfer before 15 days. She took Ovidrel trigger shot before two days of embryo transfer. Then, she took Triptorelin injection one day after transfer and another injection seven days after transfer. On ...  Read Full »

Dr. Ashok Kumar

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Synthetic analogs of hCG are well known to cause false positive tests for hCG and Triptorelin is one among them. The hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) value of 46 probably indicates false positive tests due to Triptorelin. For further information consult a sexologist onl...  Read Full »

I am eight week pregnant and I missed a progesterone shot today during my frozen embryo transfer cycle. Kindly help.

Query: Hello doctor, I missed a progesterone shot today during my FET (frozen embryo transfer) cycle, and I am currently eight weeks pregnant. Should I be concerned?  Read Full »

Dr. Balakrishnan R

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I read your query and understood your concern. At eight weeks of gestation, missing a single dose of progesterone is not overly concerning. Please take it as soon as possible. Progesterone is essential until the 12th week of pregnancy when the placenta forms, and exter...  Read Full »

How many cycles do I need for effective fertility treatment?

Query: Hi doctor,I am undergoing infertility treatment, and a frozen embryo transfer was scheduled, but it got canceled since no blasts were formed from a batch of a few frozen eggs. Three of them were fertilized but did not survive. The doctor ordered a sperm test, zymot, and said everything was good. Wha...  Read Full »

Dr. Pandian. P

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I understand your concern. This is quite common in infertility treatment. Unfortunately, it may take two more cycles. Until then, you can wait and relax. Also, you may practice yoga and meditation.  Read Full »

Will the FET transfer cycle occur if sex hormones drop?

Query: Hello doctor, I have done a FET transfer cycle before ten 10 days. My hCG pregnancy test is tomorrow. Are nine days too early to test? My other real concern is that on the day of transfer, my estrogen levels were 223, and progesterone was >40.0. Before four days my estrogen levels were 106 and pr...  Read Full »

Dr. Sree Gouri. S. R

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Usually, the levels of estrogen and progesterone will increase from early pregnancy to the third trimester. But often there will be some range of the hormones according to the gestational age. Though the levels of hormones little decreased in your case, they are stil...  Read Full »

Does reduced end-diastolic flow with fetoplacental insufficiency indicate problem in baby's growth?

Query: Hello doctor, I am at 31 weeks of pregnancy, post IVF FET pregnancy with GDM. I am on tablet Metformin SR 1 gm HS, and my BP is 136/90 mmHg. I underwent a growth scan with Doppler on 29 August, and the report shows reduced end diastolic flow with fetoplacental insufficiency. I consulted a gynecolo...  Read Full »

Dr. Sravanthi Nuthalapati

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have gone through the report you attached (attachment removed to protect patient identity), and understand your concern. As per the report, the growth of your baby is fine. So please do not worry much. However, the blood flow to the baby is somewhat reduced but not...  Read Full »

I am suggested to have Aspirin after seeing my uterine arterial PI in ultrasound. Why?

Query: Hello doctor, I am a 30-year-old. I had IVF frozen embryo transfer due to my husband having a reciprocal balanced translocation. The embryo was tested genetically to ensure it was not unbalanced before transfer. I had a 13 weeks and one-day ultrasound that showed uterine arterial PI in the right art...  Read Full »

Dr. Neha Rathod

Answer: Hello, Welcome to As your uterine artery is showing some changes, Aspirin is started prophylactically, and there is nothing to worry about. Usually, it will settle down as the baby grows. Often ultrasound is accurate up to 80 to 90 %. Fetal growth restriction is quite unlikely, as you...  Read Full »

Can Gestone injection cause any problem after embryo transfer?

Query: Hi doctor, My frozen embryo day five transfer was on 16th at 1 PM, which was my day six of Gestone 100 injection. Post FET, I was advised to take Gestone injection on 19th, 22th, 25th, 28th of this month. The due date for blood test being 27th. By mistake, I took the injection today which is 18th, ...  Read Full »

Dr. Shruti Kainth Kaushal

Answer: Hi, Welcome to From your query, it is understood that you have gone through the IVF cycle and Progesterone injection are just to maintain the pregnancy. So it does not matter much if you have taken one day before the scheduled dose. Now, subsequently, you take these weekly, meaning, a...  Read Full »

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