Common "Genetic Counseling" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Genetic Counseling

Genetic tests are done to diagnose genetic issues, and it is done by taking a sample of blood. It helps to determine whether you, your partner, or the baby have some inherited disorders. Genetic counseling is needed when there is an abnormal result shown in a prenatal screening test, amniocentesis showing abnormal results, either of the parents having inherited diseases, mother having more than two miscarriages, mother's age is more than 35 years, and either of the parents are having infections or radiation exposure. Genetic counselors give genetic counseling to overcome the issues faced by you due to these abnormal results.

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My 69-year-old mother suffers from colon cancer. Kindly help.

Query: Hi doctor, My mom is 69 years old, smoker and she was diagnosed with colon cancer. She used to suffer from her stomach pain and we ended up doing a colonoscopy for it and the doctor found a tumor. We need to know what is the best way to help her and what is recommended in her case? Should the docto...  Read Full »

Dr. Arshad Hussain Shah

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I have gone through the reports of your mother (attachment removed to protect patient identity). As per reports she has a sigmoid colon cancer. There is no distant spread of cancer (not spread outside colon) as per CT scan reports. The report is also showing multiple re...  Read Full »

My partner and I have the same blood group. Please help.

Query: Hi doctor, I have A+ blood group. But, will marrying a girl of the same blood group (A+) create any problems in having children or they lead to a diseased child?  Read Full »

Dr. Goswami Parth Rajendragiri

Answer: Hello, Welcome to The same blood group people can marry and can produce a normal child. Check your both thalassemia minor report before marriage by HB electrophoresis, by HPLC (high-performance liquid chromatography) method that is necessary. If you both are relative, then genetic cou...  Read Full »

I am diagnosed with fibroadenoma in my breast. Please help.

Query: Hi doctor, They found two solid nodules around 0.09 cm on my left breast, one of which was suspicious finding BIRAD 4. On the ultrasonography, it looks black inside, wider than tall. Please help me out. I am terrified. The report said although it could be a fibroadenoma, it is still suspicious.  Read Full »

Dr. Arshad Hussain Shah

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have gone through the ultrasound report of the breast (attachment removed to protect patient identity) which is showing two suspicious solid nodules. Now, it is highly recommended to take a biopsy from both the solid nodules to confirm the diagnosis. Biopsy report ...  Read Full »

Can healthy child born to couples with the same blood group?

Query: Hi doctor, I am planning to marry a boy who is known to me. But we have the same blood group B positive. Can we have a problem in having children? Or any other health problems? Please clarify my doubt. If a problem is present, give me a solution to avoid it.  Read Full »

Dr. Goswami Parth Rajendragiri

Answer: Hi, Welcome to The same blood group people can marry and can produce a healthy child. Do not get worried as far as the blood group is concerned. If you both are relative, then genetic counseling before conception is advisable. You can rule out hemoglobinopathy by HB (hemoglobin) elect...  Read Full »

I am a carrier of HbE beta-thalassemia. Please suggest.

Query: Hello doctor, Recently, I found out that I am a carrier of HbE beta-thalassemia. The problem is that my fiance is also a carrier and he is carrying the HbE trait. We do not want to separate. If you can give us your valuable advice, then it will be a great pleasure for us.  Read Full »

Dr. Veerendra Channabasappa Patil

Answer: Hi, Welcome to From the information you provided, it seems that you have HbE beta thalassemia trait and your fiance has only Hb E trait. If so, then the chance of having a child with severe thalassemia is less. But, if you both have the same Hb E beta thalassemia trait, then there is...  Read Full »

Is marrying a partner with same blood group harmful?

Query: Hello doctor,The blood group of the male is A positive and the blood group of the female is A with Rh positive. Can they get married? Will they face any problems in getting pregnant?  Read Full »

Dr. Goswami Parth Rajendragiri

Answer: Hi, Welcome to There is no harm in marrying a partner of the same blood group. Every individual has a unique own blood group and ABO and Rh systems are used most commonly. If you want to do preconception counseling then investigate with CBC (complete blood count) and if needed HPLC ...  Read Full »

Will same blood group of husband and wife cause problem in pregnancy?

Query: Hello doctor, I and my husband belong to A positive blood group. Is there any problem to get pregnant? And I may attain my periods one week before the date. Is this good for me?  Read Full »

Dr. Goswami Parth Rajendragiri

Answer: Hello, Welcome to The same blood group people can marry and produce a normal child. As far as same blood group people are concerned, do not worry about that. Rule out hemoglobinopathy before marriage by Hb electrophoresis by HPLC (high-performance liquid chromatography) method. If you...  Read Full »

Will same blood group of couple create problem in the baby?

Query: Hi doctor, I am 28 years old. I am planning to get married to a girl who is known to me. We have a very good understanding and we love each other. But, we have the same blood group that is B positive. Since blood group is a factor for having babies, do you think having the same positive blood group ...  Read Full »

Dr. Goswami Parth Rajendragiri

Answer: Hello, Welcome to The same blood group people can marry and can produce a normal child. The same blood group is not at all contraindication for marriage and to produce the child. So do not worry about that. But if you both are relative, then genetic counseling before conception is nec...  Read Full »

I am planning to marry my cousin. Will it affect my baby with genetic issue?

Query: Hello doctor, I am planning to marry my own cousin (my mother's own brother's child). Is there any precautions to avoid genetic problems for my baby or do we need to take any medication or treatment for a child. Please suggest with a better solution.  Read Full »

Dr. Uzma Arqam

Answer: Hi, Welcome to It would be better if you would send me the background of your question. Any specific family history like thyroid, diabetes or any congenital anomalies, thalassemia, sickle cell disease or any other family history, then it needs precautions and even investigations. The ...  Read Full »

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