Common "Hand X-ray" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Hand X-ray

Hand X-ray reveals the inner structures of the hand, including bones like metacarpals, carpals, phalanges, the distal portion of radial and ulnar joints. This helps diagnose a fracture, joint inflammation in arthritis, dislocation, calcifications, and the presence of foreign bodies. Hand X-rays are taken in three views based on the need posteroanterior view, ball catcher's view, and lateral view.

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My left wrist is swollen after a bike accident. Can you please help?

Query: Hello doctor, I met with a bike accident three days ago and had swelling in my left wrist. I have got an X-ray (AP, oblique) of the left wrist. Currently, I am on Combiflam and Rantac medications.  Read Full »

Dr. Vivek Chail

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I can understand your concern, and I hope you are not in much discomfort. I have reviewed your X-ray images (attachment removed to protect the patient’s identity) and found a mild cortical irregularity in the area between the waist and distal pole of the scaphoid bone...  Read Full »

Should I consult a doctor for swelling and pain in knuckles and fingers after an injury?

Query: Hello doctor, A couple of days ago, I punched a brick wall. After the punch, I felt a very sharp pain in my entire hand, like a throbbing pain. About 30 minutes after, my hand was still hurting and when I would try to make a fist, my pinky and ring finger would not go all the way. My pinky also fel...  Read Full »

Dr. Gaurav Pandey

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Sorry to hear about your hand. I think the bruise you mentioned could be because of any bony injury or just soft tissue injury. But it would be worth to get an x-ray of the hand to rule out a fracture. The mechanism of injury you mentioned might cause something calle...  Read Full »

My wrist has been paining for a few weeks now. Is it due to the injury that I had a few months back?

Query: Hi doctor, I have been feeling wrist pain for a few weeks now. No recent injury, but I had an injury a few months back. I had foot surgery and fell off my scooter, and landed on my wrist. I was on crutches and needed my wrists, so I dealt with the pain, which was very painful. The pain went away and...  Read Full »

Dr. Anuj Gupta

Answer: Hi, Welcome to The area (attachment removed to protect patient identity) you have marked is an area of the scaphoid bone. Do you have any X-rays or other investigations?  Read Full »

How to treat a stiff finger after an injury?

Query: Hi doctor,A few months before, I got an injury on my finger. Now, my finger has become very stiff. When I try to straighten it, it is popping back. Also, it is very painful. What to do? Please help me.  Read Full »

Dr. Akshay Kumar Saxena

Answer: Hello, Welcome to You have mentioned that you got an injury to your finger previously and now, you are having some issue with its movements. As per your symptoms, it could be subluxating out of the jointand then coming back as per the movements. For that, I will advise you to kindly g...  Read Full »

Why is my middle finger curved towards the ring finger?

Query: Hi doctor,Yesterday, I noticed that my left-hand fingers look different which is some sort of out of place. The left ring finger is no longer straight and is leaning towards my index finger. I am not sure if the other fingers look normal or not. But, it is annoying me. The ring finger is bent, leani...  Read Full »

Dr. Sumit Chawla

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have gone through your history as well as the images attached to the query (attachment removed to protect patient identity). This is the subluxation of the metacarpophalangeal joint (MCP joint) towards the radial direction. To determine subluxation towards th...  Read Full »

I am suffering from joint pain after my delivery. Kindly help.

Query: Hello doctor,I am 33 and since having my baby a year ago I am suffering from joint pain, especially in my wrists and fingers. I have pins and needles sensation at times and writing is becoming difficult. I just got my reports and have elevated CRP and low folate. Any idea what could be wrong?  Read Full »

Dr. Ashaq Hussain Parrey

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I went through your post. You have pain in the small joints of your body with an elevated CRP (C-reactive protein) level. I suggest you go for an investigation to rule out rheumatoid arthritis. Do anti-CCP (anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide) and RF (Rheumatoid factor)...  Read Full »

Is it necessary to take DMARDs for psoriatic arthritis?

Query: Hi doctor, I am a 40-year-old female with presumed psoriatic arthritis. At the onset, I had mild, intermittent finger swelling and pain over five years ago, also, intermittent SI joint pain. SI joint X-ray only mentions mild sclerosis. Recent hand X-rays show three small erosions in my fourth and f...  Read Full »

Dr. Ashaq Hussain Parrey

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I went through your query. DMARDs (disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs) are considered first-line drugs for psoriatic arthritis, especially in patients who are non-responsive to NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). However, in patients with good responses...  Read Full »

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