Common "High Rbc Count" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

High Rbc Count

Various medical conditions can cause an increase in red cell count. It is medically known as erythrocytosis. The treatment is targeted at treating the underlying condition.

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I have high RBC, Hb, hematocrit. Will Aspirin reduce the risk of stroke during flight travel?

Query: Hello doctor, I am a 49-year-old male, 6'4" and 300 lbs. I take very low doses testosterone, an estrogen blocker, and HGH. All very low dosages. I will be on a six hours international flight tomorrow and I am concerned about some health risks. I have high levels of the following: RBC of 6.61, hemog...  Read Full »

Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Hassan Shoukat

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I agree with you. There is a risk of leg vein thrombosis in deep veins of legs due to prolong sitting. Aspirin do help according to some studies, might be not as beneficial as full anticoagulants like Heparin, etc., but take Aspirin 325 mg (not 75 or 81 mg) one hour b...  Read Full »

I am a thalassemia carrier. I have a high RBC count and a low platelet count. Is it serious?

Query: Hello doctor, I just came to know that I am a thalassemia carrier. I have never had any problems in the past. My RBC count is higher than usual and my platelets count is low. Is it serious? Kindly help.  Read Full »

Dr. Prakash. H. M.

Answer: Hello, I appreciate you signing up on You now have exclusive access to expert medical opinion. Being a thalassemia carrier, the main risk is of transferrin thalassemia to the next generation, if your spouse is a thalassemia trait. So genetic testing of your partner is essential. In th...  Read Full »

Why am I having high RBC and hemoglobin counts with low glycated hemoglobin?

Query: Hello doctor, I am 53 years old, 183 lbs, 5'4". For years, I ran a high white blood count and the oncologist said nothing can be done about that. We need to now watch red blood count and RBC distribution and watch my spleen. Now approximately nine years later, for the last four years, I am seeing r...  Read Full »

Dr. Goswami Parth Rajendragiri

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have reviewed your query and below is my opinion. Your attached reports are suggestive of high RBC, hemoglobin, and HCT as per provided reference range in a laboratory report. So it is suggestive of polycythemia. It can be primary or secondary. Primary polycythemia...  Read Full »

Can you diagnose my condition based on my CBC report and chest X-ray?

Query: Hi doctor, I have done these analyses in CBC and I need to know the diagnosis. I have a hemoglobin of 17.3 g/dL, RBC of 6.88 million cells/mcL, hematocrit of 51.6 percent, MCV of 75 fL, MCH of 25.1 pg, RDW-CV of 10.9 percent, RDW-SD of 26 fL, MPV of 12.6 fl, and WBC of 3.5 per microliter of blood. ...  Read Full »

Dr. Goswami Parth Rajendragiri

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I understand your concern. I have gone through the report (attachment removed to protect patient identity) and it is suggestive of polycythemia. The cause of polycythemia can be primary myeloproliferative neoplasm or secondary polycythemia by other causes. To rue out po...  Read Full »

I have proteins, WBCs, and epithelial cells in my urine. Why?

Query: Hi doctor, My partner is 48 years old, and her weight is 65 kilograms. She has RBC of 5.6 mcL, Hb of 15.3 g/dL, and creatinine of 0.9 mg/dL. The urine report shows white cells of 60 to 80 WBCs per high power field. There are traces of proteins, leucocytes, and epithelial cells also.  Read Full »

Dr. Girish Chandrakant Kamat

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Your partner has urinary tract infection. She needs to do a urine culture and sensitivity. Meanwhile, get examined by a gynecologist to know the local source of infection. If she is symptomatic, with fever or burning micturition, then she needs to take a course of antib...  Read Full »

Can polycythemia vera cause high Hb and RBC levels?

Query: Hello doctor, I am a 25-year-old male and have had high hemoglobin and RBC levels for over two years. Recently, I got a hemogram that again shows elevated RBC and Hb levels and hematocrit within normal. So my hematologist asked me for the JAK 2 exon mutation 12 and 14 tests. I am worried that I have...  Read Full »

Dr. Goswami Parth Rajendragiri

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Your Hb (hemoglobin), hematocrit, and RBC (red blood cells) are high. The diagnosis is either primary polycythemia vera or secondary polycythemia. I require your total WBC (white blood cell) count and platelet to comment further. You can attach your reports; if you have...  Read Full »

My 16-year-old son's blood report shows high AST. What does it mean?

Query: Hello doctor, I am looking to get a second opinion on my son’s bloodwork to see if any flu tests are recommended or if there is any concern at all. He is a 16-year-old, healthy male who works out regularly and eats relatively healthy. The only known medical problem is being lactose intolerant. I w...  Read Full »

Dr. Goswami Parth Rajendragiri

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I understand your concern. In the mentioned history, the noted finding is mild raised hemoglobin, mildly raised RBC, slightly elevated aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT).The mentioned reports do not suggest any specific ...  Read Full »

Why am I having high RBC and WBC?

Query: Hi doctor, I am a 25-year-old male. A few days back, I have taken complete blood picture (CBP). In that report, it is showing that I have high RBC and WBC count when compare to reference values. I am sending you that laboratory report. Please go through the report and explain me the problem.  Read Full »

Dr. Goswami Parth Rajendragiri

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I have gone through your report (attachment removed to protect patient identity). Your hemoglobin value and platelet counts are normal. Your RBC (red blood cell) count is only slightly elevated, but I do not think it needs further work up. And, your WBC (white blood c...  Read Full »

What does it mean if my RBC and hematocrit values are elevated?

Query: Hello doctor, I am a 21-year-old female. My height is 5'8", and my weight is 185 lbs. I take tablet Tirosint 50 mcg for my Hashimoto's thyroiditis and tablet Slynd for PCOS. My blood reports showed slightly elevated RBC and hematocrit and low MCH. I have had migraines for six years. What is causin...  Read Full »

Dr. Goswami Parth Rajendragiri

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I have checked your CBC (complete blood count) report (attachments removed to protect the patient’s identity). In the attached blood report, red blood cells and hematocrit are slightly high, while MCH (mean corpuscular hemoglobin) is borderline low. These fluctuations...  Read Full »

I have high RBC count, low MCV, and MCH. Why?

Query: Hi doctor, If my complete blood count has high RBC value and low MCV and MCH values, what is the possible diagnosis for me?  Read Full »

Dr. Goswami Parth Rajendragiri

Answer: Hi, Welcome to 1. High RBC count is called polycythemia. If it is persistently high, then the cause should be evaluated. Respiratory causes like COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and cardiac causes can lead to secondary polycythemia. Primary polycythemia is a myeloprolifera...  Read Full »

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