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Are increased WBC count and throat pain symptoms of HIV?

Are increased WBC count and throat pain symptoms of HIV?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

Medically reviewed by

iCliniq medical review team

Published At September 15, 2017
Reviewed AtMay 22, 2024

Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

My routine blood report is as follows. WBC - 13700, neutrophils - 76%, lymphocytes - 19%, eosinophils - 02%, monocytes - 03%, basophil - 0%, RBC- 4.5, HCT - 39.8, MCV - 84.5, MCH - 27, MCHC - 32, Hb - 12.5, platelets - 410000 and vitamin B12 - 184.

WBC is above the maximum for over a period of one year now. Last year when I was ill, I got some rashes on my hands and legs. My periods are irregular and my bleeding is too low. Seven months back, I was diagnosed to have hypothyroidism and vitamin B12, D, and folic acid deficiency. I had five injections for vitamin B12, but still I am deficient in vitamin B12. For over seven months, I have been experiencing left-sided throat, ear, jaw, and teeth pain. I took many antibiotics from different ENT doctors and did endoscopy and sonography as well, but no use at all. Also my tongue sores with increased foliate papillae. Am I infected with HIV?

Answered by Dr. Prakash. H. M.


Welcome to icliniq.com.

Based on your query, my opinion is as follows:

  1. Elevated WBC (white blood cell) count is secondary to increased neutrophils. Neutrophils here appear to be increased secondary to infections.
  2. Irregular periods and low bleeding were possibly due to hypothyroidism.
  3. Reduced nutrition could have led to vitamin B12 and folic acid deficiency. Reduced sun exposure could have led to vitamin D deficiency.
  4. Vitamin B12 and folic acid are never stored in the body in large quantities. They belong to a group of water-soluble vitamins. Anything taken in excess usually goes off in urine. You need to be on regular supplements or improvement with nutrition is essential.
  5. Tongue sores and increased foliate papillae could be due to vitamin B12 deficiency. Also, stress increases sores in the mouth.
  6. Pain on the left side of the face could be due to stress (tension). As there is no fever or ear or nose discharge, you need a physical evaluation by a neurologist for any neural cause, possibly migraine.
  7. However, I can safely confirm, none of these are symptoms of HIV. All are normal. Reduced stress will reduce all the values.
  8. I hope you are getting treatment for gastric reflux. You need to relax, avoid spicy food and take food regularly.
  9. Medication for thyroid needs to be on a regular basis.

The Probable causes

The probable causes are low nutrition and stress.

Investigations to be done

Neurologist opinion can be taken.

Treatment plan

1. Vitamin B12 and Folic acid supplementation along with relaxation exercises. 2. Treatment for hypothyroidism is essential.

Preventive measures

Improvement of nutrition through diet.

Regarding follow up

For further information consult a hematologist.

Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

Thank you for the reply,

When I went to an ENT specialist, he told me that the pain is due to swollen lymph nodes. He gave me high-dose antibiotics such as Rumatin-SP, Oratil CV - 500, and Allegra - 120 mg. But, still, there is no improvement. When I stop the antibiotic, my throat again gets swollen. I read on the internet that swollen lymph nodes for a period of three months and above are also a sign of HIV. The dentist told me that I have an impacted wisdom tooth. But, they are not infected, and no problem with that. What can I do now? In primary HIV infection, WBC increases or decreases?

Answered by Dr. Prakash. H. M.


Welcome back to icliniq.com.

  1. Neutrophils are not affected by HIV infection. It mostly affects lymphocytes.
  2. Increased neutrophils indicate acute inflammation or most probably bacterial. The lymph nodes would take some time to reduce.
  3. Lymph node enlargement will be painful in many conditions, and possibly in HIV too. In HIV, multiple groups of lymph nodes will be enlarged and usually in the middle stage. If you have lymph nodes enlarged in the region of the axilla and inguinal too, then HIV can be thought of and ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) test can be done.
  4. As the lymph nodes are moving, possibly it is not cancer. At present, it is still a bacterial infection.
  5. To make sure the diagnosis of HIV, get an ELISA test. If negative, then get a lymph node FNAC (fine needle aspiration cytology) or biopsy to confirm the cause of enlargement.

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Prakash. H. M.
Dr. Prakash. H. M.


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