Common "Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura

Reduced platelet count characterizes idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura or immune thrombocytopenic purpura despite normal bone marrow functions and the absence of other causes. Purple or red bruises and an increased bleeding tendency are the two unique clinical features of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. In addition, petechiae in the hands and legs, nasal bleeding, bleeding from the gums, and menorrhagia are the associated symptoms. Steroids, intravenous immunoglobulin, platelet transfusion, thrombopoietin receptor agonists, and splenectomy are a few treatment modalities for idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura.

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My daughter was diagnosed with ITP earlier, and her complete blood count is normal, except for the platelets. Does she need a platelet transfusion?

Query: Hello doctor, My daughter had a complete blood count, which was normal except for platelet. She is asthmatic and has got a chest infection now, and she is receiving antibiotics. She has her period now. Two days ago, the platelet was 14. When she was a child, the case was confirmed as ITP, but she wa...  Read Full »

Dr. Goswami Parth Rajendragiri

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I read your query and can understand your concern. Rule out other causes of thrombocytopenia, like uremia, malaria, and dengue. I suggest you take a peripheral smear examination report and Ig M dengue testing. If no specific cause is found, ITP (idiopathic thromboc...  Read Full »

Why is my platelet level low even after platelet transfusion?

Query: Hello doctor, My mom's platelet count was 6,000 and they did platelet transfusion for six pints and it came about 100,000 and after that, today again it became 13,000. What will be the disease condition and what is the treatment to be followed?  Read Full »

Dr. Goswami Parth Rajendragiri

Answer: Hello, Welcome to You have not mentioned at what time she got her platelet transfusion and now after how many days the platelet count has been decreased. Dengue, immune thrombocytopenia purpura, uremia, malaria, blood septicemia, drugs, platelet functional disorder, consumptive coagul...  Read Full »

How to improve my daughter's low platelet count?

Query: Hi doctor,My 12-year-old daughter was fatigued and had blue blotches over her body. The doctor locally ordered blood tests, and the results showed a low platelet count of 50000. They administered Cortisone of 30 mg a day for two weeks, and the count went up to 100000. The doctor reduced Cortisone to...  Read Full »

Dr. Goswami Parth Rajendragiri

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Your child is having low platelet count and blue blotch over the body. The skin discoloration can be from low platelet as thrombocytopenia can lead mucosal bleeding. If it seems cyanotic patches on examination then cardiac, respiratory and vascular causes need to be ...  Read Full »

What is causing these red dots all over child's body?

Query: Hello doctor, I have a 2 year old daughter. She is breaking out with red dots all over her body. They do not look like measles or chicken pox. She weighs 30 pounds and has no other symptoms. I have tried giving her a child allergy medication because I thought she might have developed an allergy to ...  Read Full »

Dr. Babu Lal Meena

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I need more information for a quality answer. The onset of symptoms, duration? any itching? associated fever or weight loss? history of jaundice? any relevant family history? The site of red spots? is it distributed to a specific area? because it can indicate e...  Read Full »

I have ITP and did not clean my wound after getting a cut. Can it cause infections like tetanus?

Query: Hi doctor, Today, I got an open wound from a rusted metal in one of my cupboards. The wound was not very deep, but as I have ITP (immune thrombocytopenic purpura), I did not clean it at first and swiped the blood with my finger and pressed hard so that the blood clots. As I told you above, my condit...  Read Full »

Dr. Vandana Andrews

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I thoroughly read your query and understand your concern. It is always important to clean any wound as soon as possible to reduce the risk of infection. Therefore, it would have been ideal to clean the wound immediately rather than wait. However, since you eventually clea...  Read Full »

Can ITP cause low hemoglobin and iron levels in my daughter?

Query: Hello doctor,My 21-year-old daughter suffered from ITP, two years back. Her hemoglobin and iron are low again, so she started taking Orofer. Her hemoglobin is 10.3 g/dL and her iron is 25. The platelet count is fine. Please help.   Read Full »

Dr. Goswami Parth Rajendragiri

Answer: Hi, Welcome to According to the history provided, it is a case of anemia. Here hemoglobin level is low and serum iron level is also low. Hence, it is suggestive of iron-deficiency anemia. But for proper workup, I need to know peripheral smear examination report with CBC (complete blo...  Read Full »

What are the signs and symptoms of lupus?

Query: Hello doctor,I am a 26-year-old male. I have been diagnosed with lupus. However, I am questioning the diagnosis. Initial presentation of ITP (platelet count under 10k) minor loss of kidney function. Underwent biopsy and reported to have glomerulonephritis prominent mesangial deposits. In addition, t...  Read Full »

Dr. Rahul Ramji Kackar

Answer: Hello,Welcome to your concern that it is SLE or not SLE only? The treatment is more important. It is an autoimmune process that has affected different organ systems. According to me, the concern should be how to halt the progress of the illness, for which knowing if it is purely SLE o...  Read Full »

Is it normal to have constantly reducing platelet count?

Query: Hello doctor, My weight is 127 lbs, height 5 feet 3 inches. I am a 43-year-old female. My platelet count five months back was 165, next month it was 140 and now it is 120. My liver function is normal and having thyroid. Currently, I am taking Eltroxin 50 mg. Please advise.  Read Full »

Dr. Goswami Parth Rajendragiri

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I have reviewed your reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity) and here is my advise. Your platelet count is constantly reducing according to provided history. Kindly mention if you are having any clinical infection history like dengue, malaria, etc. beca...  Read Full »

My son's platelet level is low after a high fever. What could be the reason for it?

Query: Hi, My son is seven years 11 months old baby and weighs 52 lbs. Ten weeks back, he was sick with a high fever for three days. After three weeks from that, he got bruises and bleeding in his nose. They saw his platelet level was very low (2000) and identified as ITP (Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpu...  Read Full »

Dr. Mubashir Razzaq Khan

Answer: Hi, Welcome to ITP (idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura) is the idiopathic (immune) mediated destruction of platelets. There is no defects or deficiency in platelet formation. It is frequently associated with a prior fever (most likely due to viral infections). Let us go with your qu...  Read Full »

Is my weird rash related to diabetes or fatty liver?

Query: Hi doctor,I am 31 years old. I was diagnosed with prediabetes at the age of 14. I did not focus much on it until in my 20s when I got diagnosed with actual diabetes with an Hba1c of 12 or 14. Eventually, I was put on insulin. My first orders were 10 units of Levemir at bedtime and to go up three uni...  Read Full »

Dr. Shaikh Sadaf

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I just read your query, and from what you have attached (attachment removed to protect patient identity), it appears that these rashes are idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. These are usually acute and self-limiting and occur in women between 20 to 40 years of age ...  Read Full »

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