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HomeAnswersplastic surgery-reconstructive and cosmetic surgeryinguinal herniaWhy do I have pain the next day after any physical activity post inguinal hernia surgery?

What can be the causes for pain the next day after any physical activity post inguinal hernia surgery?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

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iCliniq medical review team

Published At May 26, 2022
Reviewed AtNovember 2, 2023

Patient's Query


I am a 34-year-old male with a height of 5.8 feet and a weight of 191 pounds. I had inguinal hernia surgery about nine years back. Post-surgery I have not taken proper rest. After 30 days of surgery, I started to sit on the ground and also started using an Indian type of toilet. Due to this, I suspect scar tissue has formed inside my body, but from the outside, it appears normal. All these years, whenever I stretch, run, sit down on the ground, or if I perform pushups, It hurts me at the site of stitches the next day. I think that when I do some stretching, the scar tissue is torn inside me, and it heals the next day, so I feel skin or muscle healing pain or a sensation similar to post-surgery. It feels like I had surgery recently. Nowadays, it hurts when I bend down to take an object from the ground, or even after walking or sitting on low height chair. It hurts only after 12 hours of the activity. I went to a surgeon who performed my surgery. He asked me to reduce belly fat. I think I have 22 pounds of belly fat. My waist measurement is 35 inches, my hip measurement is 42 inches, and my belly measurement is about 41 inches. I want to know my treatment options and what type of repair I had? My queries are- Will reducing belly fat cure my problem completely or partially? What specialty of doctors work on scar tissue issues? A normal surgeon or a plastic surgeon? And how much will it cost? What are the options to reduce belly fat? I am already dieting, so please tell me surgical and non-surgical options. I checked liposuction damages nerves and other tissue, and cool sculpting is not for people who had hernia surgery. I have been applying ice to my belly for three days to mimic cool sculpting. Will it work?


Welcome to icliniq.com.

I read your query and understand your concern.

Here are my suggestions for you- Losing belly fat can help you, as your doctor has advised you. If it does not help, at least it will help you to be a bit more healthy. If the scar looks normal from the outside, I think you do not require a plastic surgeon. You might require a general surgeon. The pain might be because of the mesh. I would suggest you get an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). The cost depends on the type and the class of hospital, the bed class, and the experience of the surgeon from whom you are getting operated on. There are many ways of losing belly fat. Dieting is the best way to lose unwanted weight. You have to be calorie deficit to decrease weight. You will require exercises to tone your body.

Thank you.

Patient's Query


I had this same issue earlier, so I had an MRI done three years back. The MRI showed nothing. I do not have the reports, but I have the DICOM MRI file. Should I send you the file?


Welcome back to icliniq.com.

I understand your concern. Yes, you can send me the MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) report. A written report will help me to evaluate further.

Thank you.

Patient's Query


I will try to send the DICOM.rar file. Thank you.


Welcome back to icliniq.com.

I understand your concern.

I look forward to get your reports.

Thank you.

Patient's Query


Thank you for your time. I sent you my MRI reports. This MRI was taken four years back when my age was 31 years, and my weight was 183 pounds. Now I am 35-year-old and weigh 191 pounds, last year my weight was 202 pounds. I have like 22 to 33 pounds of belly fat. After a one-hour walk, if I sit down on a chair, my belly is pressing the inguinal hernia stitches region. That is why after walking, I sleep on my bed and work on my laptop. Before walking, if I sit on a chair and my belly rubs on my thighs, then there is no problem for me. But after walking, if I sit on a chair, my leg muscles tighten, as my belly falls and rubs on my thighs (on to inguinal hernia stitches), it hurts me. Also, I am checking diet plans to reduce my belly. Thank you.


Welcome back to icliniq.com.

I understand your concern.

I will check your MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) reports and get back to you.

Thank you.

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Jain Vicky Ghewarchand
Dr. Jain Vicky Ghewarchand

plastic surgery-reconstructive and cosmetic surgery

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