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HomeAnswersDermatologyintradermal neviKindly see the picture and confirm whether it is nodular melanoma.

Can you confirm if the growth is nodular melanoma?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

Answered by

Dr. Rashmi Singh

Medically reviewed by

iCliniq medical review team

Published At February 22, 2017
Reviewed AtMay 15, 2024

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

Before three months, my husband noticed a pink spot on my hip. I thought it was just a bug bite and I put some cortisone cream on it. It has been three months, and for a while, I forgot about it. Now, I do not think that it has grown much. It would be hard to say as I kept trying to rip it off. When I spent some time on the internet, I convinced myself that I have nodular melanoma. I have attached the photos. Please confirm it.

Answered by Dr. Rashmi Singh


Welcome to icliniq.com.

It is impossible to diagnose from a picture whether or not it is a nodular melanoma (attachment removed to protect patient identity). On the site, it is extremely uncommon on unexposed parts as well as in your age group. Also, nodular melanoma grows very rapidly. It could probably just be an intradermal nevus. Melanoma seems like a highly unlikely possibility here, but a confirmed diagnosis can be made only by dermoscopy or biopsy.

Patient's Query

Thank you doctor,

I also noticed two new growths on the back of my neck and shoulder area (photo attached). One is about the size of a pencil tip, and the other is about the size of a crayon.

Answered by Dr. Rashmi Singh


Welcome back to icliniq.com.

Like I earlier mentioned, its impossible to make the diagnosis of nodular melanoma over pictures. Monitor the lesion for change in texture and increase in speed of growth. It is always better to get it dermoscopically tested. In the pictures (attachment removed to protect patient identity), the second one looked like an intradermal nevus. Does it hurt? When did you first notice it?

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Rashmi Singh
Dr. Rashmi Singh


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