Common "Isometric And Range Of Motion Exercises" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Isometric And Range Of Motion Exercises

Isometric exercises are done to improve the muscle strength of weak muscles. In addition, this will increase the range of motion of the muscles with a restricted range of motion. In isometrics, the joint angle and muscle length do not change during contraction. Some isometric strength training exercises are planks, quadruped knee hover, side planks, etc. These exercises are done in static positions.

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I have numbness on my shoulder after a dislocation. Why?

Query: Hello doctor, I am a 38 year old female. My height is 5 feet and 9 inches, and I weigh 130 lbs. I am a professional dancer. I dislocated my left shoulder while dancing. I had to make a move that involved throwing the arms out and across the body to the right side sharply and quickly. It popped ou...  Read Full »

Dr. Chandwadkar Ashish

Answer: Hello, Welcome to What you described was a dislocation of the shoulder joint and a reduction on its own. When the relocation of this forearm head in the joint cavity does not happen on its own, we try to reduce it again in the joint cavity with some maneuvering, and immobilize it with ...  Read Full »

I am concerned about my father’s high blood pressure. Help.

Query: Hello doctor,I am concerned about my father’s health. He has been dealing with high blood pressure for the past three years and is not able to recover or normalize his blood pressure. He has been taking Metoprolol. I am worried about the potential complications of BP, and I want to do everything I...  Read Full »

Dr. Dheeraj Kela

Answer: Hello,Welcome to isometric exercises, you are contracting a set of muscles without moving your joints or limbs. Wall sits, where you hold yourself in a seated position with your back against a wall, and planks, where you hold what looks like a push-up position, are fairly common iso...  Read Full »

Are resistance band exercises good for neck pain?

Query: Hello doctor, Can I exercise with resistance bands if I have neck, shoulder and back pain?  Read Full »

Dr. Atul Prakash

Answer: Hello, Welcome to You should realize that there are two types of exercises. Range of motion. This is recommended when the patient has pain, active symptoms, muscle spasm, and instability. Strengthening: once the acute pain has settled and a full pain-free range of motion has bee...  Read Full »

Can scoliosis be treated with exercise?

Query: Hi doctor,For the past four months, I am suffering from neck stiffness especially when turning to the left. Also, I am suffering from the heaviness of the head, trembling of the head in certain neck positions, and shortness of breath, especially on moving to the chest level. When I wake up in the mo...  Read Full »

Dr. Sumit Chawla

Answer: Hi, Welcome to As you have very well explained your symptoms, I am so thankful to you. I would have appreciated if MRl image too available. Scoliosis can give rise to spasm of paraspinal muscles of the affected area, and in your case neck, this explains your neck stiffness. Does tremb...  Read Full »

What could be the reason for muscle tightness?

Query: Hello doctor, The right part of my body feels tighter that the left. I feel pain in my right calf and thigh when I wear trousers and in my right underarm when I wear a shirt. What can I do to solve this?  Read Full »

Dr. Thakre Mahendra Shivram

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I understand your concern. I need to know more about your symptoms. When and how does it start? Is it increasing day by day or it is the same? Is it associated with any pain or muscle ache? Is it aggravated by activity? Are there any diurnal variations? Is there any ba...  Read Full »

I have upper back pain when I sit which reduces when I stand. Please advice.

Query: Hello doctor, I am a 23 year old male. I am having pain in the upper back. When I sit on the chair in office the pain starts and it reduces when I stand, stretch or walk. I work for nine hours, from morning 11 to evening 8. I do not have any previous injuries or accidents. Eight days ago, I felt pa...  Read Full »

Dr. Atul Prakash

Answer: Hi, Welcome to You have given an excellent description of a common problem in persons who have a desk-based job. The condition you are experiencing is due to poor posture. Stretching and looking away from your constant position is helpful as you have also figured out. Get up and move...  Read Full »

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