Common "Jock Itch" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Jock Itch

Jock itch is otherwise known as tinea cruris. It is a fungal infection caused due to dermatophytes. It causes red itchy rashes in ring shapes on the affected region of the body. It often affects the genitals, inner thighs, and buttocks. It occurs commonly in athletes, and so it is called jock itch. It occurs commonly in people who sweat excessively and obese persons. Applying topical antifungal medication and maintaining genital hygiene helps a lot.

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A spot rose on my thigh near the groin region. Please help.

Query: Hi doctor, A spot rose on my thigh near to groin. I consulted with a dermatologist. The doctor diagnosed it with tinea crusis and advised ten tablets of Sizzle once a day and 30 tablets of Funge 250 mg once a day, and a Canix-H cream to be applied on the affected areas.  Read Full »

Dr. Ashwini. V. Swamy

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I understand your concern. I reviewed the picture attached (attachment removed to protect the patient's identity). Yes, it is tinea cruris spreading to involve your thighs. The medication prescribed by your dermatologist is perfect for tinea. Follow the treatment regime...  Read Full »

I have red spots and intense itching around my thighs. Kindly help me

Query: Hi doctor, I have been having red spots and intense itching around my thighs (almost all of the pubic hair area around my genitals). And as a result, I itch every day, and it gets bad at times that I have to scratch a lot. I have it for around a month. Could it be because of the continuous usage of...  Read Full »

Dr. Suvash Sahu

Answer: Hi, Welcome to It seems you are having tinea cruris. Tinea cruris is a fungal infection of the groin. I suggest you follow the general measures. Do not keep the area wet at all. Use Clotrimazole powder frequently to keep it dry. Avoid itching and do not scratch it. Change the undergar...  Read Full »

What is the red wound present on my thighs? How to control it?

Query: Hi doctor, I have red wounds growing on my thighs. I used a Candid B cream over it. It gets reduced, and it starts in another place. Please give me a solution.  Read Full »

Dr. Suvash Sahu

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I have gone through your query and attachment (attachment removed to protect patient identity). You have developed tinea cruris. It is a fungal infection of the groin area. Stop applying Candid B (Beclomethasone and Clotrimazole). Although it is an antifungal, it also c...  Read Full »

I have skin soreness and darkness due to jock itch. Please advise.

Query: Hi doctor, I had jock itch one year back and it got cured and then the skin started turning black and rough and it is spreading slowly. I used Onabet cream but to cure. Scrotum and upper thighs are rough and sore and dark. Please advise me to get cured.  Read Full »

Dr. Sagar Ramesh Makode

Answer: Hello, Welcome to This is again a fungal infection. You should use Terbinafine ointment twice a day for 2 to 3 weeks. Apply well to the involved area. Also, have Fluconazole 150 mg bedtime once and repeat after one week, if symptoms persist.   Read Full »

Why is the fungal infection in my scrotum not reducing?

Query: Hello doctor,It has been one year now, and redness and fungus are not going away from the anus area. It is all over the region. It is on my scrotum, the inner part of the thigh just right beside the scrotum. I have been applying Cloben-G and dusting it with Clotrimazole powder, still not going away;...  Read Full »

Dr. Rakesh Kumar Bahunuthula

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Your complaints are suggestive of Tinea cruris, a fungal infection of the body folds. It is usually a consequence of excessive sweating and maceration of the skin, tight clothing, and uncontrolled sugar levels. Cloben G is a steroid cream and is strictly contraindica...  Read Full »

How to cure the allergies present on my face and inner thighs?

Query: Hi doctor, I am 27 years old. I have got allergies on my inner thighs. I used all the medicines. But there is no relief. Recently, I went for sonography and found with multiple cysts in the ovary. Due to allergy, the skin of inner thighs got darker, and I have reddish marks with itching on my face....  Read Full »

Dr. Suvash Sahu

Answer: Hi, Welcome to With your descriptions, it seems that you have developed tinea cruris. It requires a minimum of two to three months to have a complete cure. I would suggest you take tablet Itraconazole 100 mg once daily and use 2 % Miconazole gel local application twice daily for one m...  Read Full »

My private parts are itchy. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor, I have itching and irritation in private parts. Please help.  Read Full »

Dr. Thakare Sampada Avinash

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Fungal infection is due to improper hygiene or excessive sweating. Maintaining good hygiene will help. Wash clothes in hot water. Avoid sharing clothes. Keep area dry. If you are not allergic to oral medications, I suggest: Tablet Terbinafine 250 mg once daily ...  Read Full »

Why is there discoloration and scarring around my penis?

Query: Hello Doctor, I am a 20-year-old male having skin discolorations and scar-like tissue near the penis. Although it is not problematic for me and I am in good physical health, the discoloration and dryness on the skin near the penis bothers me. Because of this, I had previously visited a doctor, who i...  Read Full »

Dr. Suvash Sahu

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I read your query and understand your concern. Based on your medical history and examination of your photographs (attachments removed to protect the patient's identity), it is most likely that you have tinea cruris (a medical condition affecting the genital, pubic, pe...  Read Full »

Why do I have some kind of allergy in my inner thigh?

Query: Hi doctor, I am experiencing an allergic reaction in the inner thigh area near my anus. This has resulted in dry skin. It started as a small dot but has now spread on both sides of my anus and thighs. The itching is severe. Initially, I used a cream containing combination of Betamethasone, Gentamici...  Read Full »

Dr. Shalini Patodiya

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I read your query and understood your concern. Firstly, I suggest you stop using a cream containing combination of Betamethasone, Gentamicin, Tolnaftate and Clioquinol as it contains steroids. It is possible that you have a case of tinea, and this cream you mentioned m...  Read Full »

I have ringworms in my thighs. Please help.

Query: Hi doctor, I have ringworm in my thigh area for the last four months. It is itching very badly. What shall do to get it cured completely? My age is 42 and my weight is 180 pounds . I am currently on Terbinafine 250 mg, Candiforce 100 mg and Clocip powder. Please help.  Read Full »

Dr. Geetha Priyadarsini Kamminana

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Ringworm infection in the groin is known as tinea cruris. It is a recurrent fungal infection. Please let me know whether you have diabetes. Are you on steroids for any reason? Does any other family member have the same infection? Do you have intense pruritus or itching...  Read Full »

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