Common "Knee X-ray" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Knee X-ray

Knee X-ray helps diagnose the cartilage loss between the tibia and femur, bone spurs, effusion, alignment of the tibia and femur, patellar tendon disruption, patellar fracture, etc. It has three views: the anteroposterior or the front view, lateral or side view, and the sunrise view or the view with a bent knee.

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Why do I have severe knee pain whenever I sit and stand up?

Query: Hi doctor, I am 28 years old. I have a query regarding my knee-knocking sound. I have a bad pain for the past two days. I feel the pain when I am sitting and standing up. I have this knee-knocking problem for the past three years. Is this anything serious? Do I have to do some tests? I often have...  Read Full »

Dr. Sugreev Singh

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Sometimes our knees make a sound when we stand up because there is bone patella and so when we stand up, it slides down and so we hear the sound. Apart from that, you have pain. It is not normal and you can have it due to injuries or inflammation. First of all, I su...  Read Full »

I am getting knee pain even with a simple activity. Please help.

Query: Hi doctor,I am a 27 year old male. My weight is 85 kg and height is 179 cm. About 2 years ago, I participated in a half marathon. On that day, I started feeling pain in both knees above the patella. I think in quadriceps tendon. I followed RICE and the pain went off. But, after that, whenever I do s...  Read Full »

Dr. Shakti Amar Goel

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Considering your symptoms and pain, I have a few points to mention. It is possible that the pain is due to quadriceps pull. However, a condition called chondromalacia patellae should also be ruled out. Do you have pain in climbing upwards or upstairs? I wou...  Read Full »

What causes knee pain to my 4-year-old son?

Query: Hello doctor, My son who is turning 4 in two months, has been complaining about pain in his knee for over a year now. His pediatrician told us that it was growing pains and is normal. However, it has been there for too long and it is always just the right knee. He cries at different times in the day...  Read Full »

Dr. Faisal Abdul Karim Malim

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I think his knee pain is of significance since it is involving only one limb and it has been so for quite a long time. Sometimes, there may be a hidden bone infection which may go unnoticed. It is advisable to do an X-ray of the affected leg, and take an opinion from a...  Read Full »

Will my knee pain due to injury heal on its own?

Query: Hello doctor, A week before, I fell from riding a bicycle after going to market and my left knee hit the ground first I was able to stand up although I got wounded. I went home and did first aid on my wound. After a week, my wound was healed but until now I feel the pain on my left leg. There is le...  Read Full »

Dr. Peter Bryant Rapsing Grutas

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I am sorry you are having these symptoms. This might still be due to injury resulting in soft tissue contusion. I am not considering fracture at this point because you were still able to stand up. But an x-ray of the left knee APL would be recommended. In the mea...  Read Full »

What are supra and infrapatellar enthesophytes in X-ray report?

Query: Hello doctor, I had a knee replacement on my knee a year ago. I am doing fine but have a little stiffness. I went to the doctor yesterday to have my check done. They did an X-ray, and the results are as follows: Left knee: Total knee arthroplasty. No evidence of hardware complication. Small knee eff...  Read Full »

Dr. Anuj Gupta

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have read your query and understand your concern. In a normal case scenario, I would have asked you to upload your X-rays, but since you have already mentioned that you cannot, I will try to answer as far as I know. Well, yes, these are bone spurs. These bone spur...  Read Full »

What does my knee X-ray suggest about the growth plates in my knees?

Query: Hello doctor, I underwent a knee X-ray to determine if my plates were still open. The report stated that only a lateral view was available, so the growth plates could not be seen. Does this mean that the X-ray failed to capture my kneecap? I would like to know if they are fused.  Read Full »

Dr. Saseendar. S

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Did you have any injury in your knee, and are you concerned regarding the affected growth? Nevertheless, as per the report you have attached (attachments removed to protect the patient's identity), it seems that the lateral view of the knee is visualized, and your gr...  Read Full »

Please go through my X-ray and suggest a treatment for my knee pain.

Query: Hi doctor, Two years ago, I was injured while playing volleyball. I ignored the pain around my kneecap at that time, and it was fine after a week. After a year, I started getting sudden pain in my right knee. The pain is like locking the knee joint. The pain becomes severe while riding a bike. There...  Read Full »

Dr. Prathap

Answer: Hi, Welcome to While there doesn't appear to be any evident bony injury (attachment removed to protect patient identity), it's possible that ligament issues arose from the trauma you experienced. If there's noticeable swelling and the pain persists or worsens despite ongoing treatment,...  Read Full »

Please suggest medication for my mom's severe knee pain.

Query: Hi doctor,I am writing this on behalf of my mother. She is 60 years old and weighs about 189 pounds. Her complaint is very extreme pain in the knee (left leg). This issue started one year ago and we consulted orthopedics who applied an injection on her knee after verifying an x-ray report and prescr...  Read Full »

Dr. Atul Prakash

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Your x-rays show (attachment removed to protect patient identity), grade 2 to 3 arthritis (4 is worst) in both knees, however, the X-ray picture does not always match with the clinical symptom as is in your case. I will suggest that you take a course of anti-inflammato...  Read Full »

What can be done to treat bruise under knee cap after a fall?

Query: Hello doctor, Yesterday, I went hiking and was running down a cliff. I was going too fast and landed on both my knees. They looked deformed and have bruising and swelling around the knee cap, on the knee cap, and under the knee cap. One of them has a big looking bruised ball under the knee cap. Wha...  Read Full »

Dr. Atul Prakash

Answer: Hi, Welcome to From your description I gather you have had a nasty fall on both your knees with one being more swollen than the other. You have not mentioned but I am assuming that you were able to stand and walk after the fall and did not need to be carried back. Also, assuming you ...  Read Full »

How can I get cured from knee pain?

Query: Hi doctor, I am a 47-year-old male. Now, I have pain in my knee. I have taken a lot of painkillers to get relief from it. But it comes back again. I am unable to run fast. I cannot walk fast. I have numbness in my right leg. Please help.  Read Full »

Dr. Goswami Parth Rajendragiri

Answer: Hi, Welcome to For knee pain, you can investigate with an X-ray or MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scan of the knee joint. If there is any ligament injury in the knee joint, then it will be seen in the X-ray or MRI scan. You can consult an orthopedic surgeon for an examination. For num...  Read Full »

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