Common "Lactobacilli" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq


Lactobacilli is a gram-positive and non-spore-forming bacteria. There are many numbers of lactobacillus. They stay in the digestive system and genitourinary system of the body without causing harm to the body. They also present in yogurt and some dietary supplements. They are taken for diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, and colon inflammation.

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How to ease my pregnant wife's diarrhea symptoms?

Query: Hi doctor, My wife is pregnant and she is due for delivery in another one week. She is suffering from loose motion. Please suggest good tablet.  Read Full »

Dr. Dattaprasad Balasaheb Inamdar

Answer: Hi, Welcome to If loose motions are watery or associated with blood and mucus in stool or if there is fever, she needs to consult doctor for IV antibiotics or fluids (intravenous). If it is not so then she can take probiotics like (Saccharomyces boulardii) Econorm sachet once or twice...  Read Full »

Why am I experiencing diarrhea, weakness, and fever?

Query: Hello doctor, I am experiencing diarrhea, weakness, fever, and headaches. Whenever I drink or eat anything, I have loose motions. I feel this is a heat stroke. Can you please help?  Read Full »

Dr. Sujata Ganguly

Answer: Hi, Welcome to This looks like a case of acute gastroenteritis. A few other information will be helpful. Your age? How long have you been having these symptoms? Any vomiting? Any other pre-existing illness or medications? Did you eat anything from outside? Were you e...  Read Full »

My baby has loose motions. Please review his reports.

Query: Hi doctor, I have a 5-month-old baby who is having loose motion, so got his test done for reducing substances. It has a pH level of 6 and a positive report. What does this report signify? Otherwise, he is very gassy and burps and passes gas a lot. Please help.  Read Full »

Dr. Diggireddy Shilpa Reddy

Answer: Hello, Welcome to The reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity) state that he is lactose intolerant. You have to avoid milk and milk products for a minimum of 15 days. Give him normal food, rice, dal, and vegetables, etc. After his stool has returned to normal color and...  Read Full »

How long should probiotics be taken for abdominal problems?

Query: Hello doctor, I am suffering from health problems for the last 10 years, mainly abdominal problem (excessive gas) and mood swings. Actually, I had taken two terms of nine months Rifampicin. After that, the digestion problem and mood swings continued. A lot of tests were done in different big hospita...  Read Full »

Dr. Mahmoud Ahmed Abdelrahman Abouibrahim

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I understand your concerns. From what you mentioned, you have irritable bowel syndrome. Darolac (Lactobacillus) is a good treatment which helps replace disturbed gut flora.It is safe OTC medication, with a maintenance dose of one capsule per day. You can increase it...  Read Full »

My son is turning 6 months and not taking formula milk as before. Why?

Query: Hello doctor, My baby is 5 months old now and turning 6 months in four days. He had loose motion three days back. Since yesterday he is better, but he has lost his appetite and weight as well. He used to have 120 ml of formula milk in three to four hours gap. But now he is having only 60 ml of mil...  Read Full »

Dr. M. L. Kothari

Answer: Hello, Welcome to 1. For loose motion give Walamycin DS (Colistin sulfate) 5 ml twice a day for five days. Syrup Vizylac (Lactic acid bacillus) 5 ml twice a day for five days after meals. 2. According to me after completing 5 months stop milk from 8 AM to 8 PM and give Indian food va...  Read Full »

What does chronic liver disease change in CT report mean?

Query: Hello doctor, I may have a liver problem and would like to get advice. I had done some medical tests recently and the liver turned out to be a bit problematic for me. Hence, thought of consulting a specialist. I am currently blood pressure, blood thinner, cholesterol-reducing drugs, and medicine...  Read Full »

Dr. Yermal Tanmai Deelip

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have gone through your query. Your BP and cholesterol levels seem to be fairly well under control of treatment. Kindly share all your available reports, liver function tests, and details of the symptoms and problem that you are facing at present. Kindly get back ...  Read Full »

How do I completely get cured from passing gas throughout the day?

Query: Hello doctor, I experience gas in my stomach quite often. I then pass gas throughout the day. If I take antibiotics, it stops completely until the duration of the course. I wish to get cured completely. I was diagnosed with inactive gastritis and have been given PPI for two months but I still exper...  Read Full »

Dr. Satpute Ganeshkumar Suresh

Answer: Hello, Welcome to There are multiple reasons for gas in the abdomen. In your case, it is likely to be due to a disturbed gastrointestinal flora of the gut bacteria. You should take probiotic tablets for at least a month. Initially, start with an antibiotic such as tablet Rifaximin 450 ...  Read Full »

What causes bowel movement immediately after drinking whiskey?

Query: Hi doctor, I always get bowl movements in the evening immediately after I drink one or two pegs of whiskey. It has been happening daily for the past 2 or 3 years. The stool floats and dark brown in color. Last night, I got stomach pain and stools are very loose. I have mild fever too and I am now on...  Read Full »

Dr. Naresh Kumar M.

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I had gone through all the data posted. As you already said about popliteal artery thrombosis, these people should not drink alcohol and stop smoking immediately. These loose stools are probably due to imbalance in gut bacteria and these things happen with pancreas p...  Read Full »

Please suggest some home remedies for BV.

Query: Hello doctor, I am 19 years old. I have become sexually active within the six months for the first time and have come in contact with the use of douches and different sexual partners. Unfortunately, I think I have given myself bacterial vaginosis and not realized it. I have a strong odor down there,...  Read Full »

Dr. Balakrishnan R

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Bacterial vaginosis is due to the imbalance between the healthy and unhealthy bacteria or organisms in the vagina. This balance between good and bad bacteria is needed to protect the vagina from new infections. The use of too many antibiotics and douches will kill both...  Read Full »

Which probiotic is good?

Query: Hello doctor,I am looking for a good probiotic. I have read conflicting results online and do not know which ones are a rip-off or legitimate. It seems for one to be effective, one needs to survive the trip to your intestines, and too many make that claim without knowing if it is true. Can you recom...  Read Full »

Dr. Ajeet Kumar

Answer: Hello, Welcome you to Well, it is very hard to define which probiotic is the best one. Since microbiota (pooled microorganisms in your gut) is completely different from the other person, and for one to know what range of microbiota is present in your gut, you have to get it tested by gi...  Read Full »

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