Common "Liver Scan" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Liver Scan

A liver scan is a diagnostic test done to check how healthy the liver is. It is done to diagnose conditions such as liver cancer, cirrhosis, and hepatitis. This test also gives an image of the spleen, which is why it is also called a liver-spleen scan.

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Please suggest an opinion on my fiber scan and CT scan of liver.

Query: Hello doctor, I wanted to get a second opinion on a fiber scan, and CT scan reports I received.  Read Full »

Dr. Anshul Varshney

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have seen your reports. (attachment removed to protect patient identity). Your fibroscan result are suggestive of NASH (nonalcoholic steatohepatitis). But there are multiple artifacts in the results so the results could be wrong. To help you better I would need ...  Read Full »

Can taking cocaine two days early alter the LFT levels?

Query: Hello doctor, Could cocaine use two days before blood draw cause the LFTs (ALT=90 and AST=86) to be elevated? If so, how long of an abstinence period (not using cocaine) would be needed to get LFTs back down to normal levels?  Read Full »

Dr. Vivek Chail

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I have read through your query in detail. Please find my observations below. Taking cocaine two days earlier can increase the LFTs. LFTs can also be raised due to many causes including liver infection, increased alcohol intake, intake of toxic chemicals including cocaine,...  Read Full »

I have amyopathic dermatomyositis. Is it dangerous?

Query: Hi doctor, I was just diagnosed with amyopathic dermatomyositis, and I have been put through a lot of cancer screenings as this does not run in my family. All tests are normal, except regular ultrasound of the abdomen showed two non-specific liver lesions up to 3.2 cm. The previous CT scan of the a...  Read Full »

Dr. Sadaf Mustafa

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Usually, non-specific liver lesions are mentioned as hemangiomas. CT scan without contrast would not pick them that easily, they may have been present then. Even if hemangiomas were not there, they may have developed over time and are benign. Having said that, it is ...  Read Full »

Can you please tell me what is wrong with my liver?

Query: Hi doctor, I am having some pain in my back. The same thing happened a year before and it was diagnosed to be some liver infection. I had Liv 52 at that time and it got cured. I have attached my recent reports for your reference. Please help with my suffering.  Read Full »

Dr. Naresh Kumar M.

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I had gone through all the reports posted (attachment removed to protect patient identity). You have chronic hepatitis and we need to find out the cause for that. Chronic hepatitis may progress to cancer and so evaluation is important. Kindly get an ultrasound abdom...  Read Full »

Are CAT scans with contrast more reliable than without contrast?

Query: Hi doctor, I had a CAT scan done two weeks ago with dye. It showed that my liver was normal. I had another one done yesterday as I am having problems with diverticulitis with dye and oral white drink. This one showed subtle roughness of liver, suggesting cirrhosis. I have had elevated liver enzymes ...  Read Full »

Dr. Divakara. P

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Your concern is valid. cirrhosis typically develops gradually and isn't likely to occur within a couple of weeks. It seems improbable that cirrhosis could manifest in such a short timeframe. It's possible that there might be an error in interpreting one of the scan repor...  Read Full »

The edges of liver are abnormal in ultrasound. Why?

Query: Hi doctor, I am a 45-year-old male, non-smoker and social drinker. I am a generally healthy with no underlying medical conditions, or family history of severe illness. The only thing I have been diagnosed with is idiopathic hematuria which was told to me around two years ago. I have no other sympto...  Read Full »

Dr. Ambalathu Veettil Hussain Shihaz

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have gone through your concern. From what you have mentioned the doctor has probably identified a hemangioma which is a common finding and benign, the confirmation and characterization of a hemangioma of liver is best done with a CT (computed tomography) scan, the ...  Read Full »

Can liver cancer be misdiagnosed as liver hemangioma?

Query: Hello doctor,I started having right sided pain in the rib area around one year and three months ago. It got really bad last week and I went to a doctor. They did an ultrasound and found several hyperechoic nodular foci on the liver. He said this could simply represent hemangiomas but could be mucino...  Read Full »

Dr. Arshad Hussain Shah

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Do not worry and do not panic. All your reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity) are pointing towards hemangiomas. It is easy to differentiate between cancer and hemagioma by a radiologist on CT scan, MRI, or ultrasound. Your reports are clearly indic...  Read Full »

How long will it take to cure my mother, who is suffering from Hepatitis C?

Query: Hi doctor, My mother is 59 years old, with type 2 diabetes for the past 15 years. She is taking medications for diabetes, blood pressure and multivitamin Centrum Her diabetes and BP are under control. Before four months, she had severe vomiting, fever and body pain. We approached a hospital and did ...  Read Full »

Dr. Ashaq Hussain Parrey

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I went through your post and investigations (attachment removed to protect patient identity). Your mother is having hepatitis C, which if untreated can lead to liver failure and the treatment success rate is 95 to 99 %. The status of liver disease can be assessed by t...  Read Full »

How is fatty liver managed?

Query: Hi doctor, I have a problem with my liver. I took an ultrasound last month and found that I have moderate fatty liver grade 2. I have soreness in my stomach sometimes. If I rate the pain from 1 to 10, it seems to be around 3 to 4. I need some advice and medication for it. What to do?   Read Full »

Dr. Prathish Kumar

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I have gone through your ultrasound report (attachment removed to protect patient identity) and there is nothing to be worried. Fatty liver is common to occur and in the current era, it occurs due to food habits and inadequate physical work. Fatty liver is nothing but t...  Read Full »

I had fatty liver.Do I have chances of developing cirrhosis?

Query: Hello doctor, I had fatty liver (due to being overweight: BMI - 28.1) 3 years ago. I do not consume alcohol. At that time the enzymes were 3-4 times elevated and had signs of fat in liver. Then I lost weight and my liver enzyme levels improved. In this last one year all my liver enzymes are normal. ...  Read Full »

Dr. Vivek Chail

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I have read through your query and attachments in detail. (attachments removed to protect patient identity) Please find my observations below. Having gone through your reports in detail, cirrhosis is unlikely as your most recent ultrasound done on 1st December 2014 sho...  Read Full »

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