Common "Low Rbc Count" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Low Rbc Count

A low red blood cell count mainly occurs due to a decrease in RBC production or the excessive destruction of RBCs. The conditions or diseases associated with low red blood cell count are anemia (aplastic or iron deficiency), leukemia, chronic kidney disease, malnutrition, multiple myeloma, rheumatoid arthritis, lead poisoning, certain medications such as antiretroviral drugs for HIV infection or chemotherapy drugs for cancers, cirrhosis, heavy menstrual bleeding, bleeding in the digestive tract, frequent blood donation, porphyria, and splenomegaly.

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My MCHC, RBC, and HCT are low. Is it due to anemia?

Query: Hello doctor, I am having symptoms concurrent with anemia. I recently had a blood test done and my hemoglobin, MCHC, RBC, and HCT are low. RDW is high. Iron saturation is at the lowest end of normal. I am having problems with shortness of breath. Can this all be attributed to some form of anemia?  Read Full »

Dr. Goswami Parth Rajendragiri

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have read your concern and below is my answer to your question. You are certainly having mild degree anemia in the attached report (attachment removed to protect patient identity). It could probably be an iron deficiency anemia as you have mentioned low iron and sa...  Read Full »

Why do I have low RBC, hemoglobin and high levels of thyroid hormones?

Query: Hi doctor, I have done some blood tests. I have high iron content with low RBC, hemoglobin and high levels of thyroid. Please suggest.   Read Full »

Dr. Goswami Parth Rajendragiri

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I have noted your hemoglobin. RBC (red blood cells) and PCV (packed cell volume) are low with high bilirubin levels. It can be due to anemia especially hemolytic anemia in which the red blood cells get destructed and so HB (hemoglobin) falls down. You need to investigat...  Read Full »

What is the reason for my decreasing hemoglobin levels?

Query: Hello doctor,I am a 31-year-old female. My hemoglobin is going down after bone marrow aspiration and biopsy or due to the medicines I am taking. I am taking Wysolone 25 mg daily and Danazol 200 mg twice a day since 12 days.  Read Full »

Dr. Singh Smrita

Answer: Hello, Welcome to As per the reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity), only the serum ferritin levels are quite elevated along with reduced RBC (red blood cells) count and hemoglobin levels. This picture is indicative of ineffective erythropoiesis which can be either ...  Read Full »

Had a routine check-up and a few of my hematological paarameters are abnormal. Kindly advise.

Query: Hello doctor, Recent health check (which I do it by myself routinely and I do not have any diabetes, BP or any other disorder), I found abnormal values of the following hematological parameters, Hb- just normal, RBC- low, MCHC- low, MCV- high (lab has marked all the last three items under bold). Li...  Read Full »

Dr. Goswami Parth Rajendragiri

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have checked your attached reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity). Your hemoglobin level is within the normal range. So you may need not to worry about that. You need not worry about a slightly low red blood cell count. For high MCV, you can inv...  Read Full »

A 103-year-old woman is experiencing fatigue, low RBC, low hemoglobin and is on medications for blood pressure. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor,I am consulting on behalf of a 103-year-old female patient who is experiencing extreme fatigue, low RBC, low Hgb, and has Stage 3 COPD. The patient's current medication includes Valsartan 160mg for blood pressure, which she has been taking for more than 50 years, and no other medication...  Read Full »

Dr. Yash Kathuria

Answer: HI, Welcome to I understand your concern regarding her low GFR (Glomerular filtration rate), low RBC (red blood cells), and high homocysteine levels. The GFR and creatinine levels depend on an individual's age, muscle mass, and protein consumption. To obtain the correct GFR value, Ser...  Read Full »

I have high MCH and low RBC. Can it be neural tube defects?

Query: Hi doctor, I have just received my prenatal blood test results and am very concerned about it. I am five weeks pregnant, and my results show my MCH is 35.1 g/dL and my RBC is 3.85 million cells/mcL. I redid my blood tests today, and they gave me access to the results. I am extremely concerned about ...  Read Full »

Dr. Priyadarshini Tripathy

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I went through the query and understood your concern. MCH (mean corpuscular hemoglobin) is the average quantity of hemoglobin in a single red blood cell. Your MCH value is slightly increased, but it is reassuring that your other indices, like MCV (mean corpuscular volume)...  Read Full »

How to increase the RBC count in my mother, who is anemic?

Query: Hello doctor, My mother is suffering from anemia. She was hospitalized with a hemoglobin of 4.6. After two units of blood transfusion, it came up to 6.8 and went back to 6.3 after 10 days, then another unit was transfused. Endoscopy, colonoscopy, and CT-scan have been done but no concrete reason was...  Read Full »

Dr. Singh Smrita

Answer: Hello,Welcome to RBC count is very low with low serum ferritin and high serum iron (attachment removed to protect patient identity). Also, her anemia is normocytic normochromic which is generally seen in bleeding due to chronic blood loss or in chronic disease. Other causes can be ch...  Read Full »

Is bone marrow transplantation the right choice of treatment for anemia and leukopenia?

Query: Hello doctor, My uncle’s child has some blood-related problems as his hemoglobin is only 5 points. He was admitted to the hospital and did his bone marrow biopsy. The report is not good. His RBC has severe anemia microcytic type, and WBC has leucopenia, and platelets have thrombocytopenia. Th...  Read Full »

Dr. Pawar Satyajit Jalinder

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I just went through the reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity) you have provided. I could only find one report of peripheral blood smear. Based on the history provided and CBC (complete blood count), there is a possibility of Aplastic anemia. The trea...  Read Full »

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