Common "Lung Infection" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Lung Infection

Lung infection is caused due to bacteria and viruses. Pneumonia is a common lung infection, and it affects the smaller air sacs in the lungs. Bronchitis occurs due to infection affecting the bronchial tube, and it is caused due by viruses commonly. Bronchiolitis is a viral infection affecting the passage of the lungs. Body ache, runny nose, fatigue, and fever are some symptoms seen in lung infection.

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Will Levolin, budecort inhalers and Montair LC kid cause any side effect in a 6-year-old boy?

Query: Hello doctor, My son is 6 years old. He got lung allergy so the doctor gave Levolin 100 and Budecort inhalers and some syrup like Montair LC kid. So my son is getting free from the fever, coughs, and cold by using these medicines. After completion of these medicines course, he is repeating with the ...  Read Full »

Dr. Preeti Puranik

Answer: Hello, Welcome to The doctor has given the right treatment and please follow his instructions. The inhalers are safe and do not have any side effects as the dose of medicine is in micrograms which is very small. The allergic problem will resolve by itself as he grows. Sweating when f...  Read Full »

Can smoking cause clubbed nails?

Query: Hello doctor, I am a 23 year old male, who weighs 195 lbs and I am 5.10 feet tall. All of my fingers are clubbed. My nails have become wide and thick giving them an abnormal round appearance. The skin above my cuticles is slightly raised and red. My nails do not extend straight out, but they curve d...  Read Full »

Dr. Sagar Ramesh Makode

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have seen the photo (attachment removed to protect patient identity) of your nails and fingers, and it is in fact clubbing. The cause is smoking-induced lung damage and bronchiectasis. Regarding the reversibility, we cannot be sure at this moment, as it wi...  Read Full »

Why do I have right-sided chest pain while sleeping on side?

Query: Hello doctor, I used to have right-sided chest pains, only when I sleep on my side. But since today, I feel a constant pain in my chest. Why am I having constant chest pain? Should I be worried?  Read Full »

Dr. Divakara. P

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Thanks for posting your query. Right-sided chest pain could be due to a muscle catch, pleurisy, gastritis, lung infection, stones in the gallbladder, and liver problem. I need more information on the pain, 1. Since how long it is paining? 2. How is the pain? Is it burnin...  Read Full »

What is Mycobacterium Avium Complex plus carcinoid tumor?

Query: Hello doctor, My grandmother was diagnosed with MAC (Mycobacterium Avium Complex) plus carcinoid tumor. Can you please tell me what this means?  Read Full »

Dr. Muhammad Majid Hanif

Answer: Hello, Welcome to MAC (Mycobacterium Avium Complex) is bacteria related to tuberculosis and is a disease of the lung where bacteria affects the lungs. In simple words, it is abacterial infection of the lungs. A carcinoid tumor is nothing but cancer that mostly starts either in the lun...  Read Full »

Am I positive for tuberculosis infection, if TB skin test is positive?

Query: Hello doctor, I hope you are doing well. I had a TB skin test five days ago and went back today for the results, and it showed as positive. I took a blood test for TB 14 days back, and it came negative. My doctor said this does not confirm that I have active TB, and an x-ray scan is needed to confir...  Read Full »

Dr. Varun Chaudhry

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I hope you are doing well, and thanks for your query. Looking at your x-ray (attachments removed to protect the patient’s identity), everything looks fine, and I do not see any evidence of active TB (tuberculosis). TB skin test comes positive in many individuals and...  Read Full »

My mother-in-law is suffering from bronchiectasis. Kindly help.

Query: Hello doctor, My mother-in-law is suffering from bronchiectasis and frequent lung infections. 1. What specialized medical interventions, treatments, and lifestyle adjustments should I consider to provide her with optimal care and improve her quality of life? 2. Given the complexity of bronchiectasis...  Read Full »

Dr. Chibitam Hope Obia

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I read your query and understood your concern. Bronchiectasis often presents with recurrent pulmonary infections, characterized by a chronic daily productive cough with mucopurulent sputum production. The signs and symptoms include: Cough and daily mucopurulent ...  Read Full »

I have been feeling sick despite taking medications. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor,I am 23 years old. I have been feeling sick. Feels like the flu. Can it be a lung infection? Is it dangerous? Should I get to the ER? I took some medications but still did not feel alright. Kindly help.  Read Full »

Dr. Basuki Nath Bhagat

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have read your query, and I am sorry for such discomfort. If your other friend has some sort of lung infection, then it is likely that it would transfer to other nearby people from aerosols that he was coughing out. Having flu at present does not necessarily mean yo...  Read Full »

How to treat lung infection after gallbladder surgery?

Query: Hi doctor, My aunt had faced an operation of her gallbladder and the doctor said that she is good and the operation is successful. But after 3 days she faced lung infection, on which the current report says that the virus are reduced from 35000 to 16500 in 5 days. Also her right hand and right leg ...  Read Full »

Dr. Ashok Kumar

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I read your query and understand your concerns and also had a look at the reports (attachments removed to protect patient identity). First of all I like to assure you that current problems can be treated in effective way barring paralysis which will take some time. Regar...  Read Full »

My baby has moderate OS ASD. Will it gets cured on its own?

Query: Hello doctor,My son (1-month-old baby) is suffering from breathing problems and lung infection. We went to a pediatrician, he suggested doing 2D echo. In that we found moderate OS ASD. Will it cure on its own? Please give a suggestion.  Read Full »

Dr. Amit Kumar Modi

Answer: Hi, Welcome to The treatment of atrial septal defect in neonate or infant depends on the size of the defect and clinical condition of the child. If the child is stable, it can be left alone and sometimes it closes by the age of 3 years. If still, the problem persists, the surgical clo...  Read Full »

Are premature babies prone to lung disease as adults?

Query: Hello doctor, I was born premature and required incubation for the first three months of my life. While in an incubator, I received oxygen daily for my lungs. I am now almost 30 years old. I have health anxiety, and worried that I am more susceptible to lung cancer or illness because of my premature...  Read Full »

Dr. Divakara. P

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Being premature and being on oxygen for the first few monthsdoes increase the risk of lung infection, that too in early years of life. Now you are in 30, and I feel you have crossed the stage where you could have been at risk for infection and not for cancer. I am moreco...  Read Full »

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