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HomeAnswersNeurosurgerymagnetic resonance imagingCan you please tell me your opinion about my MRI report?

What does my MRI taken for dizziness and headaches indicate?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

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iCliniq medical review team

Published At March 31, 2019
Reviewed AtMay 7, 2024

Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

I am 33-years-old female smoker 5 feet 5 inches, 158.73 lbs. Recently I have my MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scan on the brain. My reason for MRI was dizziness, headaches, and pain in joints, legs. Can you please tell me your opinion about the result? This the impression: T2 FLAIR (Fluid attenuated - inversion recovery) hyperintensity foci within the white matter in the centrum semi ovale and near the vertex which are more than expected given patient's age. The distribution is non-specific. Most of these are atypical for demyelination.


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I understand your concern and will try to help you with it.

I understand the issue. In my opinion, the finding in your MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) suggests that some of the nerve coverings (neuronal coverings) in your brain have weakened. The changes are subtle, not to that extent when we can call it a disease. Giddiness you have is very less likely to be directly related to these changes but we can relate it to the probably associated weakness in the coverings of the balance nerves. Please let me know in detail about the pattern of your giddiness. Is it present all the time? Or episodic? Is it more when you are in stress? Is it associated with hearing problems? Do you hear any extra sounds from your ear? Please let me know so that we can discuss further.

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Patient's Query

Thank you doctor,

Some days are present all the time especially when I am under stress, (I checked through saliva test and my cortisol levels are sky high). I have had very stressful events in five years and because of that I suffer from healthy anxiety and months ago when I started reading about multiple sclerosis because of my dizziness. I think that I started mimicking symptoms (like joints pain, pin, and needles, etc.) and that is why I want to do MRI, but after MRI it got worse because I was thinking that I have multiple sclerosis.


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I understand your concern and will try to help you with it.

No, this is certainly not multiple sclerosis. But what is more likely is Meniere's disease. Stress related to episodic giddiness due to internal ear dysfunction. Other than giddiness symptoms, it can be related to vitamin B12 deficiency and stress. There are a lot of patient information articles available, you can read about them to understand Meniere's disease in detail. Stress relieving activities meditation and exercises will help. Better to stop smoking, please. Must be done gradually over a period of time. If you stop suddenly, your symptoms will worsen.

Thank you for consulting me.

You can always come back and reach me at icliniq.com.

Patient's Query

Thank you doctor,

Yes, I know that disease. My friend got it but she was told that on her MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) impression, and my GP (General Practitioner) when gave me the result he said that in the report of MRI it is nothing wrong with the inner ear. My MRI was for balance problem. Did you see my attached file? Why there is nothing about the inner ear? I have checked B12, it was good.


Welcome back to icliniq.com.

Yes, I have seen and read the attached file. It is not required to have internal ear MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) changes for Meniere's. If changes are there it is confirmatory. Meniere's is basically caused by intermittent sodium potassium level imbalances secondary to stress. This minute electrolyte imbalance has not been seen on MRI. In MRI what we can see is an extreme form of disease where there is a structural change in the internal ear. B12 lab test results are not always reliable but in my practice, I have seen sensory symptoms responding well to B12 supplements. Anyway, there is no side effect of B12 supplements. It is a water-soluble vitamin and does not get stored in the body to cause side effects. You can go for it.

Patient's Query

Thank you doctor,

I was taking B12 supplement for a couple of months for the headache but nothing improved neither headache nor dizziness. I was thinking to start antidepressant for anxiety and depression. So for my condition is there any most suitable antidepressant or if there is any medication for relief of dizziness?


I am glad you chose icliniq for your medical-related queries.

I understand your concern and will try to help you with it.

For relief from the dizziness, you can take tablet Zevert 24 milligrams thrice a day after food, tablet Stemetil MD 5 milligrams twice a day after food. Your sensory symptoms are expected to improve with B12 supplements. You can continue for another month. For anxiety, tablet Nexito LS at bedtime would be a good one. If your headache does not settle still, then you can consider tablet Topiramate 25 milligrams at bedtime for 21 days along with tablet Flunarizine 5 milligrams at bedtime for 21 days. Both tablets are to be taken at bedtime. Do not worry, your symptoms are not a very serious thing to worry about especially when your MRI does not show any major changes. It will settle eventually.

Thank you for consulting me.

You can always come back and reach me at icliniq.com.

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Hardik Nareshbhai Rajyaguru
Dr. Hardik Nareshbhai Rajyaguru


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