Common "Malignancy" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq


Malignancy is the word used to describe diseases that spread and invade the nearby tissues uncontrollably. These malignant cells spread to other parts of the body through the blood and lymphatic system. Carcinoma, sarcoma, leukemia, and lymphoma are a few examples of malignant conditions.

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Kindly go through my MRI impression and suggest.

Query: Hello doctor, I have Li-Fraumeni syndrome; therefore I am in a study. It conducts annual full body MRI to detect anything early if it should arise. I had a 0.74 inch lesion laterally in the left kidney with signal suppression for three years. However, there is now a new 0.5 inch heterogeneously T2 h...  Read Full »

Dr. Khant Shahil Ramesh Bhai

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Relax and do not worry. I have gone through the MRI report (attachment removed to protect patient identity) that you posted. MRI shows a 0.74 inch lesion suggestive of angiomyolipoma with 0.5 inch heterogenous appearing lesion within it suggestive of hemorrhage. Now, acco...  Read Full »

I had a benign tumor removed surgically. Will it come back?

Query: Hello doctor, I was diagnosed with non-malignant nodular hidradenoma of the legs. These were removed chirurgically by a dermatologist with less than 1-millimeter margins. My question is can these come back? Is surgery curative? I read on the internet that it can be cancerous. Do I need surveillance...  Read Full »

Dr. Ashish Vilas Jawarkar

Answer: Hello, Welcome to According to your biopsy report (attachment removed to protect patient identity) and the surgery, your lesions appear cured and should not recur. However, supervision at regular intervals is advisable for similar lesions at other sites.  Read Full »

The wound around my anus is not drying. Please suggest.

Query: Hello doctor,I am 35 years old, and I have a deep wound around the anus. I have been taking Cefixime dispersible tablets 200 mg for the last two weeks. However, the wound is not getting dry; please advise me.  Read Full »

Dr. Mahmoud Ahmed Abdelrahman Abouibrahim

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I understand your concerns. From what you mentioned, there are many differentials, for example, anal fissures, piles, and perianal fistula. So, I need to know more details like: Is there any pain during defecation? Is there any blood on the paper? Any constipation o...  Read Full »

What is the treatment for malaligned fractured humerus bone?

Query: Hello doctor, Three and a half months ago, I fractured my humerus in a car accident. When I went to the hospital I had my arm put into a sling. Since then I have been going back to the hospital every three to four weeks for x-rays, what concerns me is that my doctors seem extremely unsure what to ...  Read Full »

Dr. Berry Chirag Ashok

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Sorry to hear about your accident. From what I see on the Xrays attached, you sustained a humeral shaft fracture. (attachment removed to protect patient identity). These fractures tend to be very forgiving, that is, they do well in spite of a great deal of malalignme...  Read Full »

Are the streaky opacities in lungs seen in chest x-ray cancer?

Query: Hello doctor, There are streaky opacities seen on my chest X-ray. I would like to know more about the meaning of these findings. Are streaky opacities associated with malignancy? My key symptom is shortness of breath. I have no coughing, no fever, no sputum, and no hemoptysis. Also, I am an ex-smok...  Read Full »

Dr. Vivek Chail

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I have read through your query in detail. Please find my observations below. Streaky opacities scattered in both lung fields means that there might be small straight lung shadows along the air passages on your X-ray on both the sides. These prominent airways in the lun...  Read Full »

What is the cause for the bad feces smell from my nose?

Query: Hello doctor, I have bad faeces smell coming from my nose when I breathe. What could be all possible causes? Nobody around me feels that smell and that is how I got to know that it is from my nose itself. Please advice.  Read Full »

Dr. Shyam Kalyan. N

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Bad smell during breathing could be due to various reasons. Let us see those one by one. Malignancy: an intranasal (inside the nose) or intraoral (inside the mouth) malignancy can produce foul smell, that can be perceived as faeces smell by the nose. Malignancy can ...  Read Full »

I have a small spot on my right forearm. Could it be a malignant atypical mole?

Query: Hi doctor, I have a small spot on my right forearm and I want to know if it is just an atypical mole or something potentially malignant. I already have an appointment with my doctor about it, but peace of mind is always appreciated.  Read Full »

Dr. Dhepe Snehal Madhav

Answer: Hi, I appreciate you signing up on You now have exclusive access to expert medical opinion. I need to rule out certain risk factors. Do you have any family history of melanoma or skin cancer? Is your skin tone fair? Do you have a history of sun burn in the past? Any prolong exp...  Read Full »

I have growth in vaginal wall. Please review my scan report.

Query: Hi doctor, I have something growing down on my vaginal wall for the past few years. It looks like a tumor. I am attaching my scan reports. It has become double the size within a week. I have pain after sex. I have developed bloating after I eat. I feel hungry, but I am unable to eat a lot. I have t...  Read Full »

Dr. Chitrangada Jitendra

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I have gone through the attachment (attachment removed to protect patient identity). Your CT scan shows diffuse infiltrative cervical mass which is extending to involve the anterior wall of the rectum. It is causing resultant stenosis of the cervical canal leading to a ...  Read Full »

My mother's MRI is suggesting an anomaly. Please interpret.

Query: Hello doctor, My mother aged 55 years got an MRI with an observation of 'intermediate signal intensity lesion noted in the endometrial cavity measuring 19x28x24, in the fundal body region with loss of endometrial interface. Tethering of sigmoid colon with distal ileal loops to the uterus in fundus r...  Read Full »

Dr. Mavani Jimesh Himatbhai

Answer: Hello, Welcome to With this report (attachment removed to protect the patient's identity), there is a possibility of malignancy. Cancer of the uterus is more likely. I suggest you do CA 125 level, CT (computed tomography) scan abdomen and pelvis, X-ray, sonography, PET (positron emiss...  Read Full »

Can DCIS be managed with oil treatment or surgery?

Query: Hi doctor, My partner has DCIS. The doctor advised for surgery. She has been taking full extract Cannabis oil for six weeks. The initial pathology report and the follow-up reports seem to be different. The surgeon knows what my partner has been taking. I have sent both the pathology reports. I need ...  Read Full »

Dr. Goswami Parth Rajendragiri

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I have gone through the attachment (attachment removed to protect patient identity). Do not try Cannabis oil as a remedy for your lesion. Your report is suggestive of ductal carcinoma in situ. You are right, in the second report, it is given that necrosis is not evident...  Read Full »

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