Common "Mental Illness" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Mental Illness

"Mental illnesses are health conditions that can occur due to changes in mood, thinking, and behavior. It is caused due to stress, childhood abuse, grief, social isolation, trauma, intake of drugs and alcohol, improper diet and sleep, and long-term physical condition. The symptoms are extreme fear, reduced concentration, tiredness, and extreme mood changes. The treatment include medication and psychotherapy by consulting a psychiatrist.

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All the answers published in this website are written by verified medical doctors, therapists and health experts. The Content has been moderated by iCliniq medical review team before publication. Post your medical clarifications on iCliniq by choosing the right specialty and get them answered. Your medical queries will be answered 24/7 by top doctors from iCliniq.

I married my first cousin. Will this affect our child?

Query: Hi doctor, I have married my first cousin, daughter of my maternal uncle. I would like to know, will there be any genetic issue with our future kid. What are the things we need to take care off? Do we need to take any test? Could you please give some guidance on this. Thank you.  Read Full »

Dr. Megha Tuli

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I understand your situation. Genetic disorders are more likely in such marriages. I am not trying to scare you but if there is any familial disease in your family it would be good to get it checked in early pregnancy. Any autoimmune disease like rheumatoid arthritis, a...  Read Full »

I am scared of getting diseases. Is it due to anxiety disorder?

Query: Hi doctor, I want to know what is happening to me. Before three weeks, I had panic attacks when my father made a negative comment to me. My dad has a brother and he has schizophrenia. I am scared about this disorder. I do not want to have it. I have contacted some therapists and they all think that...  Read Full »

Dr. Siva Anoop Yella

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Please answer these questions to provide you a proper diagnosis. Please mention whether you have any symptoms of schizophrenia, hearing any unknown voice continuously or any running commentary goes on your mind while doing any actions. Please mention whether you have an...  Read Full »

My delusional disorder and BPD have worsened, despite taking treatments and medications. Why?

Query: Hello doctor, I have been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and delusional disorder. I am on 500 mg of Quetiapine at night and 20 mg of Paroxetine in the morning. However, I have concerns about the diagnosis. Some aspects of my condition might not be accurately captured with just BPD. I...  Read Full »

Dr. Vishal Anilkumar Gandhi

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I read your query and can understand your concern. Thank you for seeking help from a psychiatrist. Your delusional disorder may have worsened due to stress or other triggering factors. You may be experiencing persecutory and referential delusions. I suggest discussing wi...  Read Full »

I have serious mental health issues. How do I get support?

Query: Hi doctor,My mental health condition is not good. I feel like killing myself and ending my life. I do not think anyone can understand my situation. I am getting all the suicidal thoughts. I want to live, but my mind is not letting it happen. I was screaming for help, but no one was there to understa...  Read Full »

Dr. Vishal Anilkumar Gandhi

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Thank you for taking help from a psychiatrist. You may have a borderline personality disorder. It is a type of personality nature. You may have a chronic feeling of emptiness, emotional outbursts, overwhelming behavior, or self-harmful behavior. You mostly feel that no ...  Read Full »

Is my blushing related to mental illness?

Query: Hello doctor, I am 18 years old and I have been having big problems with making friends since I was 7. I go to school and I do not talk at all (only if someone or teacher asks me something). I just cannot find any topics to talk to people and the worst is that I do not know what should I say back wh...  Read Full »

Dr. Seikhoo Bishnui

Answer: Hello, Welcome to First of all, this is not a serious mental issue. Just remain relaxed. You have social anxiety most likely and this anxiety is resulting in symptoms like blushing when you are getting attention, difficulty in making friends, etc. This is social anxiety and a lot of ind...  Read Full »

What would happen if a person is forced to take medication for mental illness?

Query: Hello doctor, I would like to know what would happen to a person when taken against their will and admitted in a mental hospital for forced treatment with Tablet Sizopin 100 mg and Tablet Paliris 3 mg for a month under strict physical force and forced to continue the medication for another three y...  Read Full »

Dr. Saraswat Kumarshri Shriniwas

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Your first query consult is on us! I will answer your question in two parts. Condition of the person in the short term. Condition of the person in the long run. Condition of the patient in the short term: It depends on the reason for forced admission and ...  Read Full »

I have been suffering from mental issues. Please help.

Query: Hi doctor,I have been suffering from mental issues. Please help.Thanks.  Read Full »

Dr. Abhishek Juneja

Answer: Hi,Welcome to can understand your concern.You can share your concern regarding mental issues in detail on this chat so that we can give you a better opinion regarding your ailment. I hope this information will help you.Thanks.  Read Full »

I am having frequent panic attacks, and I have been diagnosed with depression. What should I do?

Query: Hi doctor, I am a 22-year-old woman. I have been diagnosed with depression. I have consulted other doctors and I am aware of my problem. I even get panic attacks sometimes. During panic attacks, my face turns red and I suffer from breathing problems. I feel suffocation and I do feel that my life is ...  Read Full »

Dr. Aditya Gupta

Answer: Hello, Welcome to In my opinion, both medicines, as well as non-pharmacological methods, are required for treating your problem. For medicines prescriptions, kindly contact a psychiatrist on this platform or nearby. Besides following things can help: Practice relaxation techniques l...  Read Full »

How to break the stigma around mental health?

Query: Hello doctor, What is the stigma around mental health? Why it is there? How can people help break the stigma around mental health and what advice do you have for people who want help but stigma is keeping them from getting it?  Read Full »

Dr. Seikhoo Bishnui

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Stigma for mental illnesses is as old as civilization itself. Persons having mental illnesses were considered as evil. Mental illnesses were thought to be due to past life sins. A person having any kind of mental illness whether neurotic or psychotic was considered a...  Read Full »

Can you answer the questions on endocrinology for research purposes?

Query: Hello doctor, I am doing research on diagnosis and treatment of mental illnesses. I have already interviewed couple of psychiatrists and now would like to focus on asking some questions to endocrinologists. My questions are: 1) “In thyroid disorders mainly in hyperthyroidism a paranoid syn...  Read Full »

Dr. Amit Kumar

Answer: Hi, Welcome to 1) Yes, paranoid syndrome is frequently seen in association with patients having hyperthyroidism, reason being distractive over activity, anxiety, emotional instability, exaggerated insensitivity to noise, fluctuating depression and other unexplained medical symptoms. ...  Read Full »

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