Common "Muscle Weakness" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Muscle Weakness

A lack of strength in the muscles is called muscle weakness. Some of the common causes include anemia, electrolyte imbalance, diabetes, overuse, fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism, infections, various neurological disorders (multiple sclerosis, ALS), and certain medications.

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All the answers published in this website are written by verified medical doctors, therapists and health experts. The Content has been moderated by iCliniq medical review team before publication. Post your medical clarifications on iCliniq by choosing the right specialty and get them answered. Your medical queries will be answered 24/7 by top doctors from iCliniq.

I have tremors in left hand. What could be the reason?

Query: Hi doctor, I have tremors on my left hand. I am on Amantrel 100mg tds, Frisium 30 mg and Propranolol 40 mg. I have been through two stents in my heart, but I have no myocardial infarction. I am on beta blockers Valent 40 mg od and Retorlix 5 mg od. My neurologist says this as Rubral syndrome and my ...  Read Full »

Dr. J. Mariano Anto Bruno Mascarenhas

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I understand your concerns. Let me try to help you. Muscle weakness will not cause unilateral tremors (involving one side). May be the tremors will start in one hand on first day, but within a week you will have tremors in both hands. So, this is not due to muscle weakne...  Read Full »

I have been experiencing back pain while sitting, along with numbness and pain in my leg. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor, I have been experiencing back pain for six months now. I work in the IT field. When I wake up in the morning, I feel no pain. However, the pain starts after I sit down and begin working. It is very painful. I work abroad, and I took a vacation a month ago. During that time, I underwen...  Read Full »

Dr. Anuj Gupta

Answer: Hello, I am glad you chose icliniq for your medical-related queries. I understand your concern. I have reviewed your MRI report (attachment removed to protect the patient’s identity), which indicates a mild disc bulge at two levels: L4-5 and L5-S1. Now, let us discuss your symptoms. You are e...  Read Full »

What can be done for constant shortness of breath and muscle weakness?

Query: Hello doctor, I have shortness of breath on exertion and episodic mild muscle weakness for about one year. It worsens with fatigue and particularly ptosis. Kindly help.  Read Full »

Dr. Vivek Chail

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I saw the chest x-ray posteroanterior and lateral views (attachment removed to protect patient identity). The findings are, 1. There are mildly prominent lung markings in the bilateral mid and lower zones. The upper zones are clear bilaterally. 2. There is no pleur...  Read Full »

I suspect of having ALS. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor, I fear having ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) due to my current symptoms. For the past three weeks, I have had on-and-off weakness in my arms and legs. It first started in hands, then went to arms, then legs. I am exhausted and have been anxious regarding this, and consulted three...  Read Full »

Dr. Seyedaidin Sajedi

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have read your query, and I can understand your concern. I completely understand your concern. Anything suggestive of ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) is potentially frightening. However, the good news is that your symptoms, as you described, are not suggestive...  Read Full »

When can my anxiety get normal after normal thyroid levels?

Query: Hello doctor, I recently was hyperthyroid due to subacute thyroiditis and being misdiagnosed and given 75 mg of Synthroid on top of it. Became hyperthyroid of course. My blood levels were normal as of five months ago but I still experience anxiety and some muscle weakness. How long does it take that...  Read Full »

Dr. Mashfika N Alam

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Once your hormone levels have normalized, your symptoms should resolve too. Five months is too long for your symptoms to linger once your thyroid hormones are within the normal range. We need to look at other causes of the symptoms you are experiencing now like muscle w...  Read Full »

I am unable to stand for a long time post knee surgery. Should I opt knee replacement?

Query: Hi doctor, I had surgery on my knee. During coughing or yawning, I get a sharp pain on the knee. I am unable to stand for a long time. It hurts a lot. My MRI doctor suggests me to have a replacement on the knee. Please advise.  Read Full »

Dr. Sharoff Lokesh Mohan

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Your knee seems to be arthritic, and hence the doctor advises for replacement. I need to see the X-ray of your knee so that I can take a decision. It hurts because of the weakened muscles. So you need to strengthen your quadriceps muscle by doing daily exercise under a ...  Read Full »

I have muscle weakness episodes after a fall. Please review my MRI.

Query: Hi doctor, I am 31 years old. I fell over recently and broke my foot with muscle weakness, and I checked for the same in an MRI. I had a stroke five years ago, and I have Behcet's disease. I had a scan done, and I have attached the reports. I have previously had an ischemic stroke prior to this epis...  Read Full »

Dr. Muhammed Hassan

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I understand your concern. Your MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) brain report (attachment removed to protect the patient's identity) shows a normal scan except that the punctate lesion on FLAIR (fluid-attenuated inversion recovery) images in corona radiata looks like a...  Read Full »

I feel tired and have bleeding after taking protective pill. Why?

Query: Hello doctor, The next day of my period, I had unprotected sex. On the 25th hour, I took I-pill. On the seventh day, I again having my period. And now my legs are tired. I do not know why is this. The doctor please help me. Will I become pregnant?Thank you.  Read Full »

Dr. Uzma Arqam

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Emergency contraceptive pills are hormones and have their side effects as well. One of most common is irregular bleeding. Everyone's body responds differently to hormones, but major effects are the same. Have you any bleeding disorder? Have you been treated for any c...  Read Full »

I am having problems with my skeletal system. Please help.

Query: Hi doctor, I am a 20 year old male. My height is 6'3" and weight is 180 pounds. I am having problems with my whole skeletal system. My right knee snaps when I extend my leg and my left hip has some pain. My left foot appears longer from heal to big toe and my right leg appears longer from the knee t...  Read Full »

Dr. Atul Prakash

Answer: Hi, Welcome to the findings that you have quoted your impression or seen and mentioned by a physiotherapist or doctor? Have you been prescribed any physiotherapy? Have you had bloods taken to rule out any other cause of muscle weakness fatigue? Do you exercise regularly? Sometimes, t...  Read Full »

I have been suffering from chronic constipation. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor,I am 18 years old, and my weight is 99 pounds, which has not been increasing. Two years ago, I experienced difficulty passing stool and urine simultaneously, leading to incomplete defecation. Initially, I did not consider it a significant concern. However, after a trip where I consumed ...  Read Full »

Dr. Vandana Andrews

Answer: Hello,Welcome to on your description, it is possible that you may be experiencing symptoms related to a digestive disorder. Here are some potential causes and treatment options: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS): IBS is a common digestive disorder that can cause symptoms such as const...  Read Full »

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