Common "Neck Spasm" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Neck Spasm

Neck spasm refers to the involuntary tightening of the neck muscle. This condition causes intense pain, which lasts for minutes, hours, or days after the muscle relaxes. There are multiple causes for neck spasms, such as strain during exercise, carrying a heavy load with one or both arms, or holding the neck in an improper position for an extended period of time.

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Kindly give an opinion on my X-ray reports on neck spasms.

Query: Hello, I have had X-ray results and want some professional advice on how to head on with this and what options I should be considering.   Read Full »

Dr. Atul Prakash

Answer: Hello, Welcome back to According to the reports (attachment removed to protect the patient's identity), you have two issues - neck spasm, reversal of cervical lordosis, and a round back probably from a Scheuermann disease. The neck is responsive to exercise with muscle relaxants, but ...  Read Full »

I suffer from upper back pain. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor, I am suffering from lower back pain for the past five months. After going through physiotherapy and other exercises, I feel better. Now, I have developed upper back and shoulder pain too. I think it is because of the exercise I did before. I have attached my MRI of lower back, C-spine...  Read Full »

Dr. Berry Chirag Ashok

Answer: Hello, Welcome to From your query what I understand is that you have lower back pain that is well controlled with physiotherapy exercises, but have recently developed upper back and right shoulder pain which you think may have been brought upon by some of the exercises. Let us discuss y...  Read Full »

Does my poor posture cause irritation in the neck?

Query: Hi doctor, I am suffering from irritation on the back of my neck. Sometimes, it extends up to the throat. But, I do not have any problem in speaking or swallowing. Please help.  Read Full »

Dr. Shyam Kalyan. N

Answer: Hi,Welcome to icliniq.comI understand that you have some irritation at the back of your neck that extends to your throat sometimes. However, there is no difficulty in swallowing or speaking. The details provided by you are not sufficient enough to make a decisive diagnosis. Please get me the followi...  Read Full »

Is it possible to lead a normal life with scoliosis and neck stiffness?

Query: Hi doctor, I am a 31-year-old female. I am in a job for which I will be out of home for at least 11 hours. My problem is stiffness in the neck (in the left side alone) for the past four months. In certain positions of my neck, head trembles, heart beats fast, and shortness of breath is produced. I g...  Read Full »

Dr. Muhammad Majid Hanif

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I want to assure you not to worry as everything is going to be fine if proper care and treatment is opted in for. I have thoroughly gone through your case and can well understand your genuine health concerns.  Read Full »

I suffer from neck cracking, nerve compression, and pain in the right arm. Why?

Query: Hello doctor, I suffer from cracking neck and feeling nerve stinging or nerve compression from time to time. As I am close to healing, I injure myself. It has been going like this for about six months. I could not walk but could walk again without pain after taking the NSAID treatment. About a coupl...  Read Full »

Dr. Hitesh Kumar

Answer: Hello, Welcome to As per your description, I can conclude that you intermittently have neck pain or stiffness, radiating pain in your arm and hand with tingling or pins, and needle sensation in your little and ring finger. Has it been diagnosed till now or not? I would like to know your...  Read Full »

I have neck spasm and difficulty in walking. Please help.

Query: Hello, I weigh 39 kg and I am 31 years old. I have lost two kilograms in the last two months. I am having spasm in the neck since 2 months. It started when I had sudden sneezing and was not able to move the neck soon after that. Neck movements got restricted. I consulted a doctor and took tablet...  Read Full »

Dr. Amit Kumar

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Whole event started with a sneezing after which you developed muscular spasm in the neck. You took pregabalin for neuropathic pain but due to its side effect you discontinued.  After that you had physiotherapy and developed other neurological symptoms and you...  Read Full »

Does a pinched nerve in the neck cause problems in wrist?

Query: Hi doctor, I have been diagnosed with a pinched nerve in the neck. Now, it affects my left arm. I am doing physiotherapy exercises and got some recovery. But recently, I have numbness in my hands while sleeping on one or both hands. It resolves immediately when I wake up. Is this symptom related?...  Read Full »

Dr. Atul Prakash

Answer: Hi, Welcome to There is a phenomenon of double crush syndrome where two smaller compressions add to the significant issues and symptoms. You may have a compression of the median nerve at the wrist called carpal tunnel syndrome while compression on the roots of the neck can also lead t...  Read Full »

Why am I having stiff neck?

Query: Hello doctor, I have noticed some worrying symptoms lately. I am a 24-year-old male with no other known condition. I have noticed that the back of my neck feels very stiff and rigid when I sit at my desk with my head bent forward to read or look at the monitor, to the point that I feel the need hav...  Read Full »

Dr. Upendra Kumar Shah

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Neck pain seems to be due to strain in the neck muscles when you remained in one position for long duration, I would suggest you to take simple steps to avoid this, take rest for 2 minutes in every 15 to 20 minutes and move your neck side wise and rotate it to right an...  Read Full »

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