Common "Nerve Conduction Velocity" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Nerve Conduction Velocity

Nerve conduction velocity (NCV), also called electroneurography or nerve conduction study, is a test used to measure the speed of conduction of electrical impulse through a nerve. It is done to diagnose nerve damage and destruction. NCV can be used to diagnose conditions like herniated disk disease, sciatica, peripheral neuropathy, carpal tunnel syndrome, and Guillian-Barre syndrome.

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I had decompression surgery, but symptoms persist. Why?

Query: Hi doctor, I have had a compressed nerve in the fibula head for almost 2 years following an operation to lengthen my right leg. The pain was only on and off seemingly after a certain activity. Over time, I could increase the activity level before getting the same symptoms, but then stop improving. M...  Read Full »

Dr. Hardik Nareshbhai Rajyaguru

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I understand your question. The possible reason for persistent symptoms is there has been a longstanding compression on your nerves. So, the nerve would have been damaged subtly. It may not be that extensive damage, which would be demonstrated in the NCV study (nerve cond...  Read Full »

I developed symptoms of autoimmunity after Hepatitis B vaccine. What to do?

Query: Hi doctor, Before the vaccinations, I was in good health and optimal fitness level. The Hepatitis B vaccine caused me an unresolved encephalopathy and symptoms of autoimmunity. It caused flu-like symptoms, including malaise, sore throat, diffuse musculoskeletal pain, extreme exhaustion, numbness of ...  Read Full »

Dr. Shobhit Shah

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Most likely it is acute polyneuropathy. It is important to find the cause because treatment is based on it. Get an MRI of the spine and brain. Nerve conduction velocity of all four limbs. Meanwhile, you try taking tablet Neurobion Forte (Multivitamin), t...  Read Full »

Is twitching in my calf muscle a sign of early onset of ALS?

Query: Hello doctor, I am a 25-year-old female and I am afraid I have ALS. This started with twitching in my right calf muscle two months ago and that has now spread to everywhere. A clinical exam showed slightly asymmetrical brisk knee reflex, and it is brisker on the right leg where it bothers me, not ...  Read Full »

Dr. M. A. Toyeb, Nazma Parveen

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I can completely understand your concern. First of all, ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) is a condition which requires time to diagnose especially when it is in the initial stages. You said you experience twitching in your muscles. Do you have any other problem...  Read Full »

My daughter has very limited leg movements. Please advise.

Query: Hello doctor, My daughter is four months old. We observed that there was very little movement in her legs. We performed an EMG and an NCV along with a vitamin D test. The report mentions generalized motor axonal polyneuropathy. I could only understand that there is an issue with her nerves in sever...  Read Full »

Dr. Faisal Abdul Karim Malim

Answer: Hello, Welcome to It is advisable to do a nerve biopsy along with an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) of the brain and spine and a detailed physical examination by a pediatric neurologist to come to a conclusion as to what we are dealing with. There are various different types of neur...  Read Full »

How long does cheeks muscle spasm, a side effect of Paroxetine, last?

Query: Hi doctor, After taking Paroxetine 20 mg for GAD, I had three side effects. The two side effects are diffculty in sleeping and lack of appetite. The two were manageable. The third one was a mild spasm in my cheeks. Sometimes, I have tightness and sometimes it seems to be relaxed. These side effects...  Read Full »

Dr. Rishav Bansal

Answer: Hi, Welcome to As your spasms persist for a long time, I suggest you consult a psychiatrist for an alternative option. If you do not want to change Paroxetine, you can try taking calcium supplements for a few months as sometimes spasms can get improved after taking it. You can do NCV ...  Read Full »

I have a burning sensation in my fingers. Kindly help.

Query: Hi doctor, I am diabetic and hypertensive. My problem is, if I touch anything with my fingers, I get a burning sensation and I drop it down. Please advise me on this.  Read Full »

Dr. Janrao Smit Uttam

Answer: Hello, Welcome to As per your complaints and previous history of diabetes, I think you are suffering from peripheral neuropathy secondary to diabetes mellitus. I will recommend some medications as mentioned below. Also, some investigations are to be performed. Investigations to be done ...  Read Full »

Will essential tremor cause post-micturition dribble with a diminished sense of smell?

Query: Hi doctor, I am a 28 year old male who was diagnosed with essential tremor six years ago. Presently, I have tremors only in my right hand and thumb, but it feels like my entire body wants to move. Before, I used to get tremors on some movement, but nowadays, it is present even while at rest. I am al...  Read Full »

Dr. Anshuman Srivastava

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Based on the history which you have provided, it seems to be a progressive neurological condition. Essential tremor is diagnosed when there is no pathology in the brain, and the cause is idiopathic or unknown. But in your case, it is a bit of concern as you have develop...  Read Full »

Is it normal to have numbness after undergoing a lymph node biopsy?

Query: Hi doctor, I recently had an open lymph node biopsy with lymph node extraction. Since the moment I woke up from the general anesthesia, I realize that my trapezius muscle is not functional and my ear is numb. My doctor, who is a qualified ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist, told me that it is un...  Read Full »

Dr. Hitesh Kumar

Answer: Hello, Welcome to The trapezius is supplied by accessory nerve, which also supplies sternocleidomastoid muscle. In the picture (attachment removed to protect patient identity), your right trapezius fold is diminished compared to the left. Accessory nerve injury during surgical procedur...  Read Full »

What does post-polio syndrome mean?

Query: Hi doctor, The patient is a 50 year old woman with a history of polio in childhood and complains of paresthesia since a year. It started suddenly from the toes on both sides and it progressed to upper back (T4) in 20 days. She was hospitalized with post-polio syndrome and treated with intravenous i...  Read Full »

Dr. Hardik Nareshbhai Rajyaguru

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I do not quite agree with post-polio syndrome.Post-polio syndrome after these many years is quite rare. From a neurosurgical point of view, when I look at her MRI cervical spine (attachment removed to protect patient identity), there is a significant disc bulge present a...  Read Full »

Is my uncomfortable pain-like feeling in the left arm be due to heart problem?

Query: Hello doctor,I have been experiencing numbness and an uncomfortable pain-like feeling in my left arm for more than one month or so. It used to happen very rarely before but is more regular now. The pain is present almost daily. The feeling is from the top of the arm to the elbow. Sometimes it is acu...  Read Full »

Dr. Hitesh Kumar

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I would like to know some details of your symptoms. For example- 1. what type of pain do you feel in your left arm? 2. Do you feel heaviness, stretching, current-like or tearing-type pain, or something else (please describe)? 3.What do you feel in numbness: decreased ...  Read Full »

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