Common "Neuropathy" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq


The damage of one or more nerves in the body is called neuropathy. Neuropathy commonly results in tingling, numbness, and muscle weakness in the affected areas. Diabetes, injury, autoimmune disorders, certain medications, blood vessel disorders, vitamin deficiencies, and hypothyroidism are some of the common causes of neuropathy.

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Should I receive B12 injection for fatigue, pins and needles with slow cognition?

Query: Hi doctor, I have had low B 12 in the past (135 ngl) and seven years back had injections via my GP. These finished five years back. Recently have had symptoms come back and had my B12 checked and it was low, 265, but in the recommended range, however, I do take a supplement with B12 in it which wou...  Read Full »

Dr. Goswami Parth Rajendragiri

Answer: Hello, Welcome to The fatigue and pins and needle sensation are suggestive of B12 deficiency-induced neuropathy. Your B12 is within the limit but borderline deficiency. I suggest you take B12 injection again as you did earlier. However, your detailed neurological evaluation also shoul...  Read Full »

My husband suffers from a painful skin disease. Kindly help.

Query: Hello doctor,For the past two months, my 89-year-old husband is suffering from a painful, burning, and itchy skin disease. He has been seen by his family doctor and on two trips to the emergency. At first, thought to be shingles and later pruritis. The painful episodes happen at night and early morn...  Read Full »

Dr. Rakesh Kumar Bahunuthula

Answer: Hi, Welcome to From your history and description, the most common possibilities are urticaria or peripheral small-fiber neuropathy. Shingles are a one-time episode and are usually localized. The complaints do not appear to be related to external factors such as scent or environment. Wit...  Read Full »

My mother struggles to walk. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor, At 68 years old, my mother faces difficulties walking, especially over long distances, and encounters challenges with stairs. Additionally, she struggles to stand unassisted for more than a few minutes, persisting for the past eight to ten months. Despite an eight-month regimen of Gaba...  Read Full »

Dr. Arun Tungaria

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I read your query and can understand your concern. The symptoms are attributed to significant canal stenosis (narrowing of the spinal canal) in the lumbar spine, leading to nerve compression. Surgery is the only effective means of alleviating these symptoms. While medicat...  Read Full »

Are sexual dysfunction and lack of sensation in penis signs of neuropathy?

Query: Hello doctor, I have been experiencing sexual dysfunction for the past 2.5 years, and I believe it is neurogenic in origin. This is because not only do I lack sensation, and am not responsive to touch in my penis when getting it erect. I cannot feel heat or cold temperatures on the glans of my peni...  Read Full »

Dr. Anshul Varshney

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Any psychological diagnosis needs evaluation for other causes and ruling out functional causes. So my recommendations would do a few investigations first : 1. Serum testosterone levels. 2. Thyroid profile. 3. Serum vitamin B12 assay. 4. MRI LS (magnetic resonance...  Read Full »

I am experiencing numbness and pain in my hands and feet. Why?

Query: Hello doctor,I am currently experiencing tingling, numbness, and pain in my feet and hands. I have not gone to see a doctor in the past two years. I may be pre-diabetic or have a pinched nerve. Kindly help.Thank you.  Read Full »

Dr. Seyedaidin Sajedi

Answer: Hello,Welcome to can understand your concern.Your description of the sensory symptoms in your feet and hands is highly suggestive of a neuropathic problem. However, diabetes is a common cause of neuropathy in adults, but it does not seem to be on the top of the list of most probable ca...  Read Full »

I developed symptoms of autoimmunity after Hepatitis B vaccine. What to do?

Query: Hi doctor, Before the vaccinations, I was in good health and optimal fitness level. The Hepatitis B vaccine caused me an unresolved encephalopathy and symptoms of autoimmunity. It caused flu-like symptoms, including malaise, sore throat, diffuse musculoskeletal pain, extreme exhaustion, numbness of ...  Read Full »

Dr. Shobhit Shah

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Most likely it is acute polyneuropathy. It is important to find the cause because treatment is based on it. Get an MRI of the spine and brain. Nerve conduction velocity of all four limbs. Meanwhile, you try taking tablet Neurobion Forte (Multivitamin), t...  Read Full »

Why do my temples get swollen when I chew hard food?

Query: Hi doctor, I get a swelling on the temple after chewing on hard food, for example, steak or candy. The swelling goes down after I stop eating, but the area feels numb for a long time after that. What can cause this? I have chronic urticaria and MGUS.   Read Full »

Dr. Muhammad Majid Hanif

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have carefully reviewed your health query and will answer your concerns. The issues you mentioned are related to mastication (chewing). It is a process where you have to put a lot of energy, and the muscles of mastication are widely used. It seems there is some ne...  Read Full »

Why are the tops of my feet and hands sensitive to touch?

Query: Hello doctor, I am a 41 year old male with height 5 feet 10 inches and weight 185.1 lbs. I am having a health situation for the last two years where the top of my feet (the area covered under the shoe) gets very sensitive to touch. Even a touch of the cotton pajama feels irritating. My left hand (be...  Read Full »

Dr. Nidhin Mohan

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have gone through your reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity). Your uric acid is slightly increased. So, avoid red meat and recheck uric acid after three months. Most of your symptoms point to a neuropathy. So, you need to get a nerve conduction ...  Read Full »

My father has a non-healing foot ulcer. What is it?

Query: Hello doctor,My dad, aged 57 years, has been dealing with diabetes for the past eight years. Recently, he noticed a sore on his right foot that just does not seem to be healing. I am terrified that it might be a diabetic foot ulcer, and I have heard that these can lead to serious complications. Can ...  Read Full »

Dr. Vandana Andrews

Answer: Hello,Welcome to understand your concern.A diabetic foot ulcer is a wound or sore that develops on the foot of a person with diabetes. These ulcers can be painful, slow to heal, and may become infected. If left untreated, diabetic foot ulcers can lead to serious complications such as g...  Read Full »

Can incomplete defecation affects erectile function?

Query: Hello doctor, Is there any positive relation between defecation and erection? Whenever I have incomplete defecation, I feel less sensation in my shaft accompanied by frequent urination. I also noticed that once I fully empty my stomach, I could perform well. The issue is, I cannot assure whether I d...  Read Full »

Dr. Prathish Kumar

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have gone through your symptoms. Your presenting complaint looks like there is an issue with the nerves that control defecation and urination. I would like to know whether you have had any spine problems such as lower backache, deformities, accidents, or ...  Read Full »

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