Common "Oligospermia" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq


Decreased sperm count, which is less than 15 million sperm per millimeter of semen, is called oligospermia. It is manifested by erectile dysfunction, pain or swelling in the testicles, and reduced facial or body hair. Causes are medical, environmental, and lifestyle. Epididymitis, infection of the testis, varicocele, retrograde ejaculation, undescended testis, hormone imbalance, chemotherapy, chromosomal abnormalities, vasectomy, celiac diseases, tumors, and previous surgeries, etc., are a few of the medical causes of oligospermia. Chemicals or heavy metals exposure, increased temperature, or radiation exposure are the environmental causes. Treating the cause along with medications, psychotherapy, and assistive reproductive technology are the treatment options available.

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I have oligospermia. Is there any chance of conceiving naturally?

Query: Hello doctor, My partner and I have been trying to start a family, but I have a condition called Oligospermia. I am not exactly sure what this means or how it will affect our chances of having a baby. Can you break it down for me? What are the odds of us still being able to conceive naturally with t...  Read Full »

Dr. Sanap Sneha Umrao

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I read your query and can understand your concern. Oligospermia means decreased sperm count, which can result from many reasons. Yes, it decreases the chances of conception. You should start taking some medicines to increase your sperm count. Also, avoid wearing tigh...  Read Full »

Can I get pregnant through an IVF if I have oligoasthenoteratozoospermia?

Query: Hi doctor, I am attaching the test reports which my doctor had advised. Please have a look and let me know my condition.  Read Full »

Dr. Sameer Kumar

Answer: Hi,Welcome to went through your reports (attachments removed to protect the patient's identity), and you have evident oligoasthenoteratozoospermia. This means low count, slow-moving and, higher immotile sperms, and also they are morphologically defective sperms. More than one million l...  Read Full »

Is my small right testicle treatable in the mid-thirties?

Query: Hi doctor,I am in my mid-thirties and I had an undescended testis when I was young. I was supposed to go for surgery at ten years of age, but then my mom had forgotten, and so now my left testicle is normal and the right one is a bit small. My body height is 6.1 inches and my body weight is 219 poun...  Read Full »

Dr. Samer Sameer Juma Ali Altawil

Answer: Hi, Welcome to It is great to see that you have got the ultrasound done. You have a varicocele on the left testis which is reversible and is a cause for oligospermia ( low sperm counts). You will need to follow up with testosterone levels as well, in order for me to organize a proper ma...  Read Full »

I have had one testicle since birth. Can I become a father?

Query: Hi doctor, I am 31 years old. I have only one testicle by birth. Can I become a father? Please find my attached semen analysis report. I have few clarifications in my reports. My sperm count is 16 million/cumm, is it normal? I read on internet normal sperm count is above 20 million. My pus cell is i...  Read Full »

Dr. Gopinath

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Presence of one testis is sufficient to father a child. However, you have mild oligospermia (low sperm count). You can take tablet Oligocare twice a day for three months and repeat semen test after three months. Kindly get examined for locating the other testis. It needs ...  Read Full »

I underwent semen analysis. Do I have oligospermia?

Query: Hello doctor, I am a 27-year-old male. Here is my semen analysis report: Abstinence before sample - 2 days. Semen volume - 2 ml. Sperm per ml - 29 million. Motility - 80 % and after 1 hour 70 % of A grade. Abnormal form - 10 %. Pus cell 4-2/hpf. pH - 9. Is my report normal or is there oligospermia?...  Read Full »

Dr. Ashok Kumar

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I read your query and understand your concerns. First of all, at least three to five days of abstinence must be there to have proper results of semen analysis. I am of the belief that probably you could have better counts if it is done after proper abstinence. Now, reg...  Read Full »

How to increase sperm count?

Query: Hi doctor, My sperm count is low; it has dropped from 18 million to 3 million within a period of five months time. I have been diagnosed with bilateral varicocele. I have consulted three urologists. The first doctor advised me to go for ART (artificial reproductive technology) second one prescribed ...  Read Full »

Dr. Gopinath

Answer: Hi, Welcome to After going through your report (attachment removed to protect patient identity), I am aware that you are suffering from severe oligozoospermia (oligospermia). After four days of abstinence, please repeat the semen analysis. Even after repeating the tests, if the sperm ...  Read Full »

Kindly suggest medicine to lower pus cells and boost sperm count.

Query: Hi doctor, I did a sperm analysis, and the results revealed significant pus cells eight to ten, resulting in a low sperm count of 5.2 million. Could you kindly recommend a medication to reduce or eliminate these pus cells and boost sperm count?  Read Full »

Dr. Samer Sameer Juma Ali Altawil

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I understand your concern. I suggest you take a tablet of Cipro (Ciprofloxacin) 500 mg twice daily for two weeks and then repeat the sperm analysis. If your counts remain low, you should examine your scrotum for varicocele (an enlargement of the veins within the scr...  Read Full »

Kindly go through my semen analysis report and help me.

Query: Hi doctor, I have a total sperm count of 38.4. I am addicted to alcohol, and I took a drink four days ago. I am trying for a baby for two months. I have a history of seizure. I am taking Levera 500 mg, Oxetol 450 mg and Cloba 20 mg. Could I take Folic acid? Can you check my report and help me out?  Read Full »

Dr. Sameer Kumar

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have seen the reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity), and it is evident that your sperm count is low along with high abnormal forms as well. This is called oligoasthenozoospermia. You have to avoid alcohol completely if you wish to increase your s...  Read Full »

Why do I have a low sperm volume and count?

Query: Hello doctor, My sperm volume and count are less for the last six months; it ranges from 11 to 14 million per ml. Rest, all is normal. I do not smoke and do not drink alcohol. Necessary investigations like thyroid profile, FSH, LH, prolactin, and testosterone reports are attached for your reference...  Read Full »

Dr. Sameer Kumar

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Thanks for the query. I went through your reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity) and saw the semen analysis report. It says oligospermia and the presence of leucocytes, which indicates infection. Your hormonal profile is standard, and there is...  Read Full »

How to treat oligospermia, asthenozoospermia and leukospermia?

Query: Hello doctor, I have oligospermia with asthenozoospermia and leukospermia. Kindly help.  Read Full »

Dr. Raveendran S R

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I can understand your concern. I checked your report (attachments removed to protect patient's identity). You have oligozoospermia and asthenozoospermia. There are multiple causes for these issues. Oligozoospermia is the sperm count of less than 15 million/mL. It could ...  Read Full »

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