Common "Oral Antibiotics" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Oral Antibiotics

Tablets, capsules, syrup, or liquid that are taken orally to prevent or treat various infections caused by bacteria are called oral antibiotics. Penicillins, Cephalosporins, Tetracyclines, Quinolones, and Sulfonamides are the most commonly used oral antibiotics classes. The indiscriminate use of oral antibiotics makes bacteria resistant, so avoid self-medication.

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I have excruciating pain and swelling in my cracked tooth. What to do?

Query: Hi doctor, I have a cracked tooth which I believe needs a root canal and a crown that I think went bad. I am in excruciating pain. I have been to emergency rooms they have given me Clindamycin and Vicodin for pain but it barely touches the pain. I have been on antibiotics for two days. I thought...  Read Full »

Dr. Geethanjali. S. S

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I read your complaint and relevant details. You have mentioned you got a swelling. I just want to make sure if the swelling is confined close to the tooth or is it spreading? The severe pain along with fever and swelling confirms that the infection has gone bad. Clind...  Read Full »

Is there any antibiotic or treatment available to remove smell from mouth and bad breath?

Query: Hi doctor, I always have bad breath and a smelling mouth. Recently, I found stinky tonsil stones. Is there any antibiotic or treatment available to cure it?  Read Full »

Dr. Himayoon Majeed Mir

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Bad breath or halitosis is a problem where the breath is smelly. It has some causes from food to some disorders. As you have tonsil stones, you can have infections in it. It can be treated by using antibiotics. If you have a recurrent infection in the tonsil, then I sug...  Read Full »

I have a foul-smelling discharge after tooth removal. Why?

Query: Hello doctor, I had all four wisdom teeth pulled nine days ago. Only the one on the bottom right tooth is very painful and when I push near it all this foul smelling yellow stuff comes out. What is wrong? Also, having headaches.  Read Full »

Dr. Naveen Thomas

Answer: Hello, Welcome to You may have dry socket condition on that side. It occurs due to loss of blood clot in the early days since extraction. Use warm salt water gargle twice a day for a week or two to get some relief. You may need antibiotics and painkillers for a week or two. So, go b...  Read Full »

Can I drink alcohol while taking antibiotics?

Query: Hello doctor, I recently tested positive for chlamydia and was prescribed Azithromycin and Doxycycline. The first night after taking 1000mg of Azithromycin and 100mg of Doxycycline I went out with my friends and had four to five drinks. I am curious if the alcohol will have an effect on my recovery ...  Read Full »

Dr. Kaushal Bhavsar

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I can understand your concern. It is suggested not to consume alcohol when you are on antibiotics. So, It is better not to take alcohol till you complete the antibiotics.I would like to know the following: What type of alcohol did you consume? How many days should y...  Read Full »

My son is given repeated antibiotics. Kindly explain antibiotic resistance.

Query: Hello doctor, My 12-year-old son has been experiencing recurrent stomach infections, and the doctor prescribed antibiotics. I am concerned about antibiotic resistance. Can you explain what antibiotic resistance is and how it happens? How likely is it that my son could develop resistance due to these...  Read Full »

Dr. Sugandh Garg

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I read your query and understood your concern. Repeated, frequent antibiotic use should be avoided unless necessary. Please take them only for the scheduled time, which is strictly under observation. Ensure you understand the reason for the need for antibiotics and ...  Read Full »

Can a peg tube be replaced in a patient with a fever?

Query: Hello doctor,Would you do a peg tube replacement on an elderly patient with a 100-degree temperature and an infection coming from the peg site? If not, what would you do to take care of the infection? And since it is an elderly patient, would you admit the patient to a hospital for the infection? If...  Read Full »

Dr. Babu Lal Meena

Answer: Hello, Welcome to We prefer not to change the peg tube until the tube site is Infected. For infection control, we need to give antibiotics. Depending on the severity of the infection, we decide about oral or IV antibiotics. Most of the infections can be taken care of without problems. ...  Read Full »

What is the reason for very little semen ejaculation?

Query: Hello doctor, I am a 58-year-old man. It has been six months I did not notice any semen after I had sex. If I have sex after 10 or 15 days, then I get two to three drops of semen. On the other hand, if I have sex every day, then there is no semen ejaculation at all. I am taking medications for hepat...  Read Full »

Dr. Karthik Rajan

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have gone through your query and understand your concern. I would like to know a few more details to answer your query better. Do you have any difficulty in erections or any difficulty in attaining orgasm? Have you noticed any cloudiness in the urine after you have ...  Read Full »

I experience burning sensation while urination. Is it UTI or STI?

Query: Hello doctor, I experience a burning sensation while urination. I have taken the antibiotic course. It is still not relieved completely. It has been four to five months now. I have indulged in oral sex in this period. So, it is a UTI or STD/STI?  Read Full »

Dr. Ram Naresh Daga

Answer: Hello, Welcome to As per your reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity), urine culture is sterile. You can repeat urine routine and urine culture with midstream urine sample. Take a urinary alkalizer for three to five days. That will relieve you of burning sensation.   Read Full »

Can gonorrhea or chlamydia spread through a small wound in the body?

Query: Hi doctor, Can a person get gonorrhea or chlamydia from a small wound and someone's semen touches the wound? I heard that disseminated gonococcal infection can occur when it spreads into the bloodstream and it can be dangerous. Is this the way by which gonorrhea gets into the bloodstream?  Read Full »

Dr. N. Ashok Viswanath

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Yes, there are high chances of having sexually transmitted infection transmission when semen of infected individual comes in contact with open wounds and dissemination. We can never tell that it will always happen but the chances are very high. It depends upon the heali...  Read Full »

How to treat small intestinal bacterial overgrowth?

Query: Hello doctor, I was diagnosed with small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) four years before based on a hydrogen breath test and was treated with Xifaxan 550 mg three times a day for two weeks. The treatment seemed to help. However, my SIBO symptoms seemed to have returned around three month ba...  Read Full »

Dr. Noushif. M

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I understand your concern. My advise: Consult your specialist doctor, talk to them, and take medications with their consent. Tablet Rixmin 550 mg (Rifaximine) twice daily or 400 mg three times a day for two weeks. No need to take it for prolonged periods. Inclu...  Read Full »

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