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HomeAnswersInternal Medicinepanic attackDo I need to worry about panic attacks and irregular heartbeats?

Are panic attacks and irregular heartbeats serious?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

Answered by

Dr. Aditi Gupta

Medically reviewed by

iCliniq medical review team

Published At August 26, 2016
Reviewed AtApril 25, 2024

Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

I feel as if I am getting irregular heartbeats. I had suffered from panic attacks quite a few times in the last six months. Since then, I have been having these irregular heartbeats. Although, I have not had a panic attack now, the heart still beats irregularly and it occurs throughout the day. Do I need to worry?

Answered by Dr. Aditi Gupta


Welcome to icliniq.com. If you haven't undergone any tests yet, it is crucial to take proactive steps in that direction. I recommend getting an ECG, a 2D echocardiogram, and a blood pressure check to assess your cardiovascular health. If you suspect it may be a panic attack, it is essential to be mindful of situations that may trigger it and try to avoid them. During such episodes, rest and relaxation can be helpful. However, before addressing anxiety, I strongly advise visiting a cardiologist to rule out any potential cardiac issues. Once cardiac concerns are ruled out, appropriate treatment for anxiety can be discussed, which may include medications for managing panic attacks. Take care of yourself, and I hope you recover soon.

Patient's Query

Thank you doctor,

I had gone to a psychologist who did say that these were panic attacks. Also, my mother has been getting palpitations almost all her life. She had it checked, but nothing came out abnormal. Do you think this can be hereditary? I do not have any other symptoms. It usually starts in the morning when I go to work and gradually subsides by evening. I get proper sleep and I am eating fine. Can this be something serious? Also, this has started before a few months and I never had experienced it before.

Answered by Dr. Aditi Gupta


Welcome back to icliniq.com. I reiterate my previous response; it is essential to consult with a cardiologist rather than a psychologist to evaluate your condition thoroughly. Until a cardiac cause is ruled out, it is premature to conclude whether your symptoms are related to panic attacks or anxiety. Neglecting these symptoms could have severe implications for your health. It is important to consider that this condition might have a hereditary component, but regardless, it necessitates proper medical treatment and evaluation by a cardiologist to ensure your well-being.

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Aditi Gupta
Dr. Aditi Gupta

Internal Medicine

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