Common "Pigmentation" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq


Pigmentation is the number of melanin pigments present in the skin, which determines the skin color. Pigmentation disorder can result in light or dark patches on the skin. The common pigmentation disorders are birthmarks, hemangiomas, albinism, vitiligo, and melasma.

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All the answers published in this website are written by verified medical doctors, therapists and health experts. The Content has been moderated by iCliniq medical review team before publication. Post your medical clarifications on iCliniq by choosing the right specialty and get them answered. Your medical queries will be answered 24/7 by top doctors from iCliniq.

What to do for hair fall and pigmentation after delivery?

Query: Hello doctor,I am 32 years old with a four-month-old baby, and I breastfeed her. I have been facing severe hair fall with hair in my comb and hands after I comb. My crown part has become bald with no hair, and you can refer to the attached images. I also see the hair thinning at the same time. Pleas...  Read Full »

Dr. Priyadarshini Tripathy

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I read your query and can understand your concern. I reviewed the attached images (attachments removed to protect the patient's identity). Hair fall is a very common thing after the delivery. It affects around 50 % of women in the months following childbirth. Foll...  Read Full »

My sister has dark circles and pigmentation. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor, My sister, who is 27 years old, is worried about her pigmentation and dark circles around her eyes. She has been having this for the past few years, and it is more prominent now. There is no pain or itching but it is affecting her self-confidence. She tried many fairness creams but not...  Read Full »

Dr. Vandana Andrews

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I understand your concern. I can provide some general suggestions based on common skin concerns. The dark circles under the eyes and pigmentation are two separate skin concerns. Here is what you can do to address them: 1. Dark circles under the eyes: The dark circles u...  Read Full »

I have pigmentation and blackheads on my face. Please help.

Query: Hi doctor,I am experiencing pigmentation, blackheads, and open pores on my face, which is causing it to appear older than my actual age of 21 years. Please help.Thank you.   Read Full »

Dr. Vandana Andrews

Answer: Hi,Welcome to I read your query and understand your concern.To address the concerns of pigmentation, blackheads, and open pores on your face, consider incorporating the following lifestyle modifications:1. Prioritize sleep: Ensure you are getting seven to eight hours of sleep nightly. A...  Read Full »

Can you give a second opinion for my skin pigmentation?

Query: Hi doctor, I am seeking a second opinion on an issue. Recently, a doctor at a skin cancer clinic observed my hands and arms and noticed sunspots on my hands. I have something similar on my right inner forearm. In the past, I have noticed a spot growing adjacent to this. Another, dermatologist felt t...  Read Full »

Dr. Rakesh Kumar Bahunuthula

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Blotchy pigmentation is a common problem noticed in patients above 50 years of age. Sensitive skin predisposes more to such pigmentary changes. Your clinical images are suggestive of macular seborrheic keratosis or solar lentigo, both of which are benign. Although, comm...  Read Full »

Recommend a natural skin whitening cream, please.

Query: Hello doctor, I would like to make a personal skin lightening cream for myself that is 100% natural and contains ingredients such as potatoes, lemon, aloe vera, turmeric. I would like a further make it extremely potent and strong and other natural ingredients to be added. I need your expertise on th...  Read Full »

Dr. Stuti Khare Shukla

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I understood you are skeptical using some chemicals on your skin. So for you, I can very confidently suggest Crystal Tomato skin clarity cream (depigmentation cream), which is almost chemical-free and made from botanicals. It has been clinically proven to be effectiv...  Read Full »

I have pigmentation on my face. Will UniWhite cream work?

Query: Hello doctor, I used Panderm NM. After I left using it, I got scars and pigmentation on my face. Now, I am using UniWhite Cream for pigmentation. Will this work? Should I use something else? Can you suggest something without steroids and Hydroquonine and without any side effects?  Read Full »

Dr. Ashwini. V. Swamy

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Panderm NM (Clobetasol Topical, Miconazole Topical, and Neomycin Topical) cream is the most harmful cream when applied to the face. It has steroids. The steroid causes thinning of the skin, pimples, visible blood vessels, increased hair growth, secondary bacterial ski...  Read Full »

Why am I having red spots after cleaning penis?

Query: Hello doctor, I had smegma since 1.5 years which resulted into balanitis (that is what I think as per symptoms like difficulties in pulling foreskin, cuts, pain, rash swelling, etc.) and recently I applied Candid cream (non steroidal) twice a day for 10 days and smegma seems to be gone and also bal...  Read Full »

Dr. Saurabh Subhash Pandya

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Can you tell me if there is any burning, pain, discharge, itching or difficulty in passing urine? Are you able to retract your foreskin up completely? Is there history of sexual exposure? Are you married? When we rub on penis head or foreskin, it can become red as the ski...  Read Full »

What is the cause for itchy red spots in the hard and soft palate?

Query: Hello doctor, Recently, I noticed red spots in my hard and soft palate. At times, especially after eating spicy food and in the early morning, I find the entire area itchy, and I tend to scratch it unknowingly during the night. I am concerned if it is a serious issue that needs a physical evaluation...  Read Full »

Dr. Bhadragiri Vageesh Padiyar

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Thank you for briefing the concern. I am unable to open the attached image. Could you please resend it? Once I look at it, I will be able to guide you better.   Read Full »

What are the remedies for uneven skin tone?

Query: Hello doctor, I am 18 years old boy. I am having very uneven skin tone on my cheeks somewhere it is dark and somewhere it is white. It started about one year ago. What can I do now any remedies or diet or treatment? Please help.  Read Full »

Dr. Rabia Anjum

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Yes, you have pigmentation problem along with mild acne. I will suggest you to start with topical Clindamycin lotion over the pimple area morning and evening and a topical retinoid at night time by mixing it in cold cream. Wash your face with a mild soap. Retinoid at...  Read Full »

How to manage acne dark spots on my back, upper arm, and chest?

Query: Hi doctor,Because of body acne, I have a lot of dark spots on my back, upper arms, and chest region. I have been using a dark spot corrector with little results. I was wondering if there was a treatment that could help fade all my dark pigmentation instantly or quickly. Thank you.  Read Full »

Dr. Gaurang Gupta

Answer: Hello, Welcome to 1. Use mild skin care products well formulated to eliminate the spots left behind the acne. 2. Use a BHA (Beta Hydroxy Acid) exfoliant daily. 3. Alpha hydroxy acids (Glycolic or Lactic Acid) can help fade uneven skin tone. 4. Use a broad-spectrum (SPF 30) sunscree...  Read Full »

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