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HomeAnswersNutritionistpregnancyWhat is the best food during 8 weeks of pregnancy?

What is the best food during 8 weeks of pregnancy?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

Answered by

Dr. Suneetha B S

Medically reviewed by

iCliniq medical review team

Published At November 21, 2017
Reviewed AtJanuary 31, 2024

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

What is the best food during 8 weeks of pregnancy?

Answered by Dr. Suneetha B S


Welcome to icliniq.com.

Pregnancy is a state where a woman needs high quality nutrition to ensure development of a healthy baby.

It is very important to include green leafy vegetables such as spinach and dill, to improve health and prevent any deficiencies in blood.

It would be great if you can include a raw vegetable salad as a mini meal everyday. I usually advise pregnant women to take at least three different fruits everyday.

Some fruits like papaya need to be avoided.

You can include one serving of protein powder with milk once a day. In addition to healthy food, also take iron and folic acid supplements, calcium and vitamin supplements if necessary as per the doctor's advice.

Also, it is very important for a pregnant woman to sleep 8 hours a day. This can be divided as 7.5 hours sleep at night and then a half hour nap after lunch (with a minimum gap of half an hour after food intake).

It is very good for pregnant women to go on a half an hour moderate paced walk everyday.

Consult a nutritionist online for further details regarding a special diet plan for yourself --> https://www.icliniq.com/ask-a-doctor-online/nutritionist

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Dr. Suneetha B S
Dr. Suneetha B S


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